How can I pan an image larger than its container correctly using jQuery?


Solution 1

I have put together a jsFiddle which does what I think you want it to do.

It satisfies all 4 of your criteria. Let me know if I have misinterpreted your expected result

Solution 2

i have some alternative plugins for your work . try among these jquery plugins.

Bilal Ali Akbar
Author by

Bilal Ali Akbar

Updated on June 18, 2022


  • Bilal Ali Akbar
    Bilal Ali Akbar about 2 years

    I'm creating quite a cool image viewer but am stuck in one particular part: panning the image when zoomed in. It seems a trivial problem and I've tried out pretty much all answers to similar questions on SO, but each time, something isn't working right. I need a fresh pair of eyes.

    I've temporarily opened a URL on my dev server. Have a look at this page:

    [URL closed]

    Next, move up your mouse wheel to trigger the zoom. Here we are. Once zoomed in, click and drag to try and pan the image. It is panning alright, but something isn't right. This is currently the code used for the panning:

    var clicking = false;
    var previousX;
    var previousY;
    $("#bigimage").mousedown(function(e) {
        previousX = e.clientX;
        previousY = e.clientY;
        clicking = true;
    $(document).mouseup(function() {
        clicking = false;
    $("#bigimage").mousemove(function(e) {
        if (clicking) {
            var directionX = (previousX - e.clientX) > 0 ? 1 : -1;
            var directionY = (previousY - e.clientY) > 0 ? 1 : -1;
            $("#bigimage").scrollLeft($("#bigimage").scrollLeft() + 10 * directionX);
            $("#bigimage").scrollTop($("#bigimage").scrollTop() + 10 * directionY);
            previousX = e.clientX;
            previousY = e.clientY;

    The solution I'm looking for has these characteristics:

    • Correct direction of panning over the X and Y axis
    • It should not be possible to pan outside the edges of the image
    • Reasonably fluent panning
    • Nice to have: window resize should not cause any issues

    Although I appreciate any help I can get, please don't point me to a generic plugin, I've tried too many of them that I am in search of an answer that works for my specific scenario. I'm so desperate I'll even set a money bounty for the perfect solution that meets the characteristic above.

    PS: Please try the link in Firefox or a Webkit browser

  • Bilal Ali Akbar
    Bilal Ali Akbar over 12 years
    Thanks so much. Sorry for the delay. I used your code and even deployed it in production: It works reasonably but there is still an issue with the panning: when zoomed in, it seems I cannot pan to the outer edges of the image, it seems cropped. Any ideas?
  • Keith.Abramo
    Keith.Abramo over 12 years
    I can't see your javascript since it is all minified so this is complete speculation, but it looks like in the act of zooming you are pushing the left part of the image out of the left boundaries of the document and it doesn't seem to want to pan past of the left boundary of the document viewport
  • Bilal Ali Akbar
    Bilal Ali Akbar over 12 years
    Ah, forgot about the minify. Here's the raw js:
  • Keith.Abramo
    Keith.Abramo over 12 years
    It looks like your css3 transformation is not playing nice with your panning algorithm. Try using jquery.animate to scale the width and height instead if possible
  • Bilal Ali Akbar
    Bilal Ali Akbar over 12 years
    thanks for thinking along. The reason I am using transitions is that they are smooth and do not pile up when giving the scrollwheel a jam. Furthermore, it respects existing layout. It looks like I pushed myself in a corner a little.
  • noobie-php
    noobie-php almost 10 years
    @Keith.Abramo: Can we do some sort of similar thing like in google maps where there is a circle with directions , for top , down, left, right and still move image with it?
  • Keith.Abramo
    Keith.Abramo almost 10 years
    @noobie-php Sure. Check out this code: Right now I just have some primitive divs for the directions but you can style the #directions container to either use one image that looks like a compass and an image map with events triggers via the image map, or take that one image and cut it into 4 images in photoshop or something and stitch it back together in the html and attach the events to each image. Hope this helps!
  • noobie-php
    noobie-php almost 10 years
    @Keith.Abramo: excellent. I just wanna know what set interval does? as i cannot understand that easily, would you mind if you explain that a bit?
  • Keith.Abramo
    Keith.Abramo almost 10 years
    @noobie-php setInterval executes a given function continuously at an delay interval specified as the second parameter (in milliseconds). It returns an intervalID which you can use to stop the interval execution by calling clearInterval(intervalId). In the code I created it executes a function which scrolls the div every 50 miliseconds when the mousedown even fires and it clears the interval when the mouseup event fires. More info can be found here.…
  • Omar
    Omar almost 8 years
    This is great. is there anyway to allow this to be swipable on a smartphone. As of now it doesn't swipe, although works on a desktop.
  • Jay Patel
    Jay Patel almost 4 years
    Great, but how can I make it work in touch devices??