Homebrew doesn't find XCode 4.3


I had the same problem and found the solution in Homebrew's issues page. Open Xcode, open Preferences, select Downloads, and install Command Line Tools. Once it is installed Homebrew should work.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • BetaRide
    BetaRide almost 2 years

    When I try to install something with homebrew I get an error message that it does not find XCode. But I just installed XCode 4.3 and also did a reboot.

    admins-MacBook-Pro-2:~ ernst$ brew install macvim
    Warning: Xcode is not installed! Builds may fail!
    Error: No such file or directory - /usr/bin/cc
    admins-MacBook-Pro-2:~ ernst$ 

    Any ideas?


    admins-MacBook-Pro-2:~ ernst$ which cc
    admins-MacBook-Pro-2:~ ernst$ echo $PATH
    admins-MacBook-Pro-2:~ ernst$ 
    • HikeMike
      HikeMike over 12 years
      Are the requires files in /Developer/usr/bin? Does it help to change the $PATH?
    • HikeMike
      HikeMike over 12 years
      Does it work when you specify --use-llvm?
    • BetaRide
      BetaRide over 12 years
      --use-llvm did not help, same error message.
    • BetaRide
      BetaRide over 12 years
      There's no /Developer directory.
    • BetaRide
      BetaRide over 12 years
      What could I change in $PATH?
    • BetaRide
      BetaRide over 12 years
      It's installed, I can start it and create new projects.
    • HikeMike
      HikeMike over 12 years
      Where was the Xcode application bundle installed to? What is the output of which cc on the command line? What's the output of echo $PATH? Did you download it from the Apple Developer Connection website or the App Store?
    • BetaRide
      BetaRide over 12 years
      The download is from the App Store.
  • localshred
    localshred over 12 years
    Weird cause I was under the impression that you wouldn't need XCode to get those tools but couldn't find them anywhere. Thanks for this answer, been frustrating me.
  • Teoulas
    Teoulas over 12 years
    You can download the command-line tools separately from developer.apple.com/downloads (you need an Apple ID). The package requires Lion. For more details: kennethreitz.com/xcode-gcc-and-homebrew.html
  • qxotk
    qxotk about 12 years
    I installed brew and only the command line tools, but brew doctor says I need to run xcode-select to set the path - what do I set it to?
  • Rebecca Scott
    Rebecca Scott about 12 years
    According to my system, xcode-select -print-path == /. So I guess set it to the root path. I recall this was part of the problem, it gets set or used to be set to /Developer when the developer tools were installed to /Developer/usr/bin, which changed in the newer version. YMMV.