Hide TabBar item in TabNavigator


Solution 1

My solution was to return a custom tabbarbutton which is: a View with height and width set to 0, works fine

<Tabs.Screen name="Refer A Friend" component={WebViewComponent} 
        tabBarButton: () => (
            <View style={{width:0, height:0}}></View>
        tabBarVisible:false //hide tab bar on this screen


update: As pointed out by @Aman Deep you can just return null

<Tabs.Screen name="Refer A Friend" component={WebViewComponent} 
        tabBarButton: () => null,
        tabBarVisible:false //hide tab bar on this screen


Solution 2

There is not 'visible' option for hide specific item from TabNavigator.

You need to create a Stacknavigator and a Tabnavigator. In the Stacknavigator you will add yours 'invisible' tabbar items and at the end the Tabnavigator whose 'visible' Tabbar items.

Author: @ragnorc from GitHub

const TabsScreen = TabNavigator({
  Profile: { // visible TabBar item
    screen: Thanks,
    tabBarOptions: {
      visible: false
  More: { // visible TabBar item
    screen: More

const MainScreenNavigator = StackNavigator({
    Home: { // invisible TabBar item
        screen: Home,
        navigationOptions : {
            header: null /* hide header*/
    Screen 2: { }, // invisible TabBar item
    Screen 3: { }, // invisible TabBar item
    Screen 4: { }, // invisible TabBar item
    TabsScreen: { 
        screen: TabsScreen,
        navigationOptions : {
            header: null /* hide header*/

Solution 3

The problem with tabBarOptions is that only hide the current navigation (tabs) for the selected screen. But does not hide/show the tabs.

tabBarOptions: {
      visible: false

Custom solution

I made some special class to achieve this using createMaterialTopTabNavigator

export default class CustomTabsNavigator extends Component {
  // Final navigation setup with screens

  constructor(props) {
    // Only this is necessary if you just want to hide/show without change it.
  // This is necessary if you want to hide/show depending on some user behavior
  componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
    // Add your condition to avoid infinite renders
    if (prevProps.foo === this.props.foo) return;
  // Actual code to show/hide based on props.
  _setScreens = () => {
    const { isAdmin } = this.props;
    const screens = {};
    const settings = {
      tabBarOptions: {
        style: {...}
    // Set tabs depending on user and state
    if (isAdmin) {
      screens.Dashboard = {
        screen: DashboardScreen,
        navigationOptions: { ... }
    screens.Home = { screen: HomeScreen };
    this.TabsNavigation = createMaterialTopTabNavigator(screens, settings);
    // Since we are not using setState

  render() {
    // AppContainer is required in react-native version 3.x
    const { props } = this;
    const NavigatorTabs = createAppContainer(this.TabsNavigation);
    return <NavigatorTabs screenProps={{ ...props }} />;

Implementation of tabs:

<CustomTabsNavigator isAdmin={true} />

Author by


Front-end developer

Updated on June 18, 2022


  • Nikasv
    Nikasv almost 2 years

    How is it possible to hide certain TabBar item from TabNavigator. Is there a certain TabBarOptions option, which has visible key(true/false) like this?

    const Tabs = TabNavigator({
      Home: {
        screen: Home
      Profile: {
        screen: Thanks,
        tabBarOptions: {
          visible: false
      More: {
        screen: More