Font from origin has been blocked from loading by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy


Solution 1

Add this rule to your .htaccess

Header add Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" 

even better, as suggested by @david thomas, you can use a specific domain value, e.g.

Header add Access-Control-Allow-Origin ""

Solution 2

Chrome since ~Sep/Oct 2014 makes fonts subject to the same CORS checks as Firefox has done There is a discussion on this in!topic/blink-dev/TT9D5-Zfnzw

Given that for fonts the browser may do a preflight check, then your S3 policy needs the cors request header as well. You can check your page in say Safari (which at present doesn't do CORS checking for fonts) and Firefox (that does) to double check this is the problem described.

See Stack overflow answer on Amazon S3 CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) and Firefox cross-domain font loading for the Amazon S3 CORS details.

NB in general because this used to apply to Firefox only, so it may help to search for Firefox rather than Chrome.

Solution 3

I was able to solve the problem by simply adding <AllowedMethod>HEAD</AllowedMethod> to the CORS policy of the S3 Bucket.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="">

Solution 4


location ~* \.(eot|ttf|woff)$ {
   add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin '*';


  1. Select your bucket
  2. Click properties on the right top
  3. Permisions => Edit Cors Configuration => Save
  4. Save

Solution 5

On June 26, 2014 AWS released proper Vary: Origin behavior on CloudFront so now you just

Set a CORS Configuration for your S3 bucket:


In CloudFront -> Distribution -> Behaviors for this origin, use the Forward Headers: Whitelist option and whitelist the 'Origin' header.

Wait for ~20 minutes while CloudFront propagates the new rule

Now your CloudFront distribution should cache different responses (with proper CORS headers) for different client Origin headers.


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Dallas Clark
Author by

Dallas Clark

IT, Internet, and Fitness Enthusiast.

Updated on August 23, 2022


  • Dallas Clark
    Dallas Clark over 1 year

    I'm receiving the following error on a couple of Chrome browsers but not all. Not sure entirely what the issue is at this point.

    Font from origin '' has been blocked from loading by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access.

    I have the following CORS Configuration on S3


    The request

    Remote Address:
    Request URL:
    Request Method:GET
    Status Code:200 OK
    Request Headers
    User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/37.0.2062.94 Safari/537.36

    All other requests from Cloudfront/S3 work properly, including JS files.

    • kirley
      kirley over 9 years
      I'm having the same problem... I started noticing it after upgrading to chrome 37.0.2062.94
    • Dallas Clark
      Dallas Clark over 9 years
      After updating the CORS Configuration, I renamed the assets and managed to get it working. So either 1) The CORS Configuration is applied on file creation only (not update) OR 2) the CORS Configuration is cached at Cloudfront. I will post this as an answer if others can confirm it works for them too.
    • Ghopper21
      Ghopper21 over 9 years
      Just noticed this with Chrome v. 37.0.2062.94 but not an earlier version. I don't have a CORS configuration at all on S3, so this shouldn't be happening, right?
    • Richard Peck
      Richard Peck over 9 years
      Got this problem now - what are your recommendations for a fix?
    • Tim Diggins
      Tim Diggins over 9 years
      @Ghopper21 you need the right CORS config. Test in firefox and that will give you the (probably) the same result.
    • Tim Diggins
      Tim Diggins over 9 years
      @RichPeck - fix by adding the correct CORS config to S3 (or if automatically creating your CDN from source, then it's a bit more complicated -- you have to add the appropriate headers, then invalidate your cached fonts)...… see answer below for more details
    • Seto
      Seto over 8 years
      It's 2015 and I just got this problem.
  • Dallas Clark
    Dallas Clark over 9 years
    Thanks for this answer, looks like it may be a problem for many others. Although my problem was occurring in a stable build of Chrome.
  • justingordon
    justingordon over 9 years
    This is happening in Chrome now.
  • Tim Diggins
    Tim Diggins over 9 years
    As people keep referring (including myself!) to this answer, I've made it less historical and more relevant to present day.
  • Tim Diggins
    Tim Diggins over 9 years
    Also FYI I discovered that a error message "has been blocked from loading by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin" was actually to do with having a bad path to a font file in my original server, and cloudfront then redirecting to the homepage of my server (and either the redirect response or the homepage didn't have the CORS headers). Confusing, but solved by using the correct path to the actual font file (not a CORS issue, strictly speaking).
  • NineCattoRules
    NineCattoRules about 9 years
    Hi, what's the difference with Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" ? Thanks
  • Dan
    Dan about 9 years
    Hey @DallasClark, you may want to choose an accepted answer for your question. Thanks Tim, your links and explanations were helpful in my experience. Cheers.
  • Arsalan Saleem
    Arsalan Saleem about 9 years
    for windows people, set <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" /> under <customHeaders> in web.config file. Have a nice day
  • shaithana
    shaithana about 9 years
    @Simone the difference is that with "add" the response header is added to the existing set of headers, even if this header already exists. This can result in two (or more) headers having the same name; whereas with "set" the response header is set, replacing any previous header with this name. In this case is the same cause * includes them all.
  • NineCattoRules
    NineCattoRules about 9 years
    @GiovanniDiGregorio Thanks for the nice info!
  • David Thomas
    David Thomas almost 9 years
    Just noting Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" is potentially insecure as it opens the domain to javascript access from any domain. You should use a specific domain value instead, e.g Access-Control-Allow-Origin "" See also for a good explanation.
  • Jaco Pretorius
    Jaco Pretorius almost 9 years
    This doesn't seem to work, do you have more details? I enabled this but I still get exactly the same issue.
  • bPratik
    bPratik over 8 years
    Please avoid link-only answers. It will be helpful if you could copy relevant snippets out of the linked article into your answer. Thanks.
  • neobie
    neobie over 6 years
    after adding this, get 404 not found.
  • Özer
    Özer over 6 years
    not sure about security though, would be nice if someone had some input on that..
  • Salvatore Iovene
    Salvatore Iovene over 6 years
    Doe this change need time to propagate? I just added <AllowedMethod>HEAD</AllowedMethod> to my CORS policy on the bucket and it's still not working.
  • Özer
    Özer over 6 years
    usually no, it should take max. couple minutes
  • mohrtan
    mohrtan over 4 years
    Deserves a vote up for remembering us Windows users.
  • Mohammed Moinuddin Waseem
    Mohammed Moinuddin Waseem over 4 years
    Since your code was detailed, it took some time for me to go through it, I learned few things though. I applied portion of it to tweak my solution. It worked.
  • Yusuff Sodiq
    Yusuff Sodiq almost 4 years
    I'm using core, how do I add this to the appsettings.json file?
  • Tahir Yasin
    Tahir Yasin about 3 years
  • andreas
    andreas over 2 years
    "AllowedOrigins": ["*"] <--- this really hurts!
  • Webucator
    Webucator over 2 years
    @andreas, isn't this only a concern if you care if other sites load this content? Or is there something more risky here that I'm missing?
  • andreas
    andreas over 2 years
    Not that I am aware of. But it's really bad practice and can bite you in unexpected costs if others utilize your images. In case you have CloudFront in front of your S3 buckets, this can get expensive.