Time delay on click


Solution 1

This is the Javascript:

 function myfunction() {
     alert( "delayed" );

 var delay = 1000;

 setTimeout( myfunction, delay )

That's the essence. Now you need to hook it into a button on a html page: embed the function definition in < script > ... < /script > tags, and schedule it in the onClick method.

<button onClick="setTimeout( myfunction, delay );">Click_And_Wait</button>

Solution 2

If you need to pass parameters:

function clickHandler(id,value,delay)
    setTimeout( function() { actualFunction(id, value); }, delay );

function actualFunction(id, value)
    alert( 'button ' + id + ' has value = ' + value );

<input id='clickButton' type='button'
       value='Click Me' />

Solution 3

Try the setTimeout function:

setTimeout(functionToExecute, 1000)

The first parameter is the function that will be triggered and the second is the delay in milliseconds.

Author by


Updated on July 20, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin almost 2 years

    Can anyone send me JavaScript code on how I can construct a time delay from the time I click a button on a page to the time the function called by the button click is executed. I am a novice with JavaScript, and I have some code that performs a function when I click a button, and I just want to have a time delay.