Forcing the order of output fields from cut command


Solution 1

This can't be done using cut. According to the man page:

Selected input is written in the same order that it is read, and is written exactly once.

Patching cut has been proposed many times, but even complete patches have been rejected.

Instead, you can do it using awk, like this:

awk '{print($2,"\t",$1)}' abcd.txt

Replace the \t with whatever you're using as field separator.

Solution 2

Lars' answer was great but I found an even better one. The issue with his is it matches \t\t as no columns. To fix this use the following:

awk -v OFS="  " -F"\t" '{print $2, $1}' abcd.txt


-F"\t" is what to cut on exactly (tabs).

-v OFS=" " is what to seperate with (two spaces)


echo 'A\tB\t\tD' | awk -v OFS="    " -F"\t" '{print $2, $4, $1, $3}'

This outputs:

B    D    A    
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Part of a team that works extensively on Facebook Apps using Facebook's Graph API, php, jQuery and we use Amazon AWS for hosting our stuff. In my previous life, I have worked on Java and Hadoop. These are the topics I ask questions on and provide answers for.

Updated on February 24, 2020


  • Shreeni
    Shreeni over 4 years

    I want to do something like this:

    cat abcd.txt | cut -f 2,1 

    and I want the order to be 2 and then 1 in the output. On the machine I am testing (FreeBSD 6), this is not happening (its printing in 1,2 order). Can you tell me how to do this?

    I know I can always write a shell script to do this reversing, but I am looking for something using the 'cut' command options.

    I think I am using version 5.2.1 of coreutils containing cut.

  • Panos Rontogiannis
    Panos Rontogiannis almost 11 years
    In Cygwin I had to replace -F"\t" with -F \t to make this work.
  • internetdotcom
    internetdotcom over 4 years
    Folks may be coming here confused because this (mis)behavior isn't documented in the cut man page found on *BSD/macOS. The man page references the POSIX.2 standard which does indeed specify the output order.