FFMpeg permission denied error


Solution 1

I've spend weeks to remove some conflicts of libraries and ffmpeg got installed. But unfortunately I installed it in /root/bin/.

Typing this in the terminal fixed it for me:

cp -r /root/ffmpeg_build 

cp -r /root/bin/{ffmpeg,ffplay,ffserver,x264,yasm} /usr/local/bin/

And it's working fine.

Solution 2

You can't use a link whose target is in a directory you don't have access to. The effective permissions on a link are those of its target.

I have no idea why you decided to install in /root/bin, that is not what the guide you followed tells you to do. You should have installed everything in $HOME/bin, your $HOME. I am guessing that you followed all the steps from the guide but running everything from a root shell (sudo -i or sudo su or su). If so, you should be able to get everything to work as expected if you just copy the directories created to your $HOME:

sudo cp -r /root/ffmpeg_build ~/
sudo cp /root/bin/* ~/bin

The last command will copy everything from /root/bin to ~/bin which might not be what you want. If for whatever reason you have other files in there, just pick up the ones you created for ffmpeg:

sudo cp /root/bin/{ffmpeg,ffplay,ffserver,x264,yasm} ~/bin/

Anyway, once all files have been copied, you can create the link in /usr/local/bin for non-admin users. Even better, you can just move the directories above to /usr/local and the binaries directly to ~/usr/local/bin. However, note that they will be overwritten if you ever install ffmpeg from the repositories using sudo apt-get install ffmpeg.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Trev
    Trev almost 2 years

    I installed ffmpeg into /root/bin

    I followed this guide: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/Ubuntu

    I now want a non admin to access it. I created a symbolic link in /usr/local/bin

    now if i try to execute i get:

    -bash: /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg: Permission denied