Firebase automatic screen reporting is enabled in xcode log


Solution 1

No concern; yes, is used for analytics (bolding mine):

Sets the current screen name, which specifies the current visual context in your app. This helps identify the areas in your app where users spend their time and how they interact with your app.

FIRAnalytics +setScreenName:screenClass:

Solution 2

Set a new key-value pair on info.plist FirebaseScreenReportingEnabled = NO.

More information follow the below picture

enter image description here

Solution 3

Knowing which screen the user is on, helps identify the areas in your app where users spend their time and how they interact with your app.

If you disable automatic screen reporting, the Firebase Analytics reports will not automatically show the screen the user is on anymore. You can still call the setScreenName:screenClass: method to report the screen that the user is on.

Mike Flynn
Author by

Mike Flynn

I am the founder and CEO of Exposure Events. Exposure Events is a tournament and league management system delivering online scheduling and conflict checker, live results, apps, free directory and more.

Updated on August 05, 2022


  • Mike Flynn
    Mike Flynn almost 2 years

    Is the following message when my app loads have any cause for concern. If I disabled FirebaseAutomaticScreenReportingEnabled does that have any consequence? Not much info about this online.

    Firebase automatic screen reporting is enabled. Call +[FIRAnalytics setScreenName:setScreenClass:] to set the screen name or override the default screen class name. To disable automatic screen reporting, set the flag FirebaseAutomaticScreenReportingEnabled to NO in the Info.plist

  • Mike Flynn
    Mike Flynn over 7 years
    So this is just for analytics reporting? Can be ignored?
  • Hemang
    Hemang over 5 years
    Yes, it can be ignored by setting FirebaseScreenReportingEnable to false in Info.plist of your app.
  • CGN
    CGN almost 5 years
    That didn't works for me. Maybe something extra to do?
  • user1947894
    user1947894 over 4 years
    @CGN what worked for you? I'm also having same issue. plist entry is not solving this issue. I'm using Xcode 11.1 and XS device running on iOS 13.1.2.
  • CGN
    CGN over 4 years
    @user1947894: By setting FirebaseScreenReportingEnabled = NO in the info.plist (like shown in the screenshot above) I was able to turn off the screen reporting by Firebase. That's what was working for me. Hope, that helps you.
  • Patronics
    Patronics over 3 years
    Welcome to stack overflow! To help others that run into this issue, could you add a little more information on how you figured this out, or an explanation of how it helps?