Getting colored results when using a pipe from grep to less


Solution 1

When you simply run grep --color it implies grep --color=auto which detects whether the output is a terminal and if so enables colors. However, when it detects a pipe it disables coloring. The following command:

grep --color=always -R "search string" * | less

Will always enable coloring and override the automatic detection, and you will get the color highlighting in less.

EDIT: Although using just less works for me, perhaps older version require the -R flag to handle colors, as therefromhere suggested.

Solution 2

You can put this in your .bashrc file:

export GREP_OPTIONS="--color=always"

or create an alias like this:

alias grepc="grep --color=always"

and you will need to use the -R option for less, as pointed out by therefromhere

Solution 3

In case like this, I prefer to actually create small sh files and put them on /usr/local/bin.
I usually use grep in the recursive way on the pwd, so thats my personal script:

grep --color=always -r "$@" . | less -R

And then I've just copied it as /usr/local/bin/g (yes, I use it a lot)

Solution 4

Don't alias "grep", better to alias "less" which is never used by shells. In your .bashrc just put: alias less="less -r".


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Jeremy Powell
Author by

Jeremy Powell

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Jeremy Powell
    Jeremy Powell over 1 year

    I use the --colour option of grep a lot, but I often use less as well. How can I pipe grep results to less and still preserve the coloring. (Or is that possible?)

    grep "search-string" -R * --colour | less 


    I'm looking for a direct solution or anything equivalent to this.

    • Ciro Santilli Путлер Капут 六四事
      Ciro Santilli Путлер Капут 六四事 over 9 years
      possible duplicate of Get colors in 'less'' command
    • Shayan
      Shayan almost 5 years
      What does * do? From the man page of grep: *: The preceding item will be matched zero or more times. But I still don't understand..! @JeremyPowell
    • NeilG
      NeilG over 4 years
      @Shayan, the '*' in this case is for the file arguments. It gets processed by the shell which expands it to all files in the directory. The search string is enclosed in double quotes in the example.
  • pion
    pion over 14 years
    You need to use less -R for the colour encoding to be interpreted by less correctly
  • Drona
    Drona over 14 years
    It worked for me with just less, it may be version dependent.
  • Jeremy Powell
    Jeremy Powell over 14 years
    wow. I thought 'auto' only depended on the terminal type. I may be jumping the gun, but this may revolutionize the way I use linux :P
  • mctylr
    mctylr about 14 years
    Warning!: GREP_OPTIONS="--color=always" may break many scripts that use grep (or (e|f)grep).
  • asmeurer
    asmeurer almost 13 years
    Yeah, better to just alias grep. You can always get pure grep with GREP, or override the --color option manually.
  • Owen Blacker
    Owen Blacker about 12 years
    Awesome. Though I too to use less -R to get less to display colours, rather than the colouring escape codes :o)
  • Owen Blacker
    Owen Blacker about 12 years
    A (hopefully) useful addendum: I needed to exclude some matches but maintain the colouring, so I actually ended up with grep pattern file | grep -v badpattern | grep --colour=always pattern | less -R, which met my needs perfectly. (Thanks again!)
  • brandizzi
    brandizzi about 11 years
    Not quite right. One needs to use both grep --color=always and less -R. Note that grep only knows it is being piped into some other process and the --color=auto option uses solely this information to decide if will output colors or not.
  • David Winiecki
    David Winiecki over 10 years
    Yay, works for git log -p too. :)
  • Craig McQueen
    Craig McQueen over 10 years
    Note that less option -r is different than -R. Probably -R is safer.
  • not2qubit
    not2qubit over 10 years
    So why down-vote my solution. The OP specifically ask for less with the example already using `--color' option.
  • saeedgnu
    saeedgnu over 10 years
    This doesn't work for me, alias does work though.
  • Ray Foss
    Ray Foss over 9 years
    Using grep without -R and more instead of less -R works for me... and its shorter. In other words, this works on Fedora 20 grep --color=always -Irn "foo_bar" | more
  • cfi
    cfi over 8 years
    @spatz: You could integrate Dennis answer into yours to make it a one-stop-shop. Integration answers are perfectly wanted on SO. Thanks! That would solve the problem Owen addressed in his comment.
  • greyfade
    greyfade almost 8 years
    An alias is probably undesirable here. less supports a $LESS environment variable. So, instead of an alias, export LESS='-R' might be preferable.
  • greyfade
    greyfade almost 8 years
    @OwenBlacker It might not be an alias. You might have $LESS set with -R.
  • 00dani
    00dani over 7 years
    Why not just use shell functions for this kind of thing? g() { grep --color=always -r "$@" . | less -R } works identically and probably will give (minutely) better performance.
  • Ligemer
    Ligemer about 6 years
    Ubuntu 16.04 cat file.log | grep --color=always password | less -R
  • Rory O'Kane
    Rory O'Kane about 6 years
    To make less default to always pass through colors, edit your LESS environment variable to include -R or its long form --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS. The LESS variable contains a space-separated list of default flags for less.
  • Iazel
    Iazel over 5 years
    @00dani yeah, that's a valid alternative too and sometimes I use it. Please note that in this case, most time is spent in IO and therefore there is no perceivable performance boost :) Another difference is that once in your PATH, this script can be used with other shell scripts and aliases too; the function instead needs to be explicitly loaded
  • Shayan
    Shayan almost 5 years
    What does * do? From the man page of grep: *: The preceding item will be matched zero or more times. But I still don't understand..!
  • Pepedou
    Pepedou about 4 years
    @Shayan It will search for the text "search string" in all files.
  • Sujay Phadke
    Sujay Phadke over 3 years
    old Q and answer, but thank you! works like a charm.