How do I find out what the current version of Firebase Tools is


Solution 1

The flags -V and --version outputs the version number for firebase-tools. So to determine the current version, run:

firebase --version

To upgrade Firebase tools to the latest version, run:

npm upgrade firebase-tools -g

Solution 2

Try running :

 firebase tools --version

Solution 3

Run firebase tools --version to check version.

And as per the prompt, run npm install -g firebase-tools to update.

enter image description here


You're right. It looks like it matches the version numbers of this library, but not another.

Solution 4

New Answer on 2019-Dec-1

Just do firebase --version it will give you the version number enter image description here

Alan Wells
Author by

Alan Wells

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Updated on October 05, 2021


  • Alan Wells
    Alan Wells over 2 years

    From the node.js command prompt, using:

    $ firebase help

    gives this list:

    Usage: firebase [options] [command]
     - -V, --version - output the version number
     - -P, --project <alias_or_project_id> - the Firebase project to use for this command
     - -j, --json - output JSON instead of text, also triggers non-interactive mode   --token <token> - supply an auth token for
       this command
     - --non-interactive - error out of the command instead of waiting for prompts
     - --interactive - force interactive shell treatment even when not detected
     - --debug - print verbose debug output and keep a debug log file
     - -h, --help - output usage information
     - auth:import [options] [dataFile]           import users into your
       Firebase project from a data file(.csv or .json)
     - auth:export [options] [dataFile]           Export accounts from your
       Firebase project into a data file
     - database:get [options] <path>              fetch and print JSON data
       at the specified path
     - database:push [options] <path> [infile]    add a new JSON object to a
       list of data in your Firebase
     - database:set [options] <path> [infile]     store JSON data at the
       specified path via STDIN, arg, or file
     - database:remove [options] <path>           remove data from your
       Firebase at the specified path
     - database:update [options] <path> [infile]  update some of the keys
       for the defined path in your Firebase
     - database:profile [options]                 profile the Realtime
       Database and generate a usage report
     - firestore:delete [options] [path]          Delete data from Cloud
     - firestore:indexes [options]                List indexes in your
       project's Cloud Firestore database.
     - deploy [options]                           deploy code and assets to
       your Firebase project
     - hosting:disable [options]                  stop serving web traffic
       to your Firebase Hosting site
     - functions:log [options]                    read logs from deployed
     - functions:shell [options]                  launch full Node shell
       with emulated functions
     - functions:config:clone [options]           clone environment config
       from another project
     - functions:config:get [path]                fetch environment config
       stored at the given path
     - functions:config:set [values...]           set environment config
       with key=value syntax
     - functions:config:unset [keys...]           unset environment config
       at the specified path(s)
     - functions:delete [options] [filters...]    delete one or more Cloud
       Functions by name or group name.
     - experimental:functions:shell [options]     launch full Node shell
       with emulated functions. (Alias for `firebase functions:shell.)
     - help [command]                             display help information
     - init [feature]                             setup a Firebase project
       in the current directory
     - list                                       list the Firebase projects
       you have access to
     - login [options]                            log the CLI into Firebase
     - login:ci [options]                         generate an access token
       for use in non-interactive environments
     - logout                                     log the CLI out of
     - open [link]                                quickly open a browser to
       relevant project resources
     - serve [options]                            start a local server for
       your static assets
     - setup:web                                  display this project's
       setup information for the Firebase JS SDK
     - setup:emulators:database                   downloads the database
     - setup:emulators:firestore                  downloads the firestore
     - target [type]                              display configured deploy
       targets for the current project
     - target:apply <type> <name> <resources...>  apply a deploy target to a
     - target:clear <type> <target>               clear all resources from a
       named resource target
     - target:remove <type> <resource>            remove a resource target
     - tools:migrate [options]                    ensure your firebase.json
       format is up to date
     - use [options] [alias_or_project_id]        set an active Firebase
       project for your working directory

    To get help with a specific command, type firebase help [command_name]

    $ firebase -V

    Gives a version number, but I don't know if it's the version number of Firebase Tools.

    The only command for tools is:

    tools:migrate [options]

    Which is to: ensure your firebase.json format is up to date

    How do I get the current version of firebase tools?

  • Alan Wells
    Alan Wells over 5 years
    Running npm upgrade firebase-tools -g ran an update and displayed -- [email protected] But, I wanted to know my current version before updating. So, if I don't want the most recent version, I now need to revert back somehow, and that's what I wanted to avoid.
  • Alan Wells
    Alan Wells over 5 years
    I just realized that the command $ firebase -V does give the version number of Firebase Tools. After updating to 6.1.2 I ran $ firebase -V again, and it displayed 6.1.2 and previously it displayed 6.1.1
  • Frank van Puffelen
    Frank van Puffelen over 5 years
    Ah, I see that you your question. I'll update my answer, but I'm also just happy you got it sorted.
  • Jay Querido
    Jay Querido almost 4 years
    CAUTION: This doesn't answer the question, but instead changes your system. The correct answer is the one by Fakebounce (firebase tools --version). Any other answer (at the time of writing) is more correct than this.
  • auspicious99
    auspicious99 almost 4 years
    But if an upgrade is available, this doesn't tell you, unlike firebase tools --version. Are there some other benefits of using firebase --version besides not having to type the "tools" in the middle?
  • dta
    dta over 3 years
    Since it only outputs the number and nothing else, it's useful for scripting.