how can I add records to the zone file without restarting the named service?


Solution 1

I have found the answer:

my problem was that BIND can't rndc reload zone with the dynamic zones so BIND won’t allow us to reload a dynamic zone. So we have to tell bind to temporarily stop allowing dynamic updates. This is handled with the freeze option.

rndc freeze

then reloading

rndc reload  

then allowing dynamic updates again:

rndc thaw

Solution 2

Have you tried:

 rndc reconfig

This should do the trick.

But be aware that this command adds (removes) new (old) zones, but it cannot modify existing ones


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Author by


I'm a Networks Engineer and I love dealing with Routers,switches and I adore Linux

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Nidal
    Nidal almost 2 years

    I'm working on centos6.5 and bind9 and I have managed to add records to a DNS zone by doing this steps:

    creating the key:

     dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-MD5 -b 128 -n HOST

    editing conf. file:

    // TSIG Key
    key "" {
         algorithm hmac-md5;
         secret "THE KEY GENERATED ABOVE";
    zone "" IN {
         type master;
         file "";
         allow-update{ key ""; };

    give the named authorization to the /var/named folder:

    # chown -R named:named /var/named
    # find . -type d -exec chmod 770 {} \;
    # find . -type f -exec chmod 660 {} \;

    I have adding records using this script:

    #Defining Variables
    echo "
    server $DNS_SERVER
    zone $DNS_ZONE
    update add $RECORD
    send" | nsupdate -k

    it didn't return any error.

    I test if I add this record by using dig command:

    #dig +short

    but the problem that the record added doesn't appear in the zone file ''.

    even when I use reload: rndc reload MYZONE or rndc reload
    it returns an error message like this:

    [root@dd Shells]# rndc reload
    rndc: 'reload' failed: dynamic zone

    but when I restart the named service: service named restart the record appears in the zone file.

    my question is :

    Is it a way to the record to be added to the zone file without restarting the named service?

    • Nidal
      Nidal about 10 years
      Thanks, but did you have any idea why rndc reload zone didn't work?
    • Nidal
      Nidal about 10 years
      service named reload didn't work too @Christopher
  • Nidal
    Nidal about 10 years
    I want to add records to the zone,, not adding a new zone @Neven
  • Neven
    Neven about 10 years
    Sorry I misunderstood. There is no other way than rndc reload. Have you tried with SOA serial number change?
  • Nidal
    Nidal about 10 years
    but why it won't work? @Neven
  • Neven
    Neven about 10 years
    Have you changed serial number in SOA?
  • Nidal
    Nidal about 10 years
    no I haven't, but is it necessary every time I modify my zone ,and if I do it what it would do ?
  • Neven
    Neven about 10 years
    The best answer is: It depends on your DNS topology, do you have more than one DNS, bla bla bla... But I've found that changing SOA SN is really good thing to do, because I've encountered similar problems in past. So I always increment serial number. This is my proposition to you also and than try to reinitiate zone reload.
  • Tero Kilkanen
    Tero Kilkanen about 10 years
    I have learned that if I don't increment SOA SN, BIND won't reload the zone contents. So, SN incrementation is essential.
  • Jenny D
    Jenny D about 10 years
    @Neven, you should post the serial number increase as an answer. It needs to be incremented, that is how it works.
  • Pablo Saratxaga
    Pablo Saratxaga about 10 years
    Changing the serial number is the way to tell "hey! the records have changed" and that info will be widespread to other servers. Without changing it, you could locally force reloading of the file by shutting down and restarting BIND, but the changes won't be seen outside (as other servers/clients will rightfully use their cached date, assuming no changed have happened since the serial number is the same).