Flutter Integration Tests with Travis CI


Solution 1

1. The Overview

Kudos to @MirceaMatei and Maurice McCabe for helping out in this.

  1. I haven't yet been able to make Android Integration Tests work (the last stage of the code below), but at least iOS is working.
    • Android is much harder to get right because of different versions and licenses, something Apple does much better.
  2. The code you will find below is part of a custom mono repo setup I'm working on.
    • The folder structure consists of an app and a packages folders.
  3. I haven't yet segmented code coverage by those two folders either, so this setup is currently overwriting code coverage from one folder to another.
  4. Using a top level install section makes Travis repeat that setup for every stage, so that avoids having to do that repeatedly for every stage.

I'm sharing my current — albeit incomplete — setup below, but continuous improvement will happen through this Github Gist, which is a much better way of interacting with the community to improve code than StackOverflow — it's not its purpose.

All in all, I think Travis CI is really dropping the ball when it comes to Flutter — and maybe Android in general. An easier alternative that has been hyped by many practitioners I've come into contact recently is Codemagic, which also offers code signing and automated deployment to the iOS and Android app stores.

2. Useful Resources

I didn't really like Travis documentation for the integration tests. People creating pure Android apps filed similar issues.

Anyway, here are some useful resources I've found during my searches:

  1. Issue Comment on "Error: Target id is not valid. Use 'android list targets' to get the target ids."
  2. “Invalid --abi armeabi-v7a for the selected target” with Google APIs
  3. Is there a way to start android emulator in Travis CI build?
  4. Travis-CI Android 28 licenses have not been accepted
  5. Flutter Samples Travis Setup
  6. @MirceaMatei's Travis Setup Recommendation
  7. Travis Building Android Projects Documentation
  8. Maurice McCabe's Unit and Integration Tests with Travis Article on Medium

3. The Code

Please, do not post code improvement suggestions here, but in the the Github Gist. I'll be updating the yaml code below myself every time a useful iteration arrives.

language: dart

    - DARTSDK=./flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin
    - DARTFMT=$DARTSDK/dartfmt
    - FLUTTER=./flutter/bin/flutter
    - FLUTTER_UP=../flutter/bin/flutter
    - FLUTTER_GITHUB=https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git
    - CODECOV=https://codecov.io/bash
    - PACKAGES=packages
    - APP=app
    - ANDROID_API=28

  - git clone $FLUTTER_GITHUB -b stable --depth 1
  - $FLUTTER doctor
  - $FLUTTER pub get

    - stage: Formatting
        - $DARTFMT -n $PACKAGES --set-exit-if-changed

    - stage: Packages Flutter Test
        - $FLUTTER test --coverage $PACKAGES
        - bash <(curl -s $CODECOV)

    - stage: App Flutter Test
        - cd $APP
        - $FLUTTER_UP test --coverage
        - bash <(curl -s $CODECOV)

    - stage: iOS Integration Tests
      os: osx
      osx_image: xcode11
        - open /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Applications/Simulator.app
        - export HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1
        - brew install libimobiledevice
        - brew install ideviceinstaller
        - brew install ios-deploy
        - brew install cocoapods || echo 'ignore exit(1)'
        - brew link --overwrite cocoapods
        - cd $APP
        - $FLUTTER_UP driver --target=test_driver/app.dart77

    - stage: Android Integration Tests
      language: android
      dist: trusty
          - tools
          - platform-tools
          - build-tools-25.0.3
          - android-24
          - android-22
          - extra-google-google_play_services
          - extra-google-m2repository
          - extra-android-m2repository
          - sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-22
        - 'android-sdk-preview-license-52d11cd2'
        - 'android-sdk-license-.+'
        - 'google-gdk-license-.+'
        - yes | sdkmanager "platforms;android-28"
        - echo no | android create avd --force -n test -t android-22 --abi armeabi-v7a -c 32M
        - emulator -avd test -no-audio -no-window &
        - android-wait-for-emulator
        - adb devices
        - adb shell input keyevent 82 &
        - $FLUTTER --version
        - $FLUTTER doctor
        - cd $APP
        - $FLUTTER_UP devices
        - $FLUTTER_UP driver --target=test_driver/app.dart

Solution 2

You can take a look at this project

I think it has all the components you are looking for. It's a Dart package that has, in the solution, an example integration project for Flutter.

The CI pipeline is built for Travis CI (based mostly on Maurice McCabe's article). It's possible that the travis.yml file has all the sections you need.

Philippe Fanaro
Author by

Philippe Fanaro

Graduated as an Electrical/Telecommunications Engineer in 2017, from the University of São Paulo, Brazil. Converted to Machine Learning in 2018. Became a Flutter App Developer in 2019. I'm also a ("retired") Go (Baduk or Weiqi) player, and I also have a website with some curious and interesting stuff: fanaro.io

Updated on December 18, 2022


  • Philippe Fanaro
    Philippe Fanaro over 1 year

    1. The Summary of the Problem

    I would like a Travis CI setup that would let me run flutter driver tests inside an Android and an iOS environments. For this to happen, I expect I somehow have to install Flutter, Android and iOS in different environments.

    2. What I Have So Far

    Most of the posts I've been able to find on this topic are terribly outdated or feature incredibly complicated setups. Some of those that keep on appearing in my searches are:

    • Test Flutter apps on Travis, by Yegor Jbanov. This one covers unit and widget testing (flutter test), but not integration tests.

      • It's from early 2017 and Travis CI has maybe simplified its API, because I've managed to make it work with only this:

        language: dart
          - stable
          - dartfmt
          - git clone https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git -b stable
          - ./flutter/bin/flutter doctor
          - ./flutter/bin/flutter test
    • One resource that I've found very useful is the .travis.yml in the Flutter samples repo. The setup there seems very complicated to me though.
    • The closest I could get to what I wanted is similar to Maurice McCabe's Flutter unit, widget and integration testing with IOS and Android emulators on Travis-CI.
      • Again, this seems overcomplicated and outdated.

    3. The Sketch of What I Have in Mind

    The script and install steps in the example I mentioned previously could be replaced by jobs with stages. In this way, each stage would represent one sort of step. Unit and Widget stages in one, integration tests on Android and iOS in two others, which is similar to what Maurice McCabe and Flutter samples show. For example:

        - stage: Flutter Test
          language: dart
          os: linux
          install: git clone $FLUTTER_GITHUB -b stable
            - ./flutter/bin/flutter doctor
            - ./flutter/bin/flutter test
        - stage: Integration Test on Android
          os: linux
          dist: trusty
          language: android
          android: # the things here are what probably needs to be fixed
              - build-tools-28.0.3
              - android-28
          install: git clone $FLUTTER_GITHUB -b stable
            - ./flutter/bin/flutter doctor
            - ./flutter/bin/flutter drive --target=test_driver/app.dart

    If I could create a stage for the dartfmt task that would also be nice in terms of organization.

  • Philippe Fanaro
    Philippe Fanaro about 4 years
    Very nice. As a coincidence, I was working on this again since yesterday. I'm gonna try to incorporate your solution to my attempts and see if it works, then I'll share my complete solution so we can maybe both learn from each other. Btw, you didn't create a stage for Android, did you? McCabe's article has one, and maybe you manage to get it to work but didn't bother putting it there?
  • Philippe Fanaro
    Philippe Fanaro about 4 years
    I'm gonna invest today and maybe tomorrow into making this work, but then I might change my CI/CD to use Codemagic. It's much faster, since it's optimized for Flutter, much simpler, and some other people I talked to about this use Codemagic already. Travis would be nice because it's the standard for programming, but they really dropped the ball when it comes to Flutter and Dart quite frankly.
  • Mircea Matei
    Mircea Matei about 4 years
    Good job. Sharing is caring! You're right, for Android, I avoided including the integration section because of licensing twists.
  • Philippe Fanaro
    Philippe Fanaro about 4 years
    In the setup I shared above, I did manage to get rid of license errors. The error I'm getting is related to EGL, and also Check failed: android_surface_. Could not create an OpenGL, Vulkan or Software surface to setup rendering.. The stage gets stuck after that.