flutter's WillPopScope disables IOS back gestures, How to enable them?


After searching on the web and trying numerous packages like cupertino_will_pop_scope and back_button_interceptor I found that none of them worked for my use case.

cupertino_will_pop_scope was a miss and hit thing so sometimes it worked and sometimes it didnt.

here is a solution for anyone who hasn't found an answer to this yet.

as I mentioned before the WillPopScope works perfectly on android so no need to change functionality over there.

for IOS however I used Gesture Detector to detect a swipe from left gesture and do my actions accordingly.

        //When OS is Android return the view as is 
        return MyView;
       //When OS is iOS return the view as is wrapped with GestreDetector

        return GestureDetector(
          onHorizontalDragUpdate: (details) {
            //set the sensitivity for your ios gesture anywhere between 10-50 is good

            int sensitivity = Integers().iosSwipeSensitivity;

            if (details.delta.dx > sensitivity) {
          child: MyView;
junaid tariq
Author by

junaid tariq

Updated on December 30, 2022


  • junaid tariq
    junaid tariq over 1 year

    I am creating an app where I have complete manual control over every back button press.

    I basically have widgets/views changing in my app instead of the Navigator pushing and popping new screens.

    I created a function where I am able to display views 1,2 and 3. and go back using the back button on android. however in case of iOS the back gesture does not work and I am unable to change views.

    any workaround? Help would be appreciated

      Future<bool> goBackward(){
        if(_isButtonPressed) {
          if(currentView == 0)
              return Future<bool>.value(true);
          else if(currentView == 1)
              currentView = 0;
              return Future<bool>.value(false);
              currentView = 2;
              return Future<bool>.value(false);

    above is minimal version of code. when I return true that means I'm ready to Pop screen on back press