Flask: How to serve static html?


Solution 1

Reducing this to the simplest method that'll work:

  1. Put static assets into your static subfolder.
  2. Leave Flask set to the default, don't give it a static_url_path either.
  3. Access static content over the pre-configured /static/ to verify the file works

If you then still want to reuse a static file, use current_app.send_static_file(), and do not use leading / slashes:

from flask import Flask, current_app
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_world():
    return current_app.send_static_file('editor.html')

This looks for the file editor.html directly inside the static folder.

This presumes that you saved the above file in a folder that has a static subfolder with a file editor.html inside that subfolder.

Some further notes:

  • static_url_path changes the URL static files are available at, not the location on the filesystem used to load the data from.
  • render_template() assumes your file is a Jinja2 template; if it is really just a static file then that is overkill and can lead to errors if there is actual executable syntax in that file that has errors or is missing context.

Solution 2

All the answers are good but what worked well for me is just using the simple function send_file from Flask. This works well when you just need to send an html file as response when host:port/ApiName will show the output of the file in browser

def ApiFunc():
        #return send_file('relAdmin/login.html')
        return send_file('some-other-directory-than-root/your-file.extension')
    except Exception as e:

Author by



Updated on June 23, 2020


  • shuji
    shuji almost 4 years

    I am trying to serve a static html file, but returns a 500 error (a copy of editor.html is on .py and templates directory) This is all I have tried:

    from flask import Flask
    app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path='/templates')
    def hello_world():
        #return 'Hello World1!' #this works correctly!
        #return render_template('editor.html')
        #return render_template('/editor.html')
        #return render_template(url_for('templates', filename='editor.html'))
        #return app.send_static_file('editor.html') #404 error (Not Found)
        return send_from_directory('templates', 'editor.html')

    This is the response:

    Title: 500 Internal Server Srror
    Internal Server Error
    The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.
    • Martijn Pieters
      Martijn Pieters almost 10 years
      There is a different error somewhere else. Most of your attempts should have worked, but if even returning just a string fails, you need to look at your console and see what error is being thrown, or run Flask in debug mode.
    • shuji
      shuji almost 10 years
      I'm sorry I forgot to remove that, but the string works correctly.
    • 1478963
      1478963 almost 10 years
      Did you try app = Flask(__name__) instead of specifying the path?
    • shuji
      shuji almost 10 years
      yes, that was my first attempt, both ways that returns a 404 error Not found
    • Martijn Pieters
      Martijn Pieters almost 10 years
      How are you running the WSGI app?
    • shuji
      shuji almost 10 years
      @MartijnPieters it's just a script in python, I'm still learning the process.
  • shuji
    shuji almost 10 years
    So, what if this is an actual template? how should I call it?
  • Martijn Pieters
    Martijn Pieters almost 10 years
    @shuji: then you put it in the templates subdirectory and use return render_template('editor.html'). Make sure you import the render_template function.
  • Amriteya
    Amriteya about 7 years
    @MartijnPieters I am unable to add my css, js and images to this html file. How should I be storing my helper files so that they get picked up the server?
  • Martijn Pieters
    Martijn Pieters about 7 years
    @Amriteya: why not make the file a proper template and serve it from a new route? That way you can use the standard templating functionality to include static resources like JS, CSS, or images. Otherwise, check your browser development tools to see where it is loading those resources from, and adjust as needed. Without details about your situation, I can't offer anything else but generic advice, and comments are not the place for problem solving like this.
  • Amriteya
    Amriteya about 7 years
    @MartijnPieters It is not loading in my browser under the resources tab. The fact is I have a single HTML and one js, css and image each supporting that HTML. Templating seems pointless for this much.