Git Bash and Pageant are not using keys


Solution 1

This is what ended up working for me.

BTW, I do have Bash on Windows as well, but I don't think that matters.

I had Sourcetree installed and pointed at its folder with plink.exe, puttygen.exe, & pageant.exe. You could also download and install these separately as well.

Configure Windows Environment Variable

  1. Type Environment into your Windows 10 search bar. Otherwise, open up System Properties / Advanced System Settings and find your Environment Variables.
  2. Add a new System variable
    • Variable Name: GIT_SSH
    • Variable Value: full path to plink.exe file (you may also have pageant.exe and puttygen.exe in the same folder).
      • Mine was: C:\Program Files (x86)\Atlassian\SourceTree\tools\putty\plink.exe

      • Note: Newer versions of Sourcetree seem to install ot %localappdata%. The tools are located at %localappdata%\SourceTree\app-x.x.x\tools\putty

      • Note: The newer Sourcetree (v2 on Windows) uses versioned directories, so every time you update it, you'll have to update this which is a pain. It is best to just make a copy of plink.exe and put it somewhere that's not going to change.

      • If you have any of the above programs running you can always open up task manager, find the process, and open up the folder location to get the path to plink.exe.


Make sure to restart your terminals so that they get the updated environment variables. For me, I was running Bash for my integrated terminal within Visual Studio Code, so I had to restart Visual Studio Code. It would have surely been acceptable to close the integrated terminal and open a new one, but I also wanted the built in git functionality in Visual Studio Code to work as well.


Given that I have Sourcetree installed I was able to use its interface to clone down out of Bitbucket and push through its interface, but trying through terminals was not working, because they were using a different credential set.

Another interesting thing to point out is that if you navigate into your project's git configuration located at: ./.git/config, you could swap out your remote from using SSH to HTTPS. You can grab the following values from your Overview on your Bitbucket repository.

I noticed while using HTTPS on Windows 10 it then will use the Windows Credential Manager (I tried adding my credentials to it while trying to figure this out myself, but I was still using SSH so it didn't matter) When you go to interact with the remote repository it will prompt you for your credentials and store them for later use in Windows Credential Manager :)

Hopefully one of these methods will work out for you. The HTTPS method will skip the whole SSH key generation and pushing it up into Bitbucket, but it feels more secure and portable for me.

Mac OS

You may need to add your key to the keychain especially if you're using Visual Studio Code and have a passphrase on your key (currently Visual Studio Code will not allow you to type in a passphrase).

ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa


I'm not sure if these may be helpful for someone, but I've been following getting SSH support into Visual Studio Code for Windows:

Solution 2

You are mixing things up.

PuTTY and Pageant are not compatible with OpenSSH tools and can't communicate together. PuTTY can't read keys from your OpenSSH agent and OpenSSH can't read the keys from Pageant. The key format is also different. That is a bad thing in this world, but there is no solution on the horizon.

Also "agent forwarding" is something different than "using agent".

If you set up Git with plink (make sure you really did), check if your Pageant is running and if the option "Attempt authentication using Pageant" is checked in your stored profile in PuTTY under ConnectionSSHAuth.

If it will not resolve your problems, post some debug log from PuTTY.

Solution 3

You don't need PuTTY to work with Bitbucket in ssh: the OpenSSH version (C:\prgs\git\PortableGit-2.7.0-64-bit\usr\bin\ssh.exe) packaged in git-for-windows works just fine.

Make sure that, in your current shell session, you have HOME set to %USERPROFILE% (a PortableGit-2.7.0-64-bit\git-cmd.exe is enough to open a regular CMD properly configured).

Create a file named config in %USERPROFILE%\.ssh (as in step 3 of the Atlassian documentation):

 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/bitbucket_rsa

(You can also use "/C/path/to/bitbucket_rsa".)

That allows to use an SSH URL like Test it with ssh -Tv (after adding your public key to your Bitbucket account, of course).

Note: ssh-agent is only needed if your private key is passphrase-protected.

Update 2018, two years later: "Say Farewell to PuTTY as Microsoft adds an OpenSSH Client to Windows 10". It is really time to ditch putty aside: no need for a different (ppk) key format and proprietary solution, now that OpenSSH is officially distributed as a Windows feature (in beta for now, Q1 2018).

Solution 4

For future googlers,

Just do like what @CTS_AE said or you can just run this in elevated powershell

[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("GIT_SSH", "C:\Program Files\PuTTY\plink.exe", "Machine")

Solution 5

What worked for me with Git Bash for Windows 7: convert .pkk file to OpenSSH format:

Add generated key to IdentityFile .ssh/config at Git Bash, for example:

Host repository
     # My converted OpenSSH key
     IdentityFile /c/Users/me/open-ssh.pri

     # This repository server uses a specific name, not usually needed.
     User git

     # This repository server uses a specific port, not usually needed
     Port 8322

     # Repository server full name
Dissident Rage
Author by

Dissident Rage

Webutvikler som bor i USA og vil flytte til Norge.

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Dissident Rage
    Dissident Rage almost 2 years

    I've got Git for Windows (configured for MinTTY and PuTTY\plink.exe) and PuTTY installed, and I am trying to get it to work with a Bitbucket repository. I've got my SSH key loaded, in Pageant and on the website, and yet whenever I attempt to do anything that requires pulling/pushing:

    Permission denied (publickey).
    fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
    Please make sure you have the correct access rights
    and the repository exists.

    When I run the suggested ssh -v [email protected] it uses id_rsa but none of my other keys in ~/.ssh. Trying to use ssh-add ~/.ssh/bitbucket_rsa results in:

    Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.

    I've read about configuring PuTTY to allow forwarding, but that's usually where the advice ends, so I just set this option for the default session and saved it there.

    I've run ps to check which applications were running, and ssh-agent was not among them. Running eval 'ssh-agent' starts the daemon, but it makes no difference.

  • Dissident Rage
    Dissident Rage over 8 years
    I know I can use OpenSSH. I don't want to.
  • VonC
    VonC over 8 years
    @DissidentRage Yet, that is what git is packaged with, and it is working just fine.
  • Dissident Rage
    Dissident Rage over 8 years
    It's supposed to work with PuTTY. My work machine works with it correctly and without any of this fuss. If an answer doesn't make this work, it's not going to be marked as a solution.
  • Dissident Rage
    Dissident Rage over 8 years
    I only attempted to run these commands because nothing else appeared to be working. I'm afraid however I still don't understand where I'm supposed to alter these settings in PuTTY. Am I supposed to create a PuTTY session configured specifically for
  • VonC
    VonC over 8 years
    @DissidentRage Do you have set GIT_SSH to putty? And do you have used putty to convert your openssh keys to a ppk one, that putty can actually read? (
  • Jakuje
    Jakuje over 8 years
    You can use the one you have.
  • Dissident Rage
    Dissident Rage over 8 years
    It's configured for PuTTY\plink.exe and yes, Pageant is set to use its own .ppk file.
  • Dissident Rage
    Dissident Rage over 8 years
    I'm not sure what changed, because I had this set up on all connections and it wasn't working. I turned on the option to allow username changes, and it seemed to work (shouldn't matter right since it's supposed to match up the key itself?), then I disabled it and it still works.
  • Noumenon
    Noumenon over 6 years
    This was the answer for me. Examples of the different, incompatible key formats are here.
  • Eric Lam
    Eric Lam almost 5 years
    A comment about VSCode. Apparently I have tried using Power Shell in VSCode and the setup doesn't work without restarting VSCode. I have started the terminal once before adding GIT_SSH then pressed Kill Terminal and create a new instance of that. The npm install only recognize the ssh key after restart of VSCode.
  • b7kich
    b7kich almost 4 years
    After setting the GIT_SSH you can test by running $GIT_SSH -v [email protected]. At the end you should get a friendly message saying "Hi <username>! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access." `
  • MTran
    MTran over 3 years
    "The newer Sourcetree (v2 on Windows) uses versioned directories, so every time you update it, you'll have to update this which is a pain." --- I followed the steps, updated SourceTree from 3.0.17 to 3.1.2 and it still actually worked without me needing to update the path. Not sure why?
  • CTS_AE
    CTS_AE over 3 years
    @MTran as stated in the post, you can either copy those or download them and put them in a directory that will not change. They do not have to be in that directory, they just so happen to be included with Sourcetree.
  • DustWolf
    DustWolf over 2 years
    Turns out using ssh-keygen in my MINGW64 terminal was easy enough (at least much easier than clicking around in PuTTy tools).