Google chrome disable url suggestions from history


I'm aware of two extensions that could do the trick for you:

  1. History Disabler: Completely disable browsing history in Chrome. It uses the lowest possible memory, only running when history needs to be removed. This extension disables both history, and the 'Recently closed' menu. It also allows for download history to be disabled.
  2. History On/Off: This extension acts as a simple on/off switch. Click the button, and you'll turn off history. Click again, and history recording will be turned back on.

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Mustansar Saeed
Author by

Mustansar Saeed

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Mustansar Saeed
    Mustansar Saeed almost 2 years

    I have Flowable subscription on a table, I get all data using following:

                    }, {


    fun getAllMySurveys(): Flowable<List<MySurvey>> {
            return mySurveyRepository.getAllMySurveys()

    showMySurveysList(it) should be called every time MySurvey entity gets updated. I upload files to server one by one, on each successful upload, I update the counts in MySurvey which in turns subscribe method gets called.

    I have observed that events are not emitting in order. e.g. If 9 files are uploaded, I update count to 9 but what happens, subscribe event for 9 count is received first and gives list of MySurveys for count 9, and event for count 8 is received afterwards which results in wrong counts displaying.

    How can I make these emissions in order or How can I observe Entity for ordered events?

    EDIT: Audio uploads and Counts update logic DAO

    @Query("UPDATE my_survey SET audiosUploadedCount = audiosUploadedCount+1 WHERE _id=:id")
        fun incrementUploadedAudios(id: String)

    Audio uploading and Counts updation

    for (audio in medias) {
        var file = File(audio.file_name)
        var mimeType = ""
        var parameter_name = ""
        if (step == step_audio_send) {
            mimeType = "audio/*"
            parameter_name = "audio_recording"
        val filePart = MultipartBody.Part.createFormData(parameter_name,, RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse(mimeType), file))
        var call: retrofit2.Call<JSONObject>? = null
        call = surveyApi.saveSurveyAudio("JWT " + AppPreferences.getString(user_id, "")!!,
                audio.submitted_survey_id, audio.q_id,
                audio.audio_marker, filePart)
        try {
            var response = call!!.execute()
            if (response.isSuccessful) {
        } catch (ex: Exception) {
  • Tural Ali
    Tural Ali about 11 years
    what this issue has to do with omnibox? omnibox is for search predictions
  • cjb110
    cjb110 about 10 years
    @TuralAliyev The Omnibox is Chrome's name for the address bar/search box/etc at the top of the Chrome window.
  • Jon
    Jon about 6 years
    While not the most elegant solution, this would solve OP's problem, so I'm not sure why it's being downvoted.