Hashing 2D, 3D and nD vectors


Solution 1

There's a spatial hash function described in Optimized Spatial Hashing for Collision Detection of Deformable Objects. They use the hash function

hash(x,y,z) = ( x p1 xor y p2 xor z p3) mod n

where p1, p2, p3 are large prime numbers, in our case 73856093, 19349663, 83492791, respectively. The value n is the hash table size.

In the paper, x, y, and z are the discretized coordinates; you could probably also use the binary values of your floats.

Solution 2

I have two suggestions.

If you don't do the quantization, it wont be sensitive to closeness(locality).

  • Locality Sensitive Hashing has been mentioned for hashing higher dimensional vectors. Why not use them for 3d or 2d vectors as well? A variant of LSH using adapted for Eucledian distance metric (which is what we need for 2d and 3d vectors) is called Locality Sensitive Hashing using p-stable distributions. A very readable tutorial is here.
Christian Rau
Author by

Christian Rau

You can run, but you cannot glide!

Updated on June 18, 2022


  • Christian Rau
    Christian Rau about 2 years

    What are good hashing functions (fast, good distribution, few collisions) for hashing 2d and 3d vectors composed of IEEE 32bit floats. I assume general 3d vectors, but algorithms assuming normals (always in [-1,1]) are also welcome. I also do not fear bit-manipulation as IEEE floats are alsways IEEE floats.

    Another more general problem is hashing an Nd float-vector, where N is quite small (3-12) and constant but not known at compile time. At the moment I just take these floats as uints and XOR them together, which is probably not the best solution.

  • sehe
    sehe almost 11 years
    Note that 19349663 isn't prime (it's the product of 41 and 471943)
  • axel22
    axel22 over 8 years
    I found that using the prime numbers p1 and p3 for the two-dimensional case results in very good distributions.
  • emlai
    emlai about 8 years
    When they wrote x p1 xor y p2 xor z p3, did they mean (x*p1) xor (y*p2) xor (z*p3) or x * (p1 xor y) * (p2 xor z) * p3?
  • celion
    celion about 8 years
    @tuple_cat I believe it's (x*p1) xor (y*p2) xor (z*p3)
  • tuned
    tuned about 7 years
    Very interesting! Is there any implementation around? I am trying to implement this with scipy/numpy. Thanks.
  • kenyee
    kenyee over 5 years
    By "discretized coordinates", do you mean integers? I have coordinates in floating point meters.
  • John T
    John T almost 3 years
    Hmm. These results seem wrong jsfiddle.net/uwg0ehs6
  • John T
    John T almost 3 years
    Or jsfiddle.net/spowz758/2 , very not correct
  • John T
    John T almost 3 years
    n is hash table size. MM. What table? The one I will fill with these keys?