How can I reset all devise sessions so every user has to login again?


Solution 1

Changing your session_token will work if you're storing your sessions in cookies (default).

But if you're storing in active_record, then you can delete all the sessions by:

rake db:sessions:clear

then: BAM! no more sessions.

Solution 2

You should be able to change your session cookie name to invalidate all sessions, which lives in config/initializers/session_store.rb

YourApp::Application.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_change_me_session'

Solution 3

Update on the accepted answer, now it is

rake tmp:clear

rake -T ... rake tmp:create # Creates tmp directories for sessions, cache, sockets, and pids

Solution 4

If your sessions don't store any other critical information, you could clear the sessions:

rake db:sessions:clear

Solution 5

Devise has a thing called timeoutable can you work with that?


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Updated on November 03, 2021


  • ekochergin
    ekochergin over 2 years

    At some mystery point X with this rails app hosted on heroku, a logged in user would suddenly be logged in as another user. I am using the devise gem for authentication.

    This has occurred for 2 users that we know of. I am currently tracking down what the root cause of this issue could be.

    What I need to do right now is invalidate all devise sessions in order to force users to login again. After a user logs in, the problem seems to go away.

    I tried reseting my secret_token but I was not forced to login again. I then scaled my web dynos down and then back up. I also restarted the app. All trying to get the secret_token change to reset the sessions.

    Any other ideas?

    • kasperite
      kasperite about 11 years
      Have you tried session timeout?Its one of Devise modules
  • ekochergin
    ekochergin about 11 years
    The session store was switched to active record. So the rake:db:sessions:clear fixed the issue.
  • Mini John
    Mini John about 10 years
    no matter how i try it, i'm getting a "don't know how to build taks".. Any suggestions ?
  • Jesse Wolgamott
    Jesse Wolgamott about 10 years
    @TheMiniJohn literally "taks" ?
  • Zitao Xiong
    Zitao Xiong over 8 years
    it should be rake tmp:clear or tmp:sessions:clear, tmp:cache:clear
  • Onichan
    Onichan about 8 years
    This is the only solution that worked (using Heroku + Rails + Postgres)
  • Jon Kern
    Jon Kern about 7 years
    do rake -T and look for something resembling one of the above commands for your specific application.
  • fedest
    fedest about 6 years
    I've tried to run this but i get the error Don't know how to build task 'db:sessions:clear'
  • jlleblanc
    jlleblanc over 5 years
    Thank you! This is the answer that worked for me. I'm on Rails 4.2 with Devise and db:sessions:clear is not available as a task. It took about 5 minutes, but tmp:clear did it.
  • Jeff Davenport
    Jeff Davenport over 4 years
    This is the only one that worked for me. Changing cookie session key did not work
  • Jeff Davenport
    Jeff Davenport over 4 years
    This did not work for me. Had to use rake tmp:clear;rake tmp:create
  • matiasmasca
    matiasmasca almost 3 years
    In Rails 5, it was the solution for us. Only change the name of the cookie and re-start the app.