How can I flatten this Future[T] structure?


Solution 1

Whenever you map with an argument of type A => Future[B] you should really be using flatMap.

The code would then be like this:

  val connection : Connection = new DatabaseConnectionHandler( DefaultConfiguration )
  val result: Future[QueryResult] = connection.connect
    .flatMap( _ => connection.sendQuery("BEGIN TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ") )
    .flatMap( _ => connection.sendQuery("SELECT 0") )
    .flatMap( _ => connection.sendQuery("COMMIT").map( value => query ) )

Alternatively, you could use for-comprehension. It uses flatMap for you.

val connection : Connection = new DatabaseConnectionHandler( DefaultConfiguration )
val result: Future[QueryResult] = for {
  _ <- connection.connect
  _ <- connection.sendQuery("SELECT 0")
  queryResult <- connection.sendQuery("COMMIT").map( value => query )
} yield { queryResult }

Solution 2

You should use a flatMap instead of a map here.

The flatMap expects a function fun returning a future g and returns the future h holding the value from the future g that fun returned.

Also, consider writing this within a for-comprehension, see how here.

Maurício Linhares
Author by

Maurício Linhares

Java, Ruby, Objective-C and Scala developer who loves taking pictures, answering questions, playing boardgames and traveling. You can find more of my writings at my personal blog.

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Maurício Linhares
    Maurício Linhares almost 2 years

    Given the following example:

      val handler : Connection = new DatabaseConnectionHandler()
      val result : Future[Future[Future[Option[ResultSet]]]] = handler.connect
        .map( (parameters) => handler )
        .map( connection => connection.sendQuery("BEGIN TRANSACTION SERIALIZABLE") )
        .map( future => query => query.rows ) )
        .map( future => handler.sendQuery("COMMIT").map( query => future ) )

    Is it possible to flatten it to receive a Future[Option[ResultSet]] at the end instead of this future inside a future inside a future structure in Scala?

    I am currently using Scala's 2.10 Future's and Promise's, but I can't find a way to to this. I know I can use nested callbacks but I would rather avoid that since the code is going to look horrible.

    The Connection trait is defined here.

  • senz
    senz almost 9 years
    There is no flatten in scala.concurrent.Future
  • HEX
    HEX over 8 years
    @senz Yes, scala.concurrent.Future don't have flatten. But you can use f flatMap identity. See here
  • Brian Risk
    Brian Risk almost 6 years
    Are you mixing options and futures in your for-comprehension? Isn't that not allowed?