Flutter ios : camera/CameraPlugin.h' file not found


Change the target version to above 10.0. Change in the Project Runner (in Xcode), PodFile & Target Runner (in Xcode), then run Pod Install

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Updated on December 06, 2022


  • sherin
    sherin over 1 year

    Created Flutter application built on both an Android and iOS device. Application is working fine with android and when i build my ios build it ends up with error as shown below. Error while executing ios build in android studio using mac device. i try plenty of method to solve this.

    • Flutter clean
      Flutter pub get Pod install


        Launching lib/main.dart on iPad in debug mode...
        Automatically signing iOS for device deployment using specified development team in Xcode project: 3MDPB894U7
        Running pod install...
        Running Xcode build...
        Xcode build done.                                           52.7s
        Failed to build iOS app
        Error output from Xcode build:
            ** BUILD FAILED **
        Xcode's output:
            /Users/apple/AndroidStudioProjects/console/ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m:12:9: fatal error: module 'camera' not found
            @import camera;
            1 error generated.
            note: Using new build system
            note: Building targets in parallel
            note: Planning build
            note: Constructing build description
        Could not build the precompiled application for the device.
        Error launching application on iPad.