Get Selected Value of Dropdownlist in ActionLink (MVC 5)


This line

<td>@Html.ActionLink("Submit", "AdAction", new {adId = ad.Row_Id, action = ad.Actions.SelectedValue}) </td> 

is setting the route value action to the selected value at the time the view is created on the server and before its sent to the browser (the user hasn't selected anything yet so its null). If you are wanting to set the value to "001" or "002" (the values of the dropdowns), then you need to use javascript update the href attribute of the link when the dropdown changes. An easier and more conventional solution would be to delete the dropdown and use 2 action links, one for Viewand one for Edit. Since they are 2 different actions, there should also be 2 seperate ActionResult methods in your controller. For example

@Html.ActionLink("View", "View", new { id = ad.Row_Id }) // calls the View method
@Html.ActionLink("Modify", "Modify", new { id = ad.Row_Id }) // calls the Modify method


To do this using javascript, delete the @Html.ActionLink and replace with a <button type="button"> or other element and handle its click event

var url = '@Url.Action("AdAction")';
$('button').click(function() {
  var row = $(this).closest('tr');
  var rowID = row.children('td').eq(0).text();
  var actionID = row.find('select').val();
  window.location.href = url + '?adId=' + rowID + '&action=' + actionID;

Note: You are creating invalid html with the @Html.DropDownList() method (all <selects> will have id="action")


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Adil Khalil
Author by

Adil Khalil

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Adil Khalil
    Adil Khalil almost 2 years

    I am trying to get the selected value of a dropdownlist in @Html.ActionLink but no luck so far. Requirement is to dynamically retrieve a table and have a dropdown list for actions that can be taken against the row. I need to select an action and then on hitting submit button, row ID and selected action value should be posted to the controller. Here is the piece of code I have in place.

    @foreach (AdsViewModel ad in Model)
             <td class=" "> @ad.Description </td>
             <td class=" "> @ad.Valid_To.ToShortDateString() </td>
             <td><span class="label label-sm label-success label-mini"> @ad.Status </span></td>
             <td>@Html.DropDownList("actions", ad.Actions) </td>
             <td>@Html.ActionLink("Submit", "AdAction", new {adId = ad.Row_Id, action = ad.Actions.SelectedValue}) </td>


    On clicking the Submit ActionLink, I am getting the adId but no action is returned from the dropdownlist.

    Your help is much appreciated. Edit: Here is the AdsViewModel

    public class AdsViewModel
        public string Row_Id { get; set; } //Transaction Number
        public string Description { get; set; } //Trasaction Description
        public DateTime Valid_To { get; set; } //Expiry
        public string Status { get; set; } //Object Status Code
        public SelectList Actions { get; set; }

    This is how the Select list is filled in Controller

    List<SelectListItem> items = new List<SelectListItem>();
    items.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "View", Value = "001" });
    items.Add(new SelectListItem(){Text = "Modify", Value = "002"});
    model.Actions = items;
  • Adil Khalil
    Adil Khalil over 9 years
    Well, ad.Actions is a dropdownlist and contains several values. It still just doesn't fetch the selected value of the dropdown.
  • Aydin
    Aydin over 9 years
    Could you update your question with the class you're using for your Model and AdsViewModel
  • Adil Khalil
    Adil Khalil over 9 years
    Updated, see the Edit.
  • Aydin
    Aydin over 9 years
    <td>@Html.DropDownListFor("actions", m => m[i].Actions) </td> Does that make a difference at all?
  • Adil Khalil
    Adil Khalil over 9 years
    Since the actions dropdownlist is populated at runtime and may contain more than one value, I cannot give all the actions upfront in my view. Can you please write a Javascript for me so that when I click on the submit button, it picks the Row_ID and the action ddl selected value and post to AdAction Action method?
  • Adil Khalil
    Adil Khalil over 9 years
    Thanks @Stephen, your solution looks convincing. Can you please write an exact piece of code, I know this is very basic but I am totally new to Web Development and cannot figure it out on myself.
  • Admin
    Admin over 9 years
    @AdilKhalil, What do you mean "exact piece of code"? What I included in my edit works fine.
  • Adil Khalil
    Adil Khalil over 9 years
    I added the button and the javascript as you mentioned but on button click nothing happens.
  • Admin
    Admin over 9 years
    Have you included that jquery files? Look in the browser console and see what errors you get
  • Adil Khalil
    Adil Khalil over 9 years
    ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined if (!jQuery) { throw new Error("Bootstrap requires jQuery") } I see this Error only
  • Admin
    Admin over 9 years
    That's because you have not included the jquery files.