Fitting a Weibull distribution using Scipy


Solution 1

My guess is that you want to estimate the shape parameter and the scale of the Weibull distribution while keeping the location fixed. Fixing loc assumes that the values of your data and of the distribution are positive with lower bound at zero.

floc=0 keeps the location fixed at zero, f0=1 keeps the first shape parameter of the exponential weibull fixed at one.

>>>, floc=0, f0=1)
[1, 1.8553346917584836, 0, 6.8820748596850905]
>>>, floc=0)
[1.8553346917584836, 0, 6.8820748596850549]

The fit compared to the histogram looks ok, but not very good. The parameter estimates are a bit higher than the ones you mention are from R and matlab.


The closest I can get to the plot that is now available is with unrestricted fit, but using starting values. The plot is still less peaked. Note values in fit that don't have an f in front are used as starting values.

>>> from scipy import stats
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.plot(data, stats.exponweib.pdf(data, *, 1, 1, scale=02, loc=0)))
>>> _ = plt.hist(data, bins=np.linspace(0, 16, 33), normed=True, alpha=0.5);

exponweib fit

Solution 2

It is easy to verify which result is the true MLE, just need a simple function to calculate log likelihood:

>>> def wb2LL(p, x): #log-likelihood
    return sum(log(stats.weibull_min.pdf(x, p[1], 0., p[0])))
>>> adata=loadtxt('/home/user/stack_data.csv')
>>> wb2LL(array([6.8820748596850905, 1.8553346917584836]), adata)
>>> wb2LL(array([5.93030013, 1.57463497]), adata)

The result from fit method of exponweib and R fitdistr (@Warren) is better and has higher log likelihood. It is more likely to be the true MLE. It is not surprising that the result from GAMLSS is different. It is a complete different statistic model: Generalized Additive Model.

Still not convinced? We can draw a 2D confidence limit plot around MLE, see Meeker and Escobar's book for detail). Multi-dimensional Confidence Region

Again this verifies that array([6.8820748596850905, 1.8553346917584836]) is the right answer as loglikelihood is lower that any other point in the parameter space. Note:

>>> log(array([6.8820748596850905, 1.8553346917584836]))
array([ 1.92892018,  0.61806511])

BTW1, MLE fit may not appears to fit the distribution histogram tightly. An easy way to think about MLE is that MLE is the parameter estimate most probable given the observed data. It doesn't need to visually fit the histogram well, that will be something minimizing mean square error.

BTW2, your data appears to be leptokurtic and left-skewed, which means Weibull distribution may not fit your data well. Try, e.g. Gompertz-Logistic, which improves log-likelihood by another about 100. enter image description here enter image description here Cheers!

Solution 3

I know it's an old post, but I just faced a similar problem and this thread helped me solve it. Thought my solution might be helpful for others like me:

# Fit Weibull function, some explanation below
params =, floc=0, f0=1)
shape = params[1]
scale = params[3]
print 'shape:',shape
print 'scale:',scale

#### Plotting
# Histogram first
values,bins,hist = plt.hist(data,bins=51,range=(0,25),normed=True)
center = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2.

# Using all params and the stats function

# Using my own Weibull function as a check
def weibull(u,shape,scale):
    '''Weibull distribution for wind speed u with shape parameter k and scale parameter A'''
    return (shape / scale) * (u / scale)**(shape-1) * np.exp(-(u/scale)**shape)

plt.plot(center,weibull(center,shape,scale),label='Wind analysis',lw=2)

Some extra info that helped me understand:

Scipy Weibull function can take four input parameters: (a,c),loc and scale. You want to fix the loc and the first shape parameter (a), this is done with floc=0,f0=1. Fitting will then give you params c and scale, where c corresponds to the shape parameter of the two-parameter Weibull distribution (often used in wind data analysis) and scale corresponds to its scale factor.

From docs:

exponweib.pdf(x, a, c) =
    a * c * (1-exp(-x**c))**(a-1) * exp(-x**c)*x**(c-1)

If a is 1, then

exponweib.pdf(x, a, c) =
    c * (1-exp(-x**c))**(0) * exp(-x**c)*x**(c-1)
  = c * (1) * exp(-x**c)*x**(c-1)
  = c * x **(c-1) * exp(-x**c)

From this, the relation to the 'wind analysis' Weibull function should be more clear

Solution 4

I was curious about your question and, despite this is not an answer, it compares the Matlab result with your result and with the result using leastsq, which showed the best correlation with the given data:

enter image description here

The code is as follows:

import scipy.stats as s
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy.random as mtrand
from scipy.integrate import quad
from scipy.optimize import leastsq

## my distribution (Inverse Normal with shape parameter mu=1.0)
def weib(x,n,a):
    return (a / n) * (x / n)**(a-1) * np.exp(-(x/n)**a)

def residuals(p,x,y):
    integral = quad( weib, 0, 16, args=(p[0],p[1]) )[0]
    penalization = abs(1.-integral)*100000
    return y - weib(x, p[0],p[1]) + penalization

data = np.loadtxt("stack_data.csv")

x = np.linspace(data.min(), data.max(), 100)
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(data,bins=x, normed=True)
binsm = (bins[1:]+bins[:-1])/2

popt, pcov = leastsq(func=residuals, x0=(1.,1.), args=(binsm,n))

loc, scale = 1.58463497, 5.93030013
plt.plot(x, weib(x, loc, scale),
         label='weib matlab, loc=%1.3f, scale=%1.3f' % (loc, scale), lw=4.)
loc, scale = s.exponweib.fit_loc_scale(data, 1, 1)
plt.plot(x, weib(x, loc, scale),
         label='weib stack, loc=%1.3f, scale=%1.3f' % (loc, scale), lw=4.)
plt.plot(x, weib(x,*popt),
         label='weib leastsq, loc=%1.3f, scale=%1.3f' % tuple(popt), lw=4.)

plt.legend(loc='upper right')

Solution 5

I had the same problem, but found that setting loc=0 in primed the pump for the optimization. That was all that was needed from @user333700's answer. I couldn't load your data -- your data link points to an image, not data. So I ran a test on my data instead:

Plot of distribution fit to problematic (bimodal?) data

import scipy.stats as ss
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

counts, bins = np.histogram(x, bins=N)
bin_width = bins[1]-bins[0]
total_count = float(sum(counts))

f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
f.suptitle(query_uri)[:-1]+bin_width/2., counts, align='center', width=.85*bin_width)
def fit_pdf(x, name='lognorm', color='r'):
    dist = getattr(ss, name)  # params = shape, loc, scale
    # dist = ss.gamma  # 3 params

    params =, loc=0)  # 1-day lag minimum for shipping
    y = dist.pdf(bins, *params)*total_count*bin_width
    sqerror_sum = np.log(sum(ci*(yi - ci)**2. for (ci, yi) in zip(counts, y)))
    ax.plot(bins, y, color, lw=3, alpha=0.6, label='%s   err=%3.2f' % (name, sqerror_sum))
    return y

colors = ['r-', 'g-', 'r:', 'g:']

for name, color in zip(['exponweib', 't', 'gamma'], colors): # 'lognorm', 'erlang', 'chi2', 'weibull_min', 
    y = fit_pdf(x, name=name, color=color)

ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)
Author by


Updated on July 09, 2022


  • kungphil
    kungphil almost 2 years

    I am trying to recreate maximum likelihood distribution fitting, I can already do this in Matlab and R, but now I want to use scipy. In particular, I would like to estimate the Weibull distribution parameters for my data set.

    I have tried this:

    import scipy.stats as s
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    def weib(x,n,a):
        return (a / n) * (x / n)**(a - 1) * np.exp(-(x / n)**a)
    data = np.loadtxt("stack_data.csv")
    (loc, scale) = s.exponweib.fit_loc_scale(data, 1, 1)
    print loc, scale
    x = np.linspace(data.min(), data.max(), 1000)
    plt.plot(x, weib(x, loc, scale))
    plt.hist(data, data.max(), density=True)

    And get this:

    (2.5827280639441961, 3.4955032285727947)

    And a distribution that looks like this:

    Weibull distribution using Scipy

    I have been using the exponweib after reading this I have also tried the other Weibull functions in scipy (just in case!).

    In Matlab (using the Distribution Fitting Tool - see screenshot) and in R (using both the MASS library function fitdistr and the GAMLSS package) I get a (loc) and b (scale) parameters more like 1.58463497 5.93030013. I believe all three methods use the maximum likelihood method for distribution fitting.

    Weibull distribution using Matlab

    I have posted my data here if you would like to have a go! And for completeness I am using Python 2.7.5, Scipy 0.12.0, R 2.15.2 and Matlab 2012b.

    Why am I getting a different result!?

  • kungphil
    kungphil almost 11 years
    Thank you user333700 and @Warren for your help with solving this!
  • Atcold
    Atcold about 7 years
    Thanks for the total_count * bin_width term! I actually even prefer len(x) * bin_width.
  • kilojoules
    kilojoules about 7 years
    Can you add an explanation of your variable names? I deal with Weibull PDFs in terms of scale and shape factors...
  • Keith
    Keith about 7 years
    As illustrated in the plot I follow the standard convention to denote k (kappa) as the shape parameter and λ (lambda) as the scale parameter. This can be found on wikipedia for example. The loc is if you want to translate along the x-axis. The a is for a generalization to the Weibull explained here…. Setting a=1 gives the distribution you desire.
  • yanachen
    yanachen almost 7 years
    @user333700 Could you please provide some tip for my new question ?…
  • Brian
    Brian about 6 years
    Obviously very old, but this description of the input parameters for exponweib is what helped it click for me. Again, c=shape, scale=scale. loc is generally 0, and just set the first parameter, a, to 1. Thanks for the help.
  • Marc Schwambach
    Marc Schwambach over 3 years
    A bit late for the party... But I was wondering, what is the reason to set the scale=02 instead of the stats that you received out of the ?
  • Josef
    Josef over 3 years
    The values in, 1, 1, scale=02, loc=0) are just starting values and are not fixing any parameters. Fixing scale would require fscale with leading "f". I guess I found those starting values with some trial and error.