Find the 3rd Maximum Salary for each department based on table data


Solution 1

Select EmpID,empname,deptid,salary
 From (
Select *
      ,RN  = Row_Number() over (Partition By deptid Order By Salary)
      ,Cnt = sum(1) over (Partition By deptid)
 From  employee1
      ) A
 Where RN = case when Cnt<3 then Cnt else 3 end


enter image description here

Solution 2

The answer will depend if you want ties and how to handle them. If you want no ties and even if one employee ties with another it becomes the next highest salary then the trick is to use a row_number like the one you are showing only with descending on salary and then use another row_number to reverse it. If you did not want to use row_number a second time you could do it with a few other techniques as well but step 1 is find highest step 2 is to reverse that order

; WITH cteRankSalariesByDepartment AS (
       ,RowNum = DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY deptid ORDER BY salary DESC)

, cteReverseRankHighestSalaries AS (
       ,RowNum2 = DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY deptid ORDER BY RowNum DESC)
       RowNum <= 3

    RowNum2 = 1

Per your comment updated to DENSE_RANK() you could simply use it in place of row_number() and you will get your ties.

Solution 3

Just you query needs count and row_number with condition as below:

;with cte
select ROW_NUMBER( ) over( partition by deptid order by salary desc) as id, 
    Cnt = count(*) over(partition by deptid), * from employee1 
select * from cte where ( cnt >= 3 and id = 3 )
or ( cnt < 3 and id = 1 )

Solution 4

You could use UNION

;with cte
select ROW_NUMBER( ) over( partition by deptid order by salary) as id, * from employee1 

--get the 3rd highest
from cte
where id = 3 


--get the highest / max
from cte c
--this determines the highest which salary for each dept
inner join
   (select deptid, max(id) id 
    from cte 
    group by deptid) x on x.deptid = c.deptid and =
--this limits it on depts that aren't in the list in the first part of the query
   c.deptid not in (select deptid from cte where id = 3)

Solution 5

you can try a query like below:

select * from 
 empname ,
 deptid ,
 salary ,
 ROW_NUMBER( ) over( partition by deptid order by id desc) as rev_id
 ROW_NUMBER( ) over( partition by deptid order by salary) as id, 
 empname ,
 deptid ,
from employee1 
t where id<=3 
)t where rev_id=1

working demo

Author by


Business Intelligence Developer with 5 + years of Experience in MS-SQL Server,T-SQL, SSIS, SSRS, SSAS , Tableau ,power bi, COGNOS, AZURE DATAWAREHOUSE

Updated on June 07, 2022


  • bmsqldev
    bmsqldev about 2 years

    I need to find out the 3rd maximum salary for an employee for each department in a table. if no 3rd maximum salary exists then display 2nd maximum salary. if no 2nd maximum salary exist then find the highest salary. How to achieve this result in sql-server?

    The table structure is given below

    create table employee1(empid int, empname varchar(10), deptid int, salary money)
    insert into employee1
    select 1,'a',1, 1000
    select 1,'b',1, 1200 
    select 1,'c',1, 1500 
    select 1,'c',1, 15700 
    select 1,'d',2, 1000 
    select 1,'e',2, 1200 
    select 1,'g',3, 1500 

    I have tried the common way of getting the maximum salary for each category using row_number function.

    ;with cte
    select ROW_NUMBER( ) over( partition by deptid order by salary) as id, * from employee1 
    select * from cte
    • Matt
      Matt almost 7 years
      What if there are ties? do you want both records that tie? And in that case what if 1 person has highest salary and 2 people are tied for second do you then want the 3rd highest salary (4th person) or one of the second?
    • bmsqldev
      bmsqldev almost 7 years
      yeah..i would change row_number to dense_rank to address the ties.
    • Matt
      Matt almost 7 years
      I updated the answer with ties you simply need to replace the row_number() with dense_rank()
  • Matt
    Matt almost 7 years
    like the count trick hadn't thought of that. but it doesn't work if there are ties and use DENSE_RANK() to get them instead of ROW_NUBMER(). But I definitely like will have to add that to my arsenal :)
  • John Cappelletti
    John Cappelletti almost 7 years
    @Matt Correct, to my shame, I never even considered ties. :-\
  • Matt
    Matt almost 7 years
    The answer for dept 1 for the 3rd highest salary would be empid 1 & 2 at 1200.00. you have your ORDER BY reversed on your ctes but when you fix then you are presenting the answer I have already posted
  • Radim Bača
    Radim Bača almost 7 years
    It returns completely wrong results in certain cases:
  • Matt
    Matt almost 7 years
    @RadimBača I'm not sure if you commented on the wrong answer but your statement and example are both not relevant to this answer. In your example you have your order by in correct and you are using row_number instead of dense rank for ties. First you have to order by salary descending which would put the highest salary(ies) as row 1 then you sort by ascend salary which puts the lowest of those as row 1 because rownum can reasonably be used as a surrogate as long as you use it descending that works too
  • Radim Bača
    Radim Bača almost 7 years
    sorry I made a mistake, your answer is ok.