Forwarding PHP requests via ProxyPassMatch as a handler, or only when file exists


Solution 1

One option is to install mod_proxy_handler:

Or you can wait for Apache 2.4.10, which should include the module.

Basically the module lets you do this:

<FilesMatch \.php$>
SetHandler proxy:fcgi://localhost:9000

<FilesMatch \.php$>
    SetHandler "proxy:unix:/path/to/socket.sock|fcgi://./"

Solution 2

Just for the record as a one liner:

AddHandler "proxy:unix:/path/to/socket.sock|fcgi://./" .php

You'll need a recent Apache 2.4 (RedHat back ported that to 2.4.6)


Solution 3

I had same issue when file did not existed was showing "File not found." message , this fixed my issue and allowed me to setup a 404 page :

<VirtualHost *:80>

---------- content --------

DocumentRoot /home/user/public_html/domain.tld

#this disables php execution if you wish to show only html files
#ProxyPass /errors !

ProxyErrorOverride On
# /errors folder is located in public_html
ErrorDocument 404 /errors/404.php


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • ide
    ide almost 2 years

    I am migrating my server to use mod_proxy_fcgi and php-fpm instead of mod_php. Apache is able to forward .php requests to the fcgi proxy and PHP executes correctly. I've got this working with:

    ProxyPassMatch ^/(.*\.php(/.*)?)$ fcgi://$1

    Unfortunately, Apache forwards all .php requests to the proxy, even when the file doesn't exist. This causes a few problems. My ErrorDocument rule isn't invoked, and DirectoryIndex index.php index.html doesn't fall back to index.html.

    I was able to fix these problems with mod_rewrite:

    RewriteEngine On                                                           
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} ^/((.*\.php)(/.*)?)$                       
    RewriteCond /var/www/html/%2 -f                                   
    RewriteRule . fcgi:// [P] 

    However, the Apache documentation does not recommend RewriteRule: "This is because this flag triggers the use of the default worker, which does not handle connection pooling."

    Ideally, I think I'd either like to use ProxyPass in a FilesMatch block (currently unsupported), or define a new handler that proxies through fcgi and use it to handle .php requests, similar to what mod_php does.

    Any suggestions for simulating a standard mod_php setup but actually proxying through fcgi?

  • mcdado
    mcdado over 6 years
    YAEEES! I lost an entire day to trial and error, what solved the issue for me was using the #tcp block above. Using ProxyPassMatch ^/(.*\.php(/.*)?)$ fcgi://$1 does not work with VirtualDocumentRoots, and the rewriting trick never worked for me.
  • mcdado
    mcdado over 6 years
    Also, it's important to note that proxy:fcgi://localhost:9000 does not want the path after it. This was a big time misunderstanding for me.
  • mcdado
    mcdado over 6 years
  • 8ctopus
    8ctopus about 4 years
    Make sure that php-fpm is listening using a socket instead of a TCP port as otherwise it won't work (displays the php code in the browser). The php-fpm listen config should look like listen = /var/run/php-fpm7.sock