What is the meaning of : "git+https://github.com/...."?


A URL like git://github.com will mean just the plain Git protocol. To clarify that it should use Git over HTTPS instead, the protocol is written git+https. Now, git itself does not need this, you can do just git clone https://....

For other tools like pip, which can handle many protocols, https://... will indicate that it should do just a GET request for that URL, and git:// would indicate that it should attempt to clone the repo with the plain Git protocol. git+https is used to indicate that it should clone the repo over HTTPS (just as git+ssh is used to indicate it should do so using SSH).


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Prakhar Agrawal
Author by

Prakhar Agrawal

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Prakhar Agrawal
    Prakhar Agrawal over 1 year

    What does url of the kind git+https mean? I was installing an application and the command suggested was

    "pip install -e git+https://github.com......"

    Can someone please explain what it means.

  • rsp
    rsp over 6 years
    This is the correct answer, not the highest scored one.