How can i set the html id attribute in razor


Just add the id property to the html-attributes. That will override the default id generated by the editorfor-helper-methode.

Look at this post: How can I set id using Html.EditorFor with MVC3

 @Html.EditorFor(model => model.News_Date, new { htmlAttributes = new { @class = "form-control", id = "my_custom_id" }})
Mustafa Sattar
Author by

Mustafa Sattar

Updated on June 09, 2022


  • Mustafa Sattar
    Mustafa Sattar almost 2 years

    I want to configure datepicker in my MVC 5 form. I have included all the reference libraries like Jquery, datepicker etc.

    Following is the line from MVC razor view, which is created by Visual Studio in a result for MVC 5 scaffolding.

    @Html.EditorFor(model => model.News_Date, new { htmlAttributes = new { @class = "form-control" }})

    any help in this regard