Firebase Cloud Messaging in flutter function works but didn't receive notification


It appears that my token was going as null in fcm function rectified it.

Pushpendra Pal
Author by

Pushpendra Pal

Updated on December 13, 2022


  • Pushpendra Pal
    Pushpendra Pal over 1 year

    I want to send fcm notication to device but the problem is it's hitting api success fully but the push notification is not send to app.

     Future<bool> callOnFcmApiSendPushNotifications(
          Future<String> userToken, Message message) async {
        final postUrl = '';
        final data = {
          "notification": {"body": message.message, "title": "New Notification"},
          "priority": "high",
          "data": {
            "click_action": "FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK",
            "id": "1",
            "status": "done"
          "to": "$userToken"
        final headers = {
          'content-type': 'application/json',
              'key=Server key'
        print('hit till response');
        final response = await Dio()
            .post(postUrl, data: data, options: Options(headers: headers));
        if (response.statusCode == 200) {
          // on success do sth
          print('test ok push CFM');
          return true;
        } else {
          print(' CFM error');
          // on failure do sth
          return false;
      static Future<String> getToken(userId) async {
        final Firestore _db = Firestore.instance;
        var token;
        await _db
            .then((snapshot) {
          snapshot.documents.forEach((doc) {
            token = doc.documentID;
        return token;

    my message sending code

    Future<void> addMessageToDb(
          Message message, User sender, User receiver) async {
        var map = message.toMap();
        await firestore
        var token = getToken(message.receiverId);
        print('token setted for fcm');
        callOnFcmApiSendPushNotifications(token, message);
        print('fcm worked');
        return await firestore

    my console after message is sent :

    I/flutter (14894): hari
    I/flutter (14894): token setted for fcm
    I/flutter (14894): let's see
    I/flutter (14894): Instance of 'Future<String>'
    I/flutter (14894): hit till response
    I/flutter (14894): fcm worked
    I/flutter (14894): 200
    I/flutter (14894): test ok push CFM

    as in my console i can see all the print statement part fcm function but i do not get any notification in my app. Help appreciated