Generate random sentences in python


Solution 1

The easiest way for your understanding:

import random

nouns = ("puppy", "car", "rabbit", "girl", "monkey")
verbs = ("runs", "hits", "jumps", "drives", "barfs") 
adv = ("crazily.", "dutifully.", "foolishly.", "merrily.", "occasionally.")
adj = ("adorable", "clueless", "dirty", "odd", "stupid")
num = random.randrange(0,5)
print nouns[num] + ' ' + verbs[num] + ' ' + adv[num] + ' ' + adj[num]

Solution 2

You can use random.choice within a list comprehension then concatenate the selected list with join:

>>> l=[nouns,verbs,adj,adv]
>>> ' '.join([random.choice(i) for i in l])
'girl runs dirty crazily.'
>>> ' '.join([random.choice(i) for i in l])
'monkey hits clueless occasionally.'

Solution 3

For a similar function to the accepted answer that returns all possible permutations:

import random

def make_random_sentence():
  nouns = ["puppy", "car", "rabbit", "girl", "monkey"]
  verbs = ["runs", "hits", "jumps", "drives", "barfs"]
  adv = ["crazily.", "dutifully.", "foolishly.", "merrily.", "occasionally."]
  adj = ["adorable", "clueless", "dirty", "odd", "stupid"]

  random_entry = lambda x: x[random.randrange(len(x))]
  return " ".join([random_entry(nouns), random_entry(verbs), random_entry(adv), random_entry(adj)])

Solution 4

I would do as follows, using random.choice because it's a better choice than random.randrange...

words = (adj, nouns, verb, adv)
sentence = "".join(choice(word) for word in words)

Solution 5

random.choice is to select a random thing from a list, tuple or similar container. What the last line does is to select one random thing from each list, and make a new list from the choices. Then that list is printed. And being in a loop, this is done X number of times, whatever number the user inputs.

from random import choice 

nouns = ("puppy", "car", "rabbit", "girl", "monkey")
verbs = ("runs", "hits", "jumps", "drives", "barfs") 
adv = ("crazily.", "dutifully.", "foolishly.", "merrily.", "occasionally.")
adj = ("adorable", "clueless", "dirty", "odd", "stupid")

# asking user as to how many sentences he would like to generate 
for _ in range (int (input ("Enter integer value :"))): 
    print(list(map(choice, [nouns, verbs, adv, adj])))
Enter integer value :2
['car', 'barfs', 'dutifully.', 'odd']
['rabbit', 'runs', 'occasionally.', 'clueless']

[Program finished] 

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Ashley Glover
Author by

Ashley Glover

Updated on May 04, 2022


  • Ashley Glover
    Ashley Glover almost 2 years

    I'm very new to python and programming!

    I need to write a program that has 4 tuples with 5 elements each. One tuple should have verbs, one tuple should have nouns, one tuple should have adjectives, and one tuple should have adverbs. Then I have to use a randomly generated numbers between 0 and 4 to pick one of the elements from each tuple. This is what I have so far:

    import random
    nouns = ("puppy", "car", "rabbit", "girl", "monkey")
    verbs = ("runs", "hits", "jumps", "drives", "barfs") 
    adv = ("crazily.", "dutifully.", "foolishly.", "merrily.", "occasionally.")
    adj = ("adorable", "clueless", "dirty", "odd", "stupid")
    num = random.randrange(0,5)
    print (num)

    Can someone show me what I'm doing wrong?

    • ρss
      ρss almost 9 years
      You can use that random number to select the corresponding element from each of the tuples. eg: print nouns[num]…
    • abarnert
      abarnert almost 9 years
      A better solution would be to use random.choice(nouns)… but if your assignment requires you to use random.randrange, then you hav eto do it the way @ρss suggests.
    • ρss
      ρss almost 9 years
      I agree with @abarnert
  • Eric Duminil
    Eric Duminil over 4 years
    Note that with this method, there are only 5 possible sentences, instead of the 625 possible sentences if you pick a random number for each word.
  • Sylvester Kruin
    Sylvester Kruin over 2 years
    Note that with this method, there are only 5 possible sentences, instead of the 625 possible sentences if you pick a random number for each word (same problem with this other answer.