Flutter - Set target file base on Android product flavors


I would like to ask if there is any solution to set the flutter target file in Android side inside flavor config?

I don't know the equal of FLUTTER_TARGET for Android flavor. I would to like to learn that too.

But, flutter run -t is not the only option here. When you open a Flutter project (the root project) with Android Studio you will have a default run/debug configuration like below:

enter image description here

When you click Edit Configurations below screen will appear:

enter image description here

There you can set Build flavor and Dart entrypoint. Obviously, you can create multiple configurations for each flavor.

Reference: https://cogitas.net/creating-flavors-of-a-flutter-app/

So, that's a solution for Flutter in Android Studio. For VSCode, I have a workaround. I'm using -t parameter. But I have it automated by VSCode. Under .vscode/launch.json I have configurations like below:

"configurations": [
            "name": "GoodOne",
            "request": "launch",
            "type": "dart",
            "args": ["--flavor",
            "name": "BadOne",
            "request": "launch",
            "type": "dart",
            "args": ["--flavor",

With this, you can run your flavors by just pressing F5 and choose your config at the upper-left corner.

Again, this is not an exact answer to OP's question, but some workarounds.

Wing Choy
Author by

Wing Choy

Work hard, Play hard.

Updated on December 07, 2022


  • Wing Choy
    Wing Choy over 1 year

    Currently I am using Flutter to build my application.


    I have followed some guide on building different environments entry files:
    which create main_dev.dart and main_prod.dart.

    Also I have learnt to build flavor for both iOS and Android: https://medium.com/@salvatoregiordanoo/flavoring-flutter-392aaa875f36
    which now I can use --flavor <FLAVOR> in the command to build different flavor application.

    Now I have encountered a problem when I try to combine two skills.

    Target Result

    Below is what I would like to achieve:

    development flavor -> main_dev.dart entry file
    production flavor -> main_prod.dart entry file

    Problem Encounter

    in iOS side, I can target the entry file in .xcconfig file like following:

    // ios/Flutter/development.xcconfig
    #include "Generated.xcconfig"

    I know I can add -t lib/main_dev.dart after flutter run command.
    However I would like to ask if there is any solution to set
    the flutter target file in Android side inside flavor config?

    Appreciate for any help.

  • Michael Ribbons
    Michael Ribbons almost 4 years
    Maybe not the right question, but I was looking for this answer, thanks.