How can I change <p> tag data dynamically after some defined time delay using javascript?


Solution 1

Write your <p> as:

<p class="messages">messages</p>

Your javascript:

function updateMessages() {
    var ps = document.getElementsByClassName("messages");
    for(var i = 0, len = ps.length; i < len; i++) {
        ps[i].innerHTML = "messages (" + messageCount + ")";

setTimeout(updateMessages, 1000);

Where 1000 is the number of milliseconds to delay.

Or if you want to do it periodically every 15 seconds, you can use setInterval:

setInterval(updateMessages, 15000);


I see your comment above:

new messages are retrieved from the database using a JSP function that checks database for new messages

In that case, I gather you want to retrieve that periodically, in effect polling that URL? If you already use a javascript framework, I suggest you look at their AJAX documentation.

Solution 2

 function updatePara() {        
      $('p').html('Content to set in para');

setTimeout(updatePara, no.of milisecond to delay);

jQuery make dom manipulation much easy :) The above code changes content of all the paragraph, So better to give the desired paragragh <p></p> some call name then filter the para to update with those name i.e $('p.classname').html('your content') OR $('.classname').html('Your content')
jQuery is AWESOME !!! :)

Solution 3

You can use setTimeout function:

var delay = 1000; // 1 second
setTimeout(function() {
  var pNodes = document.getElementsByTagName('p');
  for (var i=0, length=pNodes.length; i < length; i++) {
    pNodes[i].innerHTML = pNodes[i].innerHTML+"("+ (i+1) +")";
}, delay);

getElementsByTagName is used just for example. The way of retrieving pNodes depends on structure of your html code.

Aishwarya Shiva
Author by

Aishwarya Shiva

With over 10 years of experience providing thorough and skillful advice in software development, digital marketing, PC troubleshooting and other tech related issues to both individuals and businesses. Use this VIP link and give me a call for free .NET, C#, ASP.NET, MVC, JAVA, PHP, WCF, WPF etc. consultation:

Updated on February 19, 2020


  • Aishwarya Shiva
    Aishwarya Shiva over 4 years

    I want to change only <p> tag contents using javascript after a defined time delay. For example a


    should change depending on the no. of new messages came. As

  • Chris Morgan
    Chris Morgan over 12 years
    document.getElementsByClassName returns a NodeList which doesn't have a text() method. Perhaps you meant to iterate over the NodeList or take the first item in it and assign to textContent?
  • Aishwarya Shiva
    Aishwarya Shiva over 12 years
    Thanks a lot Linus and Chris but I want to call a JSP function that returns the no. of messages. How can I do that? I mean calling a JSP function using javascript??
  • Aishwarya Shiva
    Aishwarya Shiva over 12 years
    Thanks Molecule Man and can you tell me how can I call a JSP function that returns an INT value of no. of messages using javascript code???
  • Molecular Man
    Molecular Man over 12 years
    @AishwaryaShivaPareek, sorry, I can't (not an expert on JSP).
  • Linus Thiel
    Linus Thiel over 12 years
    Thanks Chris, I realized that after I had (incorrectly) rewritten my previous jQuery version. I have updated it accordingly.