Flutter not showing list of color swatches for colors in Android Studio


Actually I have this Android Studio build:

Android Studio 3.6.3
Build #AI-192.7142.36.36.6392135, built on April 14, 2020
Runtime version: 1.8.0_212-release-1586-b04 amd64

And for this version the corresponding latest Dart plugin version is 192.8052 released on May, 14.

I tried it on 3 different machines, after the Dart plugin update from version 192.7761 to version 192.8052 via Tools > SDK Manager > Plugins > Dart

Dart Plugin Update Interface:

Dart Plugin Update Interface

In all cases tooltip stopped showing color swatches, like in your case. Uninstalling the Dart plugin v. 192.8052 and using the plugins interface, you can download the previous versions for the build 192.5728 — 192.* of Android Studio from this page (to do so click on show more until Nov 19, 2019).

Download version 192.7761 and install it like so:

Install From Disk

After restarting the IDE you can see color swatches.

I don't think it's the best solution, but I think there will be a new update soon. However, if you want the latest version of the plugin you can always update it again.

Alireza Torkamani
Author by

Alireza Torkamani

Updated on December 21, 2022


  • Alireza Torkamani
    Alireza Torkamani over 1 year

    My flutter project in Visual Studio Code shows color swatches but in Android Studio, it doesn't. If I want to see the colors I have to go to colors.dart.

    Image of Android Studio:

    Android Studio screenshot

    Image of Visual Studio Code:

    Visual Studio Code screenshot

    How can I make the color swatches visible in Android Studio?