How can I install clang-format in Ubuntu?


Solution 1

clang-format is not available in the ubuntu-precise 12.04 but it is available in ubuntu saucy

in order to find this package with the apt-cache we have to add below list into our repository list. Actually below list is generated for the singapore servers but if you want to look for your own country you can use

After generating your list, you have to add them into your repository, you can learn how to do that by looking to here.

The list of packages are;

deb saucy main restricted universe multiverse 

deb-src saucy main restricted universe multiverse 

deb saucy-security main restricted universe multiverse 

deb saucy-updates main restricted universe multiverse 

deb saucy-proposed main restricted universe multiverse 

deb saucy-backports main restricted universe    multiverse 

deb-src saucy-security main restricted universe multiverse 

deb-src saucy-updates main restricted universe multiverse 

deb-src saucy-proposed main restricted universe multiverse 

deb-src saucy-backports main restricted universe multiverse 

Then you should search clang-format with below command first

sudo apt-cache search clang-format

Then, you can install which version you want to install such as;

sudo apt-get install clang-format-3.3

Solution 2

With Ubuntu 16.04, simply do:

sudo apt install clang-format

Solution 3

Nowadays, you can directly use apt install clang-format in Debian/Ubuntu to install clang-format. However, the clang-format provided by Debian/Ubuntu is quiet old. For example, the latest version of clang-format from Ubuntu 18.04 is v7 but the latest stable version is already reached v12. You can install the latest version of clang-format by following the steps below:

Step 1: Run wget -O -|sudo apt-key add -

Step 2: Append the following content at the end of /etc/apt/sources.list based on your operating system:

  • Buster (Debian 10):

    deb llvm-toolchain-buster main
    deb-src llvm-toolchain-buster main
    # 11 
    deb llvm-toolchain-buster-11 main
    deb-src llvm-toolchain-buster-11 main
    # 12 
    deb llvm-toolchain-buster-12 main
    deb-src llvm-toolchain-buster-12 main
  • Bullseye (Debian 11):

    deb llvm-toolchain-bullseye main
    deb-src llvm-toolchain-bullseye main
    # 11 
    deb llvm-toolchain-bullseye-11 main
    deb-src llvm-toolchain-bullseye-11 main
    # 12 
    deb llvm-toolchain-bullseye-12 main
    deb-src llvm-toolchain-bullseye-12 main
  • Xenial (Ubuntu 16.04):

    deb llvm-toolchain-xenial main
    deb-src llvm-toolchain-xenial main
    # 11
    deb llvm-toolchain-xenial-11 main
    deb-src llvm-toolchain-xenial-11 main
    # 12
    deb llvm-toolchain-xenial-12 main
    deb-src llvm-toolchain-xenial-12 main
  • Bionic (Ubuntu 18.04):

    deb llvm-toolchain-bionic main
    deb-src llvm-toolchain-bionic main
    # 11
    deb llvm-toolchain-bionic-11 main
    deb-src llvm-toolchain-bionic-11 main
    # 12
    deb llvm-toolchain-bionic-12 main
    deb-src llvm-toolchain-bionic-12 main

You can check if your operating system is not on this list.

Step 3: Run sudo apt update

Step 4: Run apt search clang-format and check all available versions:

$ sudo apt search clang-format
Sorting... Done
Full Text Search... Done
arcanist-clang-format-linter/stable 0.git20161021-2 all
  clang-format linter for Arcanist

clang-format/unknown 1:13.0-53~20210202214848.38 amd64
  Tool to format C/C++/Obj-C code

clang-format-11/unknown 1:11.1.0~++20210203115409+1fdec59bffc1-1~exp1~20210203230038.161 amd64
  Tool to format C/C++/Obj-C code

clang-format-12/unknown 1:12.0.0~++20210312110334+ca14f0282fce-1~exp1~20210312221110.59 amd64
  Tool to format C/C++/Obj-C code

clang-format-13/unknown 1:13~++20210315063844+b868a3edad9d-1~exp1~20210315174553.2286 amd64
  Tool to format C/C++/Obj-C code

clang-format-6.0/stable 1:6.0.1-10 amd64
  Tool to format C/C++/Obj-C code

clang-format-7/stable 1:7.0.1-8+deb10u2 amd64
  Tool to format C/C++/Obj-C code

Step 5: Use apt install to install the clang-format you want. Then you can use --version to check the installed clang-format. You can install multiple versions of clang-format in a same environment.

$ sudo apt install -y clang-format-12
$ clang-format-12 --version
Ubuntu clang-format version 12.0.0-++20210312110334+ca14f0282fce-1~exp1~20210312221110.59

$ sudo apt install -y clang-format
$ clang-format --version
Ubuntu clang-format version 13.0.0-++20210315063844+b868a3edad9d-1~exp1~20210315174553.2286

Solution 4

This answer has been rewritten since the downvote, and is the most-up-to-date answer to this question as of Apr. 2022. It is also the only answer that explains how to get the latest version of clang-format direct from LLVM, the people who make it.

To install the latest version of clang-format and git-clang-format (runnable as git clang-format):


  1. To install clang-format in Ubuntu, you can use sudo apt install clang-format, or some variant of that (see below), but it frequently installs a really old version that is missing a ton of features. So:
  2. [Preferred] To install the latest version of clang-format in Ubuntu, you must get it from the official release pages on GitHub directly. I explain how to do this in detail below.

[Old method] To install an old version of clang-format:


sudo apt update

And then try, in this order, one-at-a-time, until one works:

sudo apt install clang-format
sudo apt install clang-format-14.0
sudo apt install clang-format-13.0
sudo apt install clang-format-12.0
sudo apt install clang-format-11.0
sudo apt install clang-format-10.0
sudo apt install clang-format-9.0
sudo apt install clang-format-8.0
sudo apt install clang-format-7.0
sudo apt install clang-format-6.0
sudo apt install clang-format-5.0
sudo apt install clang-format-4.0
sudo apt install clang-format-3.6
sudo apt install clang-format-3.4
sudo apt install clang-format-3.0

On Ubuntu 14.04, for instance, the first command above that works is sudo apt install clang-format-3.6. As of Ubuntu 16.04, I believe, sudo apt install clang-format works, but no matter what version of Ubuntu you're on, Ubuntu 20.04 included, sudo apt install clang-format installs a quite-outdated version (ex: version 6.0.0 on Ubuntu 18.04). So, to get the latest version of clang-format, keep reading.

[Preferred method] How to install the latest version of clang-format on Ubuntu

The super quick instructions to get a recent version

To get clang-format and git-clang-format from LLVM (the parent organization which makes the clang C and C++ compiler, as well as those tools) directly, follow my instructions farther below. However, that requires downloading the entire compressed clang compiler toolset release which is ~600 MB, and extracting it into a folder which is ~5 GB when fully extracted, just so you can copy out a couple megabytes of these executables. That takes some time.

So, if you're in a huge hurry, and if you want to trust executables from my personal repo, I keep a recent version (14.0.0 or later) of both clang-format and git-clang-format in the bin dir of my repo here: It is frequently not recommended to trust other peoples' executables, however, so I provide the exact method and instructions below which I used to extract those executables from the original release from LLVM (the maker of clang-format), which you can follow yourself if you like instead.

If you'd like to quickly download and install clang-format and git-clang-format from my personal repo, do this:

chmod +x clang-format git-clang-format
mkdir -p ~/bin
mv clang-format ~/bin
mv git-clang-format ~/bin

# log out of Ubuntu and log back in

# ensure it worked and you now have a later version
clang-format --version  

# Check the help menus
clang-format -h
git clang-format -h
# OR (same thing as the line just above):
git-clang-format -h

The full instructions to get the latest version from LLVM, the makers, directly:

This requires downloading the entire LLVM clang C and C++ compiler toolset, which is a compressed file ~600 MB in size, and then extracting it into a folder which is ~5 GB in size when extracted, just so you can copy out a few magabytes of executables from within it.

These instructions were originally posted in the README of my eRCaGuy_CodeFormatter repo here:

The full steps to get the latest clang-format and git-clang-format from the latest official LLVM release:

  1. Go to the LLVM official clang releases page:
  2. Find the latest binary release for your operating system. Example: for 64-bit Linux, it is currently (as of Mar. 2022): clang+llvm-14.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-18.04.tar.xz. The download link is:
  3. Use the link you found above for the next commands:
    # download it; be patient: the file is ~600 MB
    wget "$url"
    # extract it; be patient: this could take several minutes, as the file is
    # about 5 GB when extracted! On my high-speed computer with SSD, it took
    # ~1 minute
    time tar xf clang+llvm*.tar.xz
    # cd into the bin dir
    cd clang+llvm*/bin
    # make a ~/bin dir if it doesn't exist yet
    mkdir -p ~/bin
    # copy out `clang-format` into your ~/bin dir
    cp clang-format ~/bin
    # copy out `git-clang-format` into your ~/bin dir
    cp git-clang-format ~/bin
    # Manually edit your ~/.profile file to ensure it contains the following in
    # order to ensure ~/bin is part of your executable PATH variable. This is
    # part of your default Ubuntu ~/.profile file (for which you have a backup
    # copy in /etc/skel/.profile):
    #       # set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
    #       if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then
    #           PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"
    #       fi
    # Now, if this is your first time creating and using the ~/bin dir, log out
    # of Ubuntu and log back in. 
    # check your clang-format version to ensure it shows the version you just
    # installed
    clang-format --version
    # Ensure it is found in your ~/bin dir; my output to this command is:
    # `/home/gabriel/bin/clang-format`
    which clang-format
    # Check `git-clang-format` too
    which git-clang-format
    # Check the help menus
    clang-format -h
    git clang-format -h
    # OR (same thing as the line just above):
    git-clang-format -h
    # manually delete the the extracted folder if desired, and the
    # downloaded *.tar.xz file as well, if desired

Note that git has a pretty neat feature that causes any executable in your path which begins with git- to automatically be treated as a git command. Whenever you run git some_command, git automatically searches all of your system's PATH variable for an executable named git-some_command. If it exists, git runs it. So, simply by virtue of the fact that you put an executable in your path named git-clang-format, git allows you to run it as git clang-format (withOUT the dash after git). Optionally, of course, you can also just run that same executable as git-clang-format, since that's what its filename is.

See below for recommended git clang-format usage and workflow.

Additional setup & usage info & resources:

  1. If you followed the steps just above, you now have the latest version fo both clang-format and git-clang-format. Having the latter allows you to run git clang-format as a git command to auto-format your files before you commit them in git. git-clang-format is a Python script written by LLVM, the makers of the clang C and C++ compiler and clang-format. It is located in the official LLVM GitHub repository here: Place it into your PATH; ex: in a file called ~/bin/git-clang-format, and mark this file as executable (chmod +x ~/bin/git-clang-format).
    1. The recommended git workflow to call and use this git-clang-format auto-formatter would then be:
      # See what git changes you have
      git difftool  
      # OR: `git diff` if you haven't configured a difftool such as meld
      git diff
      # Add (stage) a C or C++ file to be committed
      git add my_changed_file.c 
      # Run `git-clang-format` to have `clang-format` check and
      # auto-format **just your changed lines**. (This runs the
      # `~/bin/git-clang-format` Python script).
      git clang-format
      # See what changes `clang-format` just made to your changed lines
      git difftool
      # OR
      git diff
      # Add (stage) this file again since it's been changed by
      # `git-clang-format`
      git add my_changed_file.c 
      # commit the changed file
      git commit                
  2. Other, potentially-useful info.:
    1. git-clang-format python script setup instructions:
    2. git clang-format usage and workflow instructions:
  3. Update Apr. 2020: I just got clang-format up and running fully on a project on GitHub. I run it with ./; here's how:
    1. I wrote some instructions here:
    2. Here's the PR where I added everything: You can take a look to see how I did it all.
    3. I borrowed from my notes and files I have in my dotfiles project here:
  4. Update Apr. 2022: I have this repo now too:

Solution 5

pip3 install clang-format gives me the latest version 9.0 on ubuntu 18.04 with zero configuration

Validus Oculus
Author by

Validus Oculus

Trying to learn a new thing every day

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Validus Oculus
    Validus Oculus almost 2 years

    I am trying to use clang-tools in particular clang-format for automatic code formatting in vim but I couldn't find this tool with apt-get search.

    Is there anybody experienced this problem before, do you have any suggestion?

  • Justin M. Keyes
    Justin M. Keyes about 8 years
    sudo is not needed for apt-cache search
  • Yonatan Simson
    Yonatan Simson almost 8 years
    sudo apt-get install clang-format-3.4 worked in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. This was after typing: sudo apt-get install clang-3.4
  • Michael Fulton
    Michael Fulton almost 6 years
    After installing this way I get clang-format: command not found. I proceeded to remove that clang-format package.
  • Eric
    Eric almost 6 years
    @MichaelFulton That works on ubuntu 16.04, not sure whether later version also works.
  • Michael Fulton
    Michael Fulton almost 6 years
    On Ubuntu 18.04, the package is used by calling clang-format-6.0 or whatever version you have.
  • Gabriel Staples
    Gabriel Staples almost 5 years
    I used sudo apt install clang-format-3.6 on Ubuntu 14.04
  • Gabriel Staples
    Gabriel Staples almost 5 years
    I used sudo apt install clang-format-3.6 on Ubuntu 14.04
  • Aaron Franke
    Aaron Franke about 4 years
    How do I get the latest version? sudo apt install clang-format installs clang-format version 6, but the documentation pages I can find online are for versions 9 and 11. Why is the Ubuntu version 5 major versions out of date?
  • Zhi Yuan
    Zhi Yuan over 3 years
    On Ubuntu 18.04, I used: sudo apt install clang-format-5.0 after the installation you can try clang-format-5.0 -h to check if everything went well.
  • ICTMitchell
    ICTMitchell over 2 years
    I get "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'skbuild'" ? So, you need this too: "pip3 install scikit-build", and not in the same step.
  • Clodéric
    Clodéric about 2 years
    Would be nice to have the source for these instructions featured more clearly ( Other that that it worked great for me.
  • Sonic78
    Sonic78 almost 2 years
    Note: Meanwhile it is also possible to install clang-format-13 and clang-format-14 on Ubuntu 18-04. See my answer here.