Get the price of an item on Steam Community Market with PHP and Regex


Solution 1

Not entirely sure why you'd want to do this the hard way and regex through HTML when there's a perfectly working call which returns JSON. Although the original answer is correct and answers the OP question directly, this provides a much easier and efficient way of getting the market value of an item.


JSON Response:

  "success": true,
  "lowest_price": "1,43€ ",
  "volume": "562",
  "median_price": "1,60€ "

Response Definitions :

success: boolean value, true if the call was successful or false if something went wrong or there are no listing for this item on the Steam market.

lowest_price: string value with currency symbol [pre-/ap]pended depending on the query parameters specified. See below for some additional parameter.

volume: integer value returned as a string (?) - the total number of this specific item which has been sold/bought.

median_price: string value with currency symbol [pre-/ap]pended. The average price at which the item has been sold. See the Steam marketplace item graph for a better understanding on how the median is calculated.

Query Parameters:

appid: The unique (statically defined) Steam application ID of the game/app, in our case 730 for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. See Valve's development Wiki for a list of other appid's, though this list will most probably always be out of date as new apps are added to their platform frequently.

market_hash_name: The name of the item being queried against with the exterior included, retrieving these names can be found when querying against a users inventory, but that's a whole other API call.

currency: An integer value; the currency value and format to return the market values. You'll need to tweak and play around with these numbers as I cannot provide too much detail here. Generally I stick to using USD as a global price and use my own currency API to translate into other currencies.

This is an undocumented endpoint and therefore might not be permanent, or may be subject to change, nobody knows.

Solution 2

Don't use regex for this task (see RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags, but there's a more explanatory link somewhere on SO)

You want to use XPath to select your elements based on fine criteria. From this should get you the nodes you want:

$doc = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXpath($doc);

$elements = $xpath->query('//span[@class="market_listing_price market_listing_price_with_fee"]');

the XPath //span[@class="..."] means select all span tags within the document the have the expected class attribute.

Thomas Kowalski
Author by

Thomas Kowalski

Software Engineering student at Imperial College London (UK) I love performance and modern C++!

Updated on June 09, 2021


  • Thomas Kowalski
    Thomas Kowalski about 3 years

    I'm trying to use PHP to get the Steam Community Market price of an item. I take a url (for example : and then I download the content with file_get_contents(). I tried to use this :

    function getInnerHTML($string, $tagname, $closetagname) {
        $pattern = "/<$tagname ?.*>(.*)<\/$closetagname>/";
        preg_match($pattern, $string, $matches);
        return $matches[1];


    getInnerHTML($str, 'span class="market_listing_price market_listing_price_with_fee"', 'span');

    An example of what I can have with file_get_contents is this :

    <span class="market_table_value">
        <span class="market_listing_price market_listing_price_with_fee">
            $1.92               </span>
        <span class="market_listing_price market_listing_price_without_fee">
            $1.68               </span>

    But it returns nothing.

    Has anyone an idea ?

  • Ríomhaire
    Ríomhaire almost 10 years
    @Robin I'm trying something similar to OP. The data I wish to parse . Is it possible to use XPath on such a string of text. Or do I need to make it into a type of file before I can run the query on it?
  • Robin
    Robin almost 10 years
    @Ríomhaire: if you have another question, you'll have more support by posting it as such. But before that I suggest you try it out to figure what's working as expected and what's not, in order to clarify your exact issue !
  • roverred
    roverred over 9 years
    Is there a way to get the pricing of multiple items rather than sending one GET request per item for the prices?
  • Stephen Lake
    Stephen Lake over 9 years
    No, but see my answer to the same question here:…
  • SkyPunch
    SkyPunch about 9 years
    @snh Hey can u please tell me what i this median price because few items have them and few dont
  • Stephen Lake
    Stephen Lake about 9 years
    I've updated my answer with a little more information.
  • lorrainebatol
    lorrainebatol about 9 years
    @Stevovosaurus, what is the currency value for usd? currency 3 is returning to me euro dollars.
  • Stephen Lake
    Stephen Lake about 9 years
    I believe 1 is USD.
  • Thomas Kowalski
    Thomas Kowalski almost 9 years
    Man this is so cool :o if only I knew anything about nodejs... :c
  • Mark N
    Mark N over 8 years
    Currently: 1 = USD; 13 = CAD; 4 = CHF; 7 = R$; 9 = kr;
  • cheesey
    cheesey almost 7 years
    You'll run into problems with error 429 if you try to use this for all your inventory items. Because you'll make to many requests too fast.
  • Stephen Lake
    Stephen Lake almost 7 years
    @cheesey Caching. Nuff said.