Get information about disk drives result on windows7 - 32 bit system


I wrote a program in C which demonstrate how to receive the information which you need

#include <windows.h>
#include <devguid.h>    // for GUID_DEVCLASS_CDROM etc
#include <setupapi.h>
#include <cfgmgr32.h>   // for MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN, CM_Get_Parent and CM_Get_Device_ID
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define ARRAY_SIZE(arr)     (sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]))

#pragma comment (lib, "setupapi.lib")

// Define the various device characteristics flags (defined in wdm.h)
#define FILE_REMOVABLE_MEDIA                    0x00000001
#define FILE_READ_ONLY_DEVICE                   0x00000002
#define FILE_FLOPPY_DISKETTE                    0x00000004
#define FILE_WRITE_ONCE_MEDIA                   0x00000008
#define FILE_REMOTE_DEVICE                      0x00000010
#define FILE_DEVICE_IS_MOUNTED                  0x00000020
#define FILE_VIRTUAL_VOLUME                     0x00000040
#define FILE_AUTOGENERATED_DEVICE_NAME          0x00000080
#define FILE_DEVICE_SECURE_OPEN                 0x00000100
#define FILE_CHARACTERISTIC_PNP_DEVICE          0x00000800
#define FILE_CHARACTERISTIC_TS_DEVICE           0x00001000

#pragma warning (disable: 4201)
typedef struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK {
    union {
        NTSTATUS Status;
        PVOID Pointer;

    ULONG_PTR Information;
#pragma warning (default: 4201)

typedef enum _FSINFOCLASS {
    FileFsVolumeInformation       = 1,
    FileFsLabelInformation,      // 2
    FileFsSizeInformation,       // 3
    FileFsDeviceInformation,     // 4
    FileFsAttributeInformation,  // 5
    FileFsControlInformation,    // 6
    FileFsFullSizeInformation,   // 7
    FileFsObjectIdInformation,   // 8
    FileFsDriverPathInformation, // 9
    FileFsVolumeFlagsInformation,// 10

    DEVICE_TYPE DeviceType;
    ULONG Characteristics;

                                                                 PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock,
                                                                 PVOID FsInformation, ULONG Length,
                                                                 FS_INFORMATION_CLASS FsInformationClass);

BOOL GetDriveTypeAndCharacteristics (HANDLE hDevice, DEVICE_TYPE *pDeviceType, ULONG *pCharacteristics)
    HMODULE hNtDll;
    LPFN_NT_QUERY_VOLUME_INFORMATION_FILE lpfnNtQueryVolumeInformationFile;
    NTSTATUS ntStatus;
    IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock;
    BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;

    hNtDll = GetModuleHandle (TEXT("ntdll.dll"));
    if (hNtDll == NULL)
        return FALSE;

    lpfnNtQueryVolumeInformationFile = (LPFN_NT_QUERY_VOLUME_INFORMATION_FILE)GetProcAddress (hNtDll, "NtQueryVolumeInformationFile");
    if (lpfnNtQueryVolumeInformationFile == NULL)
        return FALSE;

    ntStatus = lpfnNtQueryVolumeInformationFile (hDevice, &IoStatusBlock,
                                                 &FileFsDeviceInfo, sizeof(FileFsDeviceInfo),
    if (ntStatus == NO_ERROR) {
        bSuccess = TRUE;
        *pDeviceType = FileFsDeviceInfo.DeviceType;
        *pCharacteristics = FileFsDeviceInfo.Characteristics;

    return bSuccess;

void FildVolumeName (LPCTSTR pszDeviceName)
    TCHAR szVolumeName[MAX_PATH] = TEXT("");
    TCHAR szDeviceName[MAX_PATH] = TEXT("");
    DWORD dwCharCount;
    BOOL bSuccess;

    hFind = FindFirstVolume (szVolumeName, ARRAYSIZE(szVolumeName));
    if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return;

    while(TRUE) {
        //  Skip the \\?\ prefix and remove the trailing backslash.
        size_t Index = lstrlen(szVolumeName) - 1;
        if (szVolumeName[0]     != TEXT('\\') ||
            szVolumeName[1]     != TEXT('\\') ||
            szVolumeName[2]     != TEXT('?')  ||
            szVolumeName[3]     != TEXT('\\') ||
            szVolumeName[Index] != TEXT('\\')) return; // error

        //  QueryDosDeviceW doesn't allow a trailing backslash,
        //  so temporarily remove it.
        szVolumeName[Index] = TEXT('\0');
        dwCharCount = QueryDosDevice (&szVolumeName[4], szDeviceName, ARRAYSIZE(szDeviceName));
        szVolumeName[Index] = TEXT('\\');
        if (dwCharCount == 0) return; // error

        if (lstrcmp (pszDeviceName, szDeviceName) == 0) {
            _tprintf (TEXT("    Volume Device Name: %s\n"), szVolumeName);

        bSuccess = FindNextVolume (hFind, szVolumeName, ARRAYSIZE(szVolumeName));
        if (!bSuccess) {
            DWORD dwErrorCode = GetLastError();
            if (dwErrorCode == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)
                break;  // ERROR!!!

void DumpVidPidMi (LPCTSTR pszDeviceInstanceId)
    TCHAR szDeviceInstanceId[MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN];
    const static LPCTSTR arPrefix[3] = {TEXT("VID_"), TEXT("PID_"), TEXT("MI_")};
    LPTSTR pszToken, pszNextToken;
    int j;

    lstrcpy (szDeviceInstanceId, pszDeviceInstanceId);

    pszToken = _tcstok_s (szDeviceInstanceId , TEXT("\\#&"), &pszNextToken);
    while(pszToken != NULL) {
        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            if (_tcsncmp(pszToken, arPrefix[j], lstrlen(arPrefix[j])) == 0) {
                switch(j) {
                    case 0:
                        _tprintf (TEXT("        vid: \"%s\"\n"), pszToken + lstrlen(arPrefix[j]));
                    case 1:
                        _tprintf (TEXT("        pid: \"%s\"\n"), pszToken + lstrlen(arPrefix[j]));
                    case 2:
                        _tprintf (TEXT("        mi: \"%s\"\n"), pszToken + lstrlen(arPrefix[j]));
        pszToken = _tcstok_s (NULL, TEXT("\\#&"), &pszNextToken);

BOOL FindDiInfos (LPCGUID pGuidInferface, LPCGUID pGuidClass, LPCTSTR pszEnumerator,
                  DEVICE_TYPE DeviceType, DWORD DeviceNumber,
                  DWORD dwDeviceInstanceIdSize,     // MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN
                  OUT LPTSTR pszDeviceInstanceId,
                  OUT PDWORD pdwRemovalPolicy)
    HDEVINFO hIntDevInfo = NULL;
    DWORD dwIndex;
    BOOL bFound = FALSE; 

    // set defaults
    *pdwRemovalPolicy = 0;
    pszDeviceInstanceId[0] = TEXT('\0');

    __try {
        hIntDevInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevs (pGuidInferface, pszEnumerator, NULL,
                                           pGuidInferface != NULL? DIGCF_PRESENT | DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE:
                                                                   DIGCF_ALLCLASSES | DIGCF_PRESENT | DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE);
        if (hIntDevInfo == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)

        for (dwIndex = 0; ;dwIndex ++) {
            SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA interfaceData;
            SP_DEVINFO_DATA deviceInfoData;
            DWORD dwDataType, dwRequiredSize;
            BOOL bSuccess;

            ZeroMemory (&interfaceData, sizeof(interfaceData));
            interfaceData.cbSize = sizeof(interfaceData);
            bSuccess = SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces (hIntDevInfo, NULL, pGuidInferface, dwIndex, &interfaceData);
            if (!bSuccess) {
                DWORD dwErrorCode = GetLastError();
                if (dwErrorCode == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)
                    break;  // ERROR!!!

            dwRequiredSize = 0;
            bSuccess = SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail (hIntDevInfo, &interfaceData, NULL, 0, &dwRequiredSize, NULL);
            if ((!bSuccess && GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) || dwRequiredSize == 0)
                continue;  // ERROR!!!

            if (pInterfaceDetailData)
                pInterfaceDetailData = (PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA) LocalFree (pInterfaceDetailData);

            pInterfaceDetailData = (PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA) LocalAlloc (LPTR, dwRequiredSize);
            pInterfaceDetailData->cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA);
            ZeroMemory (&deviceInfoData, sizeof(deviceInfoData));
            deviceInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(deviceInfoData);
            bSuccess = SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail (hIntDevInfo, &interfaceData,
                                                        pInterfaceDetailData, dwRequiredSize, &dwRequiredSize, &deviceInfoData);
            if (!bSuccess)

            hDev = CreateFile (pInterfaceDetailData->DevicePath, 
                               0,                                   // no access to the drive
                               FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE,  // share mode
                               NULL,                                // default security attributes
                               OPEN_EXISTING,                       // disposition
                               0,                                   // file attributes
                               NULL);                               // do not copy file attributes
            if (hDev != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
                STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER sdn;
                DWORD cbBytesReturned;
                bSuccess = DeviceIoControl (hDev,                           // device to be queried
                                            NULL, 0,                        // no input buffer
                                            (LPVOID)&sdn, sizeof(sdn),      // output buffer
                                            &cbBytesReturned,               // # bytes returned
                                            (LPOVERLAPPED) NULL);           // synchronous I/O
                if (bSuccess) {
                    if (sdn.DeviceType == DeviceType &&
                        sdn.DeviceNumber == DeviceNumber) {

                        DEVINST dnDevInstParent, dnDevInstParentParent;
                        CONFIGRET ret;
                        // device found !!!
                        TCHAR szBuffer[4096];

                        _tprintf (TEXT("    DevicePath: %s\n"), pInterfaceDetailData->DevicePath);

                        bSuccess = SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId (hIntDevInfo, &deviceInfoData, pszDeviceInstanceId,
                                                               dwDeviceInstanceIdSize, &dwRequiredSize);
                        if (dwRequiredSize > MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN)

                        bSuccess = SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty (hIntDevInfo, &deviceInfoData, SPDRP_REMOVAL_POLICY, &dwDataType,
                                                                     (PBYTE)pdwRemovalPolicy, sizeof(DWORD), &dwRequiredSize);
                        // SPDRP_CHARACTERISTICS - Device characteristics
                        //         FILE_FLOPPY_DISKETTE, FILE_REMOVABLE_MEDIA, and FILE_WRITE_ONCE_MEDIA characteristics 
                        //         FILE_READ_ONLY_DEVICE
                        bSuccess = SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty (hIntDevInfo, &deviceInfoData, SPDRP_CLASS, &dwDataType,
                                                                     (PBYTE)szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), &dwRequiredSize);
                        if (bSuccess)
                            _tprintf (TEXT("    Class: \"%s\"\n"), szBuffer);
                        bSuccess = SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty (hIntDevInfo, &deviceInfoData, SPDRP_HARDWAREID, &dwDataType,
                                                                     (PBYTE)szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), &dwRequiredSize);
                        if (bSuccess) {
                            LPCTSTR pszId;
                            _tprintf (TEXT("    Hardware IDs:\n"));
                            for (pszId=szBuffer;
                                 *pszId != TEXT('\0') && pszId + dwRequiredSize/sizeof(TCHAR) <= szBuffer + ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer);
                                 pszId += lstrlen(pszId)+1) {

                                _tprintf (TEXT("        \"%s\"\n"), pszId);
                        bSuccess = SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty (hIntDevInfo, &deviceInfoData, SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME, &dwDataType,
                                                                     (PBYTE)szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), &dwRequiredSize);
                        if (bSuccess)
                            _tprintf (TEXT("    Friendly Name: \"%s\"\n"), szBuffer);

                        bSuccess = SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty (hIntDevInfo, &deviceInfoData, SPDRP_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_OBJECT_NAME, &dwDataType,
                                                                     (PBYTE)szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), &dwRequiredSize);
                        if (bSuccess)
                            _tprintf (TEXT("    Physical Device Object Name: \"%s\"\n"), szBuffer);

                        bSuccess = SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty (hIntDevInfo, &deviceInfoData, SPDRP_DEVICEDESC, &dwDataType,
                                                                     (PBYTE)szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), &dwRequiredSize);
                        if (bSuccess)
                            _tprintf (TEXT("    Device Description: \"%s\"\n"), szBuffer);
                        bFound = TRUE;

                        ret = CM_Get_Parent (&dnDevInstParent, deviceInfoData.DevInst, 0);
                        if (ret == CR_SUCCESS) {
                            TCHAR szDeviceInstanceID[MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN];
                            ret = CM_Get_Device_ID (dnDevInstParent, szDeviceInstanceID, ARRAY_SIZE(szDeviceInstanceID), 0);
                            if (ret == CR_SUCCESS) {
                                _tprintf (TEXT("    Parent Device Instance ID: %s\n"), szDeviceInstanceID);
                                DumpVidPidMi (szDeviceInstanceID);
                                ret = CM_Get_Parent (&dnDevInstParentParent, dnDevInstParent, 0);
                                if (ret == CR_SUCCESS) {
                                    ret = CM_Get_Device_ID (dnDevInstParentParent, szDeviceInstanceID, ARRAY_SIZE(szDeviceInstanceID), 0);
                                    if (ret == CR_SUCCESS)
                                        _tprintf (TEXT("    Parent of Parent Device Instance ID: %s\n"), szDeviceInstanceID);

                CloseHandle (hDev);
                hDev = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
    __finally {
        if (pInterfaceDetailData)
            pInterfaceDetailData = (PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA) LocalFree (pInterfaceDetailData);

        if (hDev != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
            CloseHandle (hDev);

        if (hIntDevInfo)
            SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList (hIntDevInfo);

    return bFound;

    const static LPCTSTR arStorageBusTypeNames[] = {
        TEXT("Unknown"),                    // BusTypeUnknown = 0
        TEXT("SCSI"),                       // BusTypeScsi = 1
        TEXT("ATAPI"),                      // BusTypeAtapi = 2
        TEXT("ATA"),                        // BusTypeAta = 3
        TEXT("IEEE-1394"),                  // BusType1394 = 4
        TEXT("SSA"),                        // BusTypeSsa = 5
        TEXT("Fibre Channel"),              // BusTypeFibre = 6
        TEXT("USB"),                        // BusTypeUsb = 7
        TEXT("RAID"),                       // BusTypeRAID = 8
        TEXT("iSCSI"),                      // BusTypeiScsi = 9
        TEXT("Serial Attached SCSI (SAS)"), // BusTypeSas = 10
        TEXT("SATA"),                       // BusTypeSata = 11
        TEXT("SD"),                         // BusTypeSd = 12
        TEXT("MMC"),                        // BusTypeMmc = 13
        TEXT("Virtual"),                    // BusTypeVirtual = 14
        TEXT("FileBackedVirtual")           // BusTypeFileBackedVirtual = 15

    if (type <= BusTypeFileBackedVirtual)
        return arStorageBusTypeNames[type];
        return NULL;

int main()
    HANDLE hDevice; 
    DWORD cbBytesReturned;
    BOOL bSuccess;
    LPTSTR pszLogicalDrives, pszDriveRoot;
    TCHAR szDeviceInstanceId[MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN];
    GUID *pGuidInferface = NULL, *pGuidClass = NULL;
    LPCTSTR pszEnumerator = NULL;
    TCHAR szVolumeName[MAX_PATH+1], szFileSystemName[MAX_PATH+1], szNtDeviceName[MAX_PATH+1];
    //TCHAR szVolumeSerialNumber[1024];
    DWORD dwVolumeSerialNumber, dwMaximumComponentLength, dwFileSystemFlags;
    //HMODULE hm = LoadLibrary (TEXT("C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office14\\OUTLOOK.EXE"));

    __try {
        //pszEnumerator = TEXT("USB");

        cbBytesReturned = GetLogicalDriveStrings (0, NULL);
        pszLogicalDrives = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc (LMEM_ZEROINIT,
        cbBytesReturned = GetLogicalDriveStrings (cbBytesReturned,
        for (pszDriveRoot = pszLogicalDrives; *pszDriveRoot != TEXT('\0');
             pszDriveRoot += lstrlen(pszDriveRoot) + 1) {

            TCHAR szDeviceName[7] = TEXT("\\\\.\\");
            BOOL bIsRemoveable = FALSE;
            DWORD dwRemovalPolicy;
            BYTE byBuffer[4096];
            //ULONG ulOutBuffer;

            szDeviceName[4] = pszDriveRoot[0];
            szDeviceName[5] = TEXT(':');
            szDeviceName[6] = TEXT('\0');
            _tprintf (TEXT("Drive %c:\n"), pszDriveRoot[0]);

            // see
            // how to find Volume name: \\?\Volume{4c1b02c1-d990-11dc-99ae-806e6f6e6963}\
            // for the Paths:  C:\
            // or device name like \Device\HarddiskVolume2 or \Device\CdRom0
            cbBytesReturned = QueryDosDevice (&szDeviceName[4], szNtDeviceName, ARRAYSIZE(szNtDeviceName));
            if (cbBytesReturned) {
                _tprintf (TEXT("    Dos Device Name: %s\n"), szNtDeviceName);

            bSuccess = GetVolumeInformation (pszDriveRoot, szVolumeName, ARRAYSIZE(szVolumeName),
                &dwVolumeSerialNumber, &dwMaximumComponentLength, &dwFileSystemFlags,
                szFileSystemName, ARRAYSIZE(szFileSystemName));
            if (bSuccess) {
                _tprintf (TEXT("    Volume Name: \"%s\"\n"), szVolumeName);

            hDevice = CreateFile (szDeviceName,
                                  //FILE_READ_DATA, //0 - no access to the drive, for IOCTL_STORAGE_CHECK_VERIFY is FILE_READ_DATA needed
                                  FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, // for IOCTL_STORAGE_CHECK_VERIFY2
                                  FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE,   // share mode
                                  NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
            if (hDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)

            bIsRemoveable = FALSE;

            spq.PropertyId = StorageDeviceProperty;
            spq.QueryType = PropertyStandardQuery;
            spq.AdditionalParameters[0] = 0;
            bSuccess = DeviceIoControl (hDevice,                         // device to be queried
                                        IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY,    // operation to perform
                                        &spq, sizeof(spq),               // input buffer
                                        &byBuffer, sizeof(byBuffer),     // output buffer
                                        &cbBytesReturned,                // # bytes returned
                                        (LPOVERLAPPED) NULL);            // synchronous I/O
            if (bSuccess) {
                LPCTSTR pszBusType = DumpBusTypeAsString(psdp->BusType);
                if (pszBusType)
                    _tprintf (TEXT("    Bus Type: %s\n"), pszBusType);
                    _tprintf (TEXT("    Bus Type: Unknown (%d)\n"), psdp->BusType);
                if (psdp->VendorIdOffset)
                    _tprintf (TEXT("    VendorId: \"%hs\"\n"), (LPCSTR)((PBYTE)psdp + psdp->VendorIdOffset));
                if (psdp->ProductIdOffset)
                    _tprintf (TEXT("    ProductId: \"%hs\"\n"), (LPCSTR)((PBYTE)psdp + psdp->ProductIdOffset));
                if (psdp->ProductRevisionOffset)
                    _tprintf (TEXT("    ProductRevision: \"%hs\"\n"), (LPCSTR)((PBYTE)psdp + psdp->ProductRevisionOffset));

                if (psdp->RemovableMedia)
                    bIsRemoveable = TRUE;

            cbBytesReturned = 0;
            bSuccess = DeviceIoControl (hDevice,                     // device to be queried
                                        NULL, 0,                     // no input buffer
                                        NULL, 0,                     // no output buffer
                                        &cbBytesReturned,            // # bytes returned
                                        (LPOVERLAPPED) NULL);        // synchronous I/O
            if (bSuccess)
                _tprintf (TEXT("    the device media are accessible\n"));
            else if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NOT_READY)
                _tprintf (TEXT("    the device media are not accessible\n"));

            bSuccess = DeviceIoControl (hDevice,                         // device to be queried
                                        NULL, 0,                         // no input buffer
                                        (LPVOID)&sdn, sizeof(sdn),       // output buffer
                                        &cbBytesReturned,                // # bytes returned
                                        (LPOVERLAPPED) NULL);            // synchronous I/O
            // GetLastError of ERROR_MORE_DATA indicates to the caller that the buffer was not large enough to accommodate the data requested
            if (!bSuccess) __leave;
            _tprintf (TEXT("    DeviceType: %d, DeviceNumber: %d, PartitionNumber: %d\n"), sdn.DeviceType, sdn.DeviceNumber, sdn.PartitionNumber);

            pGuidInferface = NULL;
            pGuidClass = NULL;
            if (sdn.DeviceType == FILE_DEVICE_CD_ROM || sdn.DeviceType == FILE_DEVICE_DVD) {
                pGuidInferface = (GUID*)&GUID_DEVINTERFACE_CDROM;
                pGuidClass = (GUID*)&GUID_DEVCLASS_CDROM;
            else if (sdn.DeviceType == FILE_DEVICE_DISK) {
                DEVICE_TYPE DeviceType;
                ULONG ulCharacteristics;
                bSuccess = GetDriveTypeAndCharacteristics (hDevice, &DeviceType, &ulCharacteristics);
                if (bSuccess) {
                    if ((ulCharacteristics & FILE_FLOPPY_DISKETTE) == FILE_FLOPPY_DISKETTE) {
                        pGuidInferface = (GUID*)&GUID_DEVINTERFACE_FLOPPY;
                        pGuidClass = (GUID*)&GUID_DEVCLASS_FLOPPYDISK;
                    else {
                        pGuidInferface = (GUID*)&GUID_DEVINTERFACE_DISK;
                        pGuidClass = (GUID*)&GUID_DEVCLASS_DISKDRIVE;

                    if ((ulCharacteristics & FILE_REMOVABLE_MEDIA) == FILE_REMOVABLE_MEDIA)
                        bIsRemoveable = TRUE;

            if (CloseHandle (hDevice))
                hDevice = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;

            bSuccess = FindDiInfos (pGuidInferface, pGuidClass, pszEnumerator, sdn.DeviceType, sdn.DeviceNumber,
                                    ARRAY_SIZE(szDeviceInstanceId),     // MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN
            if (bSuccess) {
                if (dwRemovalPolicy == CM_REMOVAL_POLICY_EXPECT_SURPRISE_REMOVAL ||
                    dwRemovalPolicy == CM_REMOVAL_POLICY_EXPECT_ORDERLY_REMOVAL)
                    bIsRemoveable = TRUE;
                _tprintf (TEXT("    DeviceInstanceId: %s\n"), szDeviceInstanceId);
                if (bIsRemoveable)
                    _tprintf (TEXT("    Drive %c: is removeable\n"), pszDriveRoot[0]);
    __finally {
        if (pszLogicalDrives)
            pszLogicalDrives = (LPTSTR) LocalFree (pszLogicalDrives);
        if (hDevice != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
            bSuccess = CloseHandle (hDevice);

    return 0;

The program can be compiled without Windows DDK installed (only Windows SDK, which installed for example together with Visual Studio is required). The program produces output like following:

Drive L:
    Dos Device Name: \Device\CdRom2
    Volume Device Name: \\?\Volume{2c5f6a93-2b50-11df-aa6a-005056c00008}\
    Volume Name: "SONYPICTUTIL"
    Bus Type: USB
    VendorId: "HL-DT-ST"
    ProductId: "DVDRAM GE20LU11 "
    ProductRevision: "CL01"
    the device media are accessible
    DeviceType: 2, DeviceNumber: 2, PartitionNumber: -1
    DevicePath: \\?\usbstor#cdrom&ven_hl-dt-st&prod_dvdram_ge20lu11&rev_cl01#0010101640008b615&0#{53f56308-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
    Class: "CDROM"
    Hardware IDs:
    Friendly Name: "HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GE20LU11 USB Device"
    Physical Device Object Name: "\Device\00000096"
    Device Description: "CD-ROM Drive"
    Parent Device Instance ID: USB\VID_152E&PID_1640\0010101640008B615
        vid: "152E"
        pid: "1640"
    Parent of Parent Device Instance ID: USB\ROOT_HUB20\4&29A1BD9B&0
    DeviceInstanceId: USBSTOR\CDROM&VEN_HL-DT-ST&PROD_DVDRAM_GE20LU11&REV_CL01\0010101640008B615&0
    Drive L: is removeable
Drive N:
    Dos Device Name: \Device\HarddiskVolume8
    Volume Device Name: \\?\Volume{ae08a3c8-71cf-11de-bc1d-005056c00008}\
    Volume Name: ""
    Bus Type: USB
    VendorId: "SanDisk "
    ProductId: "Cruzer          "
    ProductRevision: "8.01"
    the device media are accessible
    DeviceType: 7, DeviceNumber: 5, PartitionNumber: 1
    DevicePath: \\?\usbstor#disk&ven_sandisk&prod_cruzer&rev_8.01#1740030578903736&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
    Class: "DiskDrive"
    Hardware IDs:
    Friendly Name: "SanDisk Cruzer USB Device"
    Physical Device Object Name: "\Device\000000aa"
    Device Description: "Disk drive"
    Parent Device Instance ID: USB\VID_0781&PID_5406\1740030578903736
        vid: "0781"
        pid: "5406"
    Parent of Parent Device Instance ID: USB\ROOT_HUB20\4&128079C2&0
    DeviceInstanceId: USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_SANDISK&PROD_CRUZER&REV_8.01\1740030578903736&0
    Drive N: is removeable

Because we are interesting for only devices which are accessible through drive letters the program start with enumerating of all logical drives in the system with respect of GetLogicalDriveStrings function. For every drive we can use IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY to get information like VendorId, ProductId and ProductRevision. The usage of IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_DEVICE_NUMBER allow us to get the drive type (like CD/DVD or Disk/Floppy). Moreover two numbers: DeviceType and DeviceNumber are unique in the system and we can use these as the basis to fine the device instance (using SetupDi- functions) for the drive.

Because Floppy and Disk devices has the same defice type FILE_DEVICE_DISK I demonstrate another function NtQueryVolumeInformationFile with FileFsDeviceInformation parameter to get so named Characteristics for the device. The characteristic is the best way to destinguisch floppy from other disks and choose the corresponding class and interface GUID for the device enumeration (GUID_DEVINTERFACE_FLOPPY or GUID_DEVINTERFACE_DISK). We get the DeviceType and DeviceNumber for all devices enumerated with respect of SetupDi API. In the way we find out which device has which drive letter.

One more important thing is the hierarchy of devices: parent/child relationship. To demonstrate this I use CM_Get_Parent and CM_Get_Device_ID functions in the code example. So we can see which USB device has which storage divice as the child.

I displayed some information about the found devices. You can combine API from the example with IOCTL_MOUNTMGR_QUERY_POINTS (see Using IOCTL_MOUNTMGR_QUERY_POINTS) or FindFirstVolumeW, FindNextVolumeW and GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW (see to receive more detailed information if needed.

UPDATED: By the way the buffer returned by IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY has another fields like STORAGE_BUS_TYPE BusType (BusTypeUsb, BusTypeFibre, BusTypeSd etc.) etc. You can also use IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY to ask another information like StorageDeviceUniqueIdProperty or StorageDeviceUniqueIdProperty etc. If you want to have more USB specific information, I recommend you which shows the usage of IOCTL_USB_GET_NODE_CONNECTION_INFORMATION_EX, IOCTL_USB_GET_NODE_INFORMATION and IOCTL_USB_GET_DESCRIPTOR_FROM_NODE_CONNECTION.

UPDATED 2: I placed the extended version of program under because of restriction with the message size in The test output looks like folowing

UPDATED 3: I found a bug and updated the code. Please use the latest version of the code and verify that your problem is solved.

Author by


iOs developer

Updated on August 24, 2022


  • user198725878
    user198725878 almost 2 years

    When i run the below code on windows XP - 32 , i get the below result.

    i have plugged only one usb pen drive

    On Windows XP - 32 Bit
    Drive C:
        ProductId: ST3160215AS
        ProductRevision: 3.AAD
        DeviceType: 7, DeviceNumber: 0, PartitionNumber: 1
        DevicePath: \\?\ide#diskst3160215as_____________________________3.aad___#5&2
        Class: DiskDrive
        Hardware ID: IDE\DiskST3160215AS_____________________________3.AAD___
        Friendly Name: ST3160215AS
        Physical Device Object Name: \Device\Ide\IdeDeviceP2T0L0-5
        Device Description: Disk drive
        Parent Device Instance ID: PCIIDE\IDECHANNEL\4&1C1E8A11&0&0
        Parent of Parent Device Instance ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27C0&SUBSYS_72671462&R
        DeviceInstanceId: IDE\DISKST3160215AS_____________________________3.AAD___\5
    Drive D:
        ProductId: ST3160215AS
        ProductRevision: 3.AAD
        DeviceType: 7, DeviceNumber: 0, PartitionNumber: 2
        DevicePath: \\?\ide#diskst3160215as_____________________________3.aad___#5&2
        Class: DiskDrive
        Hardware ID: IDE\DiskST3160215AS_____________________________3.AAD___
        Friendly Name: ST3160215AS
        Physical Device Object Name: \Device\Ide\IdeDeviceP2T0L0-5
        Device Description: Disk drive
        Parent Device Instance ID: PCIIDE\IDECHANNEL\4&1C1E8A11&0&0
        Parent of Parent Device Instance ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27C0&SUBSYS_72671462&R
        DeviceInstanceId: IDE\DISKST3160215AS_____________________________3.AAD___\5
    Drive E:
        ProductId: ST3160215AS
        ProductRevision: 3.AAD
        DeviceType: 7, DeviceNumber: 0, PartitionNumber: 3
        DevicePath: \\?\ide#diskst3160215as_____________________________3.aad___#5&2
        Class: DiskDrive
        Hardware ID: IDE\DiskST3160215AS_____________________________3.AAD___
        Friendly Name: ST3160215AS
        Physical Device Object Name: \Device\Ide\IdeDeviceP2T0L0-5
        Device Description: Disk drive
        Parent Device Instance ID: PCIIDE\IDECHANNEL\4&1C1E8A11&0&0
        Parent of Parent Device Instance ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27C0&SUBSYS_72671462&R
        DeviceInstanceId: IDE\DISKST3160215AS_____________________________3.AAD___\5
    Drive F:
        ProductId: ST3160215AS
        ProductRevision: 3.AAD
        DeviceType: 7, DeviceNumber: 0, PartitionNumber: 4
        DevicePath: \\?\ide#diskst3160215as_____________________________3.aad___#5&2
        Class: DiskDrive
        Hardware ID: IDE\DiskST3160215AS_____________________________3.AAD___
        Friendly Name: ST3160215AS
        Physical Device Object Name: \Device\Ide\IdeDeviceP2T0L0-5
        Device Description: Disk drive
        Parent Device Instance ID: PCIIDE\IDECHANNEL\4&1C1E8A11&0&0
        Parent of Parent Device Instance ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27C0&SUBSYS_72671462&R
        DeviceInstanceId: IDE\DISKST3160215AS_____________________________3.AAD___\5
    Drive G:
        VendorId: JetFlash
        ProductId: Transcend 2GB
        ProductRevision: 8.07
        DeviceType: 7, DeviceNumber: 1, PartitionNumber: 1
        DevicePath: \\?\usbstor#disk&ven_jetflash&prod_transcend_2gb&rev_8.07#e3o29u
        Class: DiskDrive
        Hardware ID: USBSTOR\DiskJetFlashTranscend_2GB___8.07
        Friendly Name: JetFlash Transcend 2GB USB Device
        Physical Device Object Name: \Device\00000080
        Device Description: Disk drive
        Parent Device Instance ID: USB\VID_058F&PID_6387\E3O29U13
        Parent of Parent Device Instance ID: USB\ROOT_HUB20\4&2B6971CE&0
        Drive G: is removeable
    Drive X:
    When i run the below code on windows7 - 32 , i get the below result
    i have plugged the same usb pen drive which is used on windows xp - 32 bit...
    On Windows 7 - 32 Bit
    Drive C:
        ProductId: Hitachi HDS721616PLA380
        ProductRevision: P22OAB3A
        DeviceType: 7, DeviceNumber: 0, PartitionNumber: 2
        DevicePath: \\?\ide#diskhitachi_hds721616pla380_________________p22oab3a#5&4
        Class: DiskDrive
        Hardware ID: USBSTOR\DiskJetFlashTranscend_2GB___8.07
        Friendly Name: JetFlash Transcend 2GB USB Device
        Physical Device Object Name: \Device\0000006f
        Device Description: Disk drive
        Parent Device Instance ID: USB\VID_058F&PID_6387\E3O29U13
        Parent of Parent Device Instance ID: USB\ROOT_HUB20\4&4E31217&0
        Drive C: is removeable
    Drive D:
        ProductId: Hitachi HDS721616PLA380
        ProductRevision: P22OAB3A
        DeviceType: 7, DeviceNumber: 0, PartitionNumber: 3
        DevicePath: \\?\ide#diskhitachi_hds721616pla380_________________p22oab3a#5&4
        Class: DiskDrive
        Hardware ID: USBSTOR\DiskJetFlashTranscend_2GB___8.07
        Friendly Name: JetFlash Transcend 2GB USB Device
        Physical Device Object Name: \Device\0000006f
        Device Description: Disk drive
        Parent Device Instance ID: USB\VID_058F&PID_6387\E3O29U13
        Parent of Parent Device Instance ID: USB\ROOT_HUB20\4&4E31217&0
        Drive D: is removeable
    Drive E:
        ProductId: Hitachi HDS721616PLA380
        ProductRevision: P22OAB3A
        DeviceType: 7, DeviceNumber: 0, PartitionNumber: 4
        DevicePath: \\?\ide#diskhitachi_hds721616pla380_________________p22oab3a#5&4
        Class: DiskDrive
        Hardware ID: USBSTOR\DiskJetFlashTranscend_2GB___8.07
        Friendly Name: JetFlash Transcend 2GB USB Device
        Physical Device Object Name: \Device\0000006f
        Device Description: Disk drive
        Parent Device Instance ID: USB\VID_058F&PID_6387\E3O29U13
        Parent of Parent Device Instance ID: USB\ROOT_HUB20\4&4E31217&0
        Drive E: is removeable
    Drive F:
        ProductId: Hitachi HDS721616PLA380
        ProductRevision: P22OAB3A
        DeviceType: 7, DeviceNumber: 0, PartitionNumber: 5
        DevicePath: \\?\ide#diskhitachi_hds721616pla380_________________p22oab3a#5&4
        Class: DiskDrive
        Hardware ID: USBSTOR\DiskJetFlashTranscend_2GB___8.07
        Friendly Name: JetFlash Transcend 2GB USB Device
        Physical Device Object Name: \Device\0000006f
        Device Description: Disk drive
        Parent Device Instance ID: USB\VID_058F&PID_6387\E3O29U13
        Parent of Parent Device Instance ID: USB\ROOT_HUB20\4&4E31217&0
        Drive F: is removeable
    Drive G:
        VendorId: JetFlash
        ProductId: Transcend 2GB
        ProductRevision: 8.07
        DeviceType: 7, DeviceNumber: 1, PartitionNumber: 1
        DevicePath: \\?\usbstor#disk&ven_jetflash&prod_transcend_2gb&rev_8.07#e3o29u
        Class: DiskDrive
        Hardware ID: IDE\DiskHitachi_HDS721616PLA380_________________P22OAB3A
        Friendly Name: Hitachi HDS721616PLA380 ATA Device
        Physical Device Object Name: \Device\Ide\IdeDeviceP1T0L0-1
        Device Description: Disk drive
        Parent Device Instance ID: PCIIDE\IDECHANNEL\4&35CD87E&0&0
        Parent of Parent Device Instance ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27C0&SUBSYS_27C08086&R
        DeviceInstanceId: IDE\DISKHITACHI_HDS721616PLA380_________________P22OAB3A\5
        Drive G: is removeable
    Drive Z:



    Kindly look at the both the results...

    I have plugged a same usb device on both the systems ( xp and windows7 ) but the results varies...

    please check the Drive G: results on the both the Os...

    Drive G: ( On Windows 7 - 32 bit )
    VendorId: JetFlash
        ProductId: Transcend 2GB
        ProductRevision: 8.07
        DeviceType: 7, DeviceNumber: 1, PartitionNumber: 1
        DevicePath: \\?\usbstor#disk&ven_jetflash&prod_transcend_2gb&rev_8.07#e3o29u
        Class: DiskDrive
        Hardware ID: IDE\DiskHitachi_HDS721616PLA380_________________P22OAB3A
        Friendly Name: Hitachi HDS721616PLA380 ATA Device
        Physical Device Object Name: \Device\Ide\IdeDeviceP1T0L0-1
        Device Description: Disk drive
        Parent Device Instance ID: PCIIDE\IDECHANNEL\4&35CD87E&0&0
        Parent of Parent Device Instance ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27C0&SUBSYS_27C08086&R
        DeviceInstanceId: IDE\DISKHITACHI_HDS721616PLA380_________________P22OAB3A\5
        Drive G: is removeable
    Drive G: ( On Windows XP - 32 bit )
    VendorId: JetFlash
        ProductId: Transcend 2GB
        ProductRevision: 8.07
        DeviceType: 7, DeviceNumber: 1, PartitionNumber: 1
        DevicePath: \\?\usbstor#disk&ven_jetflash&prod_transcend_2gb&rev_8.07#e3o29u
        Class: DiskDrive
        Hardware ID: USBSTOR\DiskJetFlashTranscend_2GB___8.07
        Friendly Name: JetFlash Transcend 2GB USB Device
        Physical Device Object Name: \Device\00000080
        Device Description: Disk drive
        Parent Device Instance ID: USB\VID_058F&PID_6387\E3O29U13
        Parent of Parent Device Instance ID: USB\ROOT_HUB20\4&2B6971CE&0
        Drive G: is removeable

    Thank you for any help