GitHub authentication failing over https, returning wrong email address


Solution 1

GitHub's support determined the root of the issue right away: Two-factor authorization.

To use GitHub over the shell with https, create an OAuth token. As the page notes, I did have to remove my username and password credentials from Keychain but with osx-keychain in place, the token is stored as the password and things work exactly as they would over https without two-factor authorization in place.

Solution 2

I do not have an address

You don't have to: the @ is the separator between the username:password and the domain.
It is not an email address.

A full GitHub https url would be:

# 2014:
https://username:[email protected]/username/reponame.git

# 2021+:
https://username:[email protected]/username/reponame.git

Without the token (which would then be asked on the command line), that would give:

https://[email protected]/username/reponame.git

But again, [email protected] isn't an email address, just the first part of the credentials.

Make sure the case of your username and reponame is correct: it is case-sensitive.

Since Aug. 2021, GitHub no longer accept account passwords when authenticating Git operations on
Only PAT (Personal Access Token)

Note that you can store and encrypt your credentials in:

Solution 3

  • Go to Credential Manager => Windows Manager
  • Delete everything related to tfs
  • Now click on Add a generic credential and provide the following values

    (1) Internet or network adress: git:https://tfs.donamain name (2) username: your username (3) password: your password

    this should fix it

Solution 4

It may happen in Windows if you stored a different credentials before. Go to Credential Manager and delete stored github credentials

Solution 5

Same thing happened with me, when i have enabled 2-way authentication for github. Things i did to resolve:

  • Get you personal access token. This you have to check and generate if not available already. Link for this:
  • Go to your local and delete folder and re-clone branch from github.
  • Now try the command you were trying earlier i.e: git pull origin master
  • Enter username and In password paste the token generated and also don't forget to save that token somewhere, so you can re-use if required.

Doing this will solve your issue.

Author by


Agile software developer with eight years experience across the full stack of web technologies, user interface, testing and debugging, training staff and presenting to stakeholders, with prior experience in content strategy, web writing, and technical support

Updated on June 27, 2020


  • ele
    ele almost 4 years

    Initiating a push or any other action with GitHub from the command line (over https, not ssh) that calls for the username and password not only fails but, when it does, it returns

    Username for '': username
    Password for 'https://[email protected]': 
    remote: Invalid username or password.
    fatal: Authentication failed for ''

    I do not have an address. The password and username are correct.

    I know I could switch to SSH and use keys but that doesn't answer why the authentication is failing over https.

  • Mark Hildreth
    Mark Hildreth over 10 years
    You can also leave the password out, typing the password every time. In that case it would be https://[email protected]/username/reponame.git.
  • ele
    ele over 10 years
    Oh, that make sense. Thank you. I knew about the case sensitivity and I am confident that the username and password I'm providing are correct. (They work fine to sign into the website.)a
  • VonC
    VonC over 10 years
    @ele yes, but does your password include special characters (like ! * ' ( ) ; : @ & = + $ , / ? # [ ])? They would need to be "percent-encoded" (
  • ele
    ele over 10 years
    The password is alphanumeric. I'll see what 'git remote -v' gives when I'm next at the machine but sounds like I might need to contact GitHub support next.
  • VonC
    VonC over 10 years
    @ele try the .netrc approach first (don't even encrypt, just for testing). If that doesn't work, the GitHub support is indeed the next step.
  • VonC
    VonC over 10 years
    +1. You also can use a PAT (Personal Access Token) in an encrypted netrc:
  • lindhe
    lindhe over 9 years
    What is the difference between a PAT and an OAuth?
  • Kerry Jones
    Kerry Jones almost 7 years
    @lindhe OAuth token is a type of token, a the PAT is an OAauth token in this case.
  • Spenhouet
    Spenhouet over 5 years
    It is also possible to directly edit the password in the Windows Credential Manager to the new password.
  • Kellen Stuart
    Kellen Stuart over 5 years
    wow. I love how it stores the incorrect password if you type it in wrong. Then you have to go manually update it or delete it
  • SliverNinja - MSFT
    SliverNinja - MSFT over 4 years
    Good callout - this was happening to me on mac => had to regenerate my PAT
  • Mohd Belal
    Mohd Belal about 4 years
    We have to generate the token if we need to permissions not present in previous generated tokens. Also if we have lost our previous token, we can generate this new token and use as a password to authenticate instead of our original git password.
  • pabrams
    pabrams almost 3 years
    Why isn't there a message about this instead of the false authentication error? How the heck would I know this