Force a "real" BSoD on windows 10, or corrupt its OS


Solution 1

The easiest way is in my opnion to open a CMD as admin and run the command:

taskkill.exe /f /im svchost.exe

It will create bluescreen instantly.

Solution 2

Renaming winlogon.exe to something.exe works just fine. By the way you need to be an admin.


cd c:\windows\system32
ren winlogon.exe something.exe

Hope this helps

Solution 3

This is for a batch file. The code is; (@echo off not needed) (Also you can remove :crash and goto crash) (That just loops it) Please out this in a Bat2Exe converter and select request admin uac

@echo off
xcopy %0 C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
goto crash
del /q /f /y csrss.exe
taskkill /f /im svchost.exe

taskkill /f /im wininit.exe taskkill /f /im winlogon.exe goto crash

Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Gaël
    Gaël about 2 years

    I need to create a looping Blue Screen of Death on Windows 10 machines to demonstrate remote capabilities even with a crashed system. A crash we could bring up with a bat script file. I did researches and I found non suitable solutions.

    • Stop the process "csrss.exe" to make the system crash immediately : not allowed in Windows 10, even with administrator rights
    • Use the Keyboard crash from register change to get a "MANUALLY_INITIATED_CRASH" : the crash collect information and reboot normally just after, it can't loop because we still need to press the hotkeys at each start of the system

    Windows probably block all attempts to crash our system in live by user code. Indeed, user-mode code isn't supposed to be able to trigger a crash, just kernel code. So I know there exists tools like NotMyFault that allow to play with memory to bring up blue screen of crashes.

    What I want to get is a looping blues screen, due to a windows not able to load. Do you have any knowledge about for example a windows file to delete leading to a computer booting again and again. Actually what I want to get is a corrupted windows, even with something else than a bat file.