Flutter Google Map increase marker icon size when being selected


The problem you are having is that Marker isn't a stateful widget so setState won't work with it. In fact it's not a Widget at all (it's a MapObject) so it has no builder method.

Whenever you tap a marker, you will need to replace your list of Markers with a new list and then use setState to rebuild the GoogleMap widget (which IS a stateful widget), using your new list of markers.

The code snippet below displays a set of blue icon markers. When you tap one it rebuilds all the markers setting the BitmapDescriptor of the selected pin to a green icon (you can just substitute green/blue icons with large/small BitmapDescriptors)

Hope this helps you solve your problem

final greenPin =
final bluePin = BitmapDescriptor.defaultMarkerWithHue(BitmapDescriptor.hueBlue);

class MyMapPage extends StatefulWidget {

  _MyMapPageState createState() => _MyMapPageState();

class _MyMapPageState extends State<MyMapPage> {
  var pinList = [
    MarkerDetails(1, LatLng(52, 1), bigIcon: greenPin, smallIcon: bluePin),
    MarkerDetails(2, LatLng(52, 1.1), bigIcon: greenPin, smallIcon: bluePin),
    MarkerDetails(3, LatLng(52, 1.2), bigIcon: greenPin, smallIcon: bluePin),
    MarkerDetails(4, LatLng(52, 1.3), bigIcon: greenPin, smallIcon: bluePin),
  var markerList;

  void initState() {
    markerList = _generateMarkerList(pinList, 0);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: GoogleMap(
        myLocationEnabled: true,
        myLocationButtonEnabled: false,
        markers: Set.from(markerList),
            CameraPosition(target: pinList[0].position, zoom: 9),

  List<Marker> _generateMarkerList(
      List<MarkerDetails> detailsList, int selectedKey) {
    return detailsList
        .map((place) => Marker(
                  LatLng(place.position.latitude, place.position.longitude),
              markerId: MarkerId(place.key.toString()),
              infoWindow: InfoWindow(
                  title: place.key.toString(), snippet: place.toString()),
              onTap: () => setState(() =>
                  markerList = _generateMarkerList(detailsList, place.key)),
              icon: selectedKey == place.key ? place.bigIcon : place.smallIcon,

class MarkerDetails {
  final int key;
  final LatLng position;
  final BitmapDescriptor bigIcon;
  final BitmapDescriptor smallIcon;
  MarkerDetails(this.key, this.position,
      {@required this.bigIcon, @required this.smallIcon});
Author by


Information Technology Student at the moment :)

Updated on December 30, 2022


  • AgentRed
    AgentRed over 1 year

    Is there any way to increase the icon size of the marker in the map when being selected?

    I've tried putting List<BitmapDescriptor> where it composes of two bitmapDescriptor so I can easily call the bitmap if I need to show the small/big version of the icon

    bitmapDescriptor[0] // small
    bitmapDescriptor[1] // big

    but I think setState doesn't work in Markers that's is why it's not updating the icon.


            markerId: MarkerId(lBusLoc[index].businessID.toString()),
            position: LatLng(lBusLoc[index].latitude, lBusLoc[index].longitude),
            infoWindow: InfoWindow(title: '', snippet: '${bus.busName}'),
            icon: selectedBusId == bus.busId //condition
                ? bitmapDescriptor[1] //big
                : bitmapDescriptor[0], //small
            onTap: ()  {
              setState(() {
                selectedBusId = bus.busId;       

    is there any better way to this?