Firebase CLI: "Configure as a single-page app (rewrite all urls to /index.html)"


Solution 1

That option simply sets a flag in the firebase.json file to redirect all URLs to /index.html.

"rewrites": [ {
  "source": "**",
  "destination": "/index.html"
} ]

See the documentation of Firebase Hosting for more information, which also contains this fuller example:

"hosting": {
  // ...

 // Add the "rewrites" attribute within "hosting"
  "rewrites": [ {
    // Serves index.html for requests to files or directories that do not exist
    "source": "**",
    "destination": "/index.html"
  }, {
    // Serves index.html for requests to both "/foo" and "/foo/**"
    // Using "/foo/**" only matches paths like "/foo/xyz", but not "/foo"
    "source": "/foo{,/**}",
    "destination": "/index.html"
  }, {
    // Excludes specified pathways from rewrites
    "source": "!/@(js|css)/**",
    "destination": "/index.html"
  } ]

Solution 2

Full example:

  "hosting": {
    "public": ".",
    "rewrites": [
        "source": "**",
        "destination": "/index.html"

Solution 3

If you set it to yes, then all invalid URLs like will be redirected to index.html of your site which is a good thing. You can also set it to your custom 404.html.



  "hosting": {
    "public": "pubic",
    "ignore": ["firebase.json", "**/.*", "**/node_modules/**"],
    "rewrites": [
        "source": "**",
        "destination": "/index.html"
    "cleanUrls": true

Bonus: set the cleanUrls to true to remove .html extensions from your deployed website urls else all urls without .html will redirect to index.html.

Solution 4

Official Firebase explanation:

We had used that option last year (Q1 & Q2) but it seemed to do nothing, but nowadays when we apply it, definitely things work very different. The complete official explanation of what it does comes in here:

There's even some useful information about Headers usage in the next section of the same page.

Solution 5

As a note: if you would like to have Server-Side Rendering (SSR), type No and set up your rewrites as follow:

"rewrites": [
    "function": "angularUniversalFunction",
    "source": "**"

After all, whatever you will choose you can always change this in a firebase.json file.

Kayce Basques
Author by

Kayce Basques

Updated on December 06, 2020


  • Kayce Basques
    Kayce Basques over 3 years

    I just used the Firebase CLI to init a static hosting project. What exactly happens when you enable the "configure as a single-page app" option? I'm looking for a description of exactly which files are modified, and what kind of effect this has on the Firebase backend.

    Screenshot of firebase init command

  • Teoman shipahi
    Teoman shipahi over 6 years
    With this config localhost:5000/qqq renders but not localhost:5000/qqq/www how can I fix this issue? Second link does not renders index.html
  • Oliver Dixon
    Oliver Dixon almost 6 years
    How can we also write an API/functions here then? So for example: '' which would also be redirecting to a function but also has a root using **
  • Frank van Puffelen
    Frank van Puffelen over 4 years
    Thanks for flagging. I added the more complete example from the linked documentation to help reduce that risk.
  • Mars2024
    Mars2024 about 2 years
    If you're using React, this will allow your JS to redirect to each route as intended if you are using React Router as your routing system