Rails 4.1 pushing secrets to heroku


You've likely got secrets.yml added to your .gitignore. Which makes sense, since you put secret keys in it -- but since Heroku deployment uses git, it never sees your secrets.yml.

One solution is to use the heroku_secrets gem - See https://stackoverflow.com/a/22458102/2831572 .

Another solution is to add secrets.yml to git (i.e. remove it from .gitignore) after replacing all sensitive keys with references to environment variables.

  devise_secret_key: <%= ENV['DEVISE_KEY'] %>

then run heroku config:set DEVISE_KEY='7658699e0f765e8whatever'

Christian Flores
Author by

Christian Flores

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Christian Flores
    Christian Flores almost 2 years

    Rails 4.1.0.beta1 and Devise.

    I'm trying to remove all of my keys from version control and I've upgraded to Rails 4.1 to give this new secrets.yml a shot

    Trying to push Devise's config.secret_key to heroku but it's failing after assets:precompile

    Preparing app for Rails asset pipeline
           Running: rake assets:precompile
           rake aborted!
           Devise.secret_key was not set. Please add the following to your Devise initializer:
           config.secret_key = 'EXAMPLE_KEY_HERE'
           Please ensure you restarted your application after installing Devise or setting the key.

    Here are my changes, the old code I'll leave in comments. (it works)


      # config.secret_key = 'THIS_IS_A_FAKE_KEY' #<---this_is_commented_out
      config.secret_key = Rails.application.secrets.devise_secret_key


      devise_secret_key: 'THIS_IS_A_FAKE_KEY'

    then ran heroku labs:enable user-env-compile -a myapp (not sure if that's necessary)

    and then when I push to my forked heroku envionment git push forked master I get the above error.

    I also noticed some discussion on this in this Devise repo so I figured I'd update my gem alongside the source repo, no difference. Here's part of that discussion (here).

  • Jay
    Jay almost 10 years
    Wish Heroku let you upload non-repo files to merge into the slug, I wanted to use secrets.yml with no ENV vars. Maybe you can somehow commit locally and force push to heroku only, then revert to not including secrets.yml when pushing elsewhere (every time you deploy...) Or better yet, just commit the file to the heroku remote and not even locally (pretty sure that's impossible tho)
  • ahnbizcad
    ahnbizcad almost 10 years
    the second method seems pretty... silly. the whole point of the secrets file was to put your keys in there, right?
  • mc9
    mc9 over 9 years
    @gwho Yeah, I think the second method defeats the purpose of the secrets.yml file.
  • neonmate
    neonmate about 9 years
    Don't add the secrets.yml to git. Use rake heroku:secrets RAILS_ENV=production to transfer your secrets to the heroku environment variables. If you like to help other developers to getting started fast with your application, add a file secrets.yml.sample to your repository with all the keys, but without values. Like you may know from the database.yml. Figaro is useless for Rails 4, since it is MUCH easier for other deploys / use cases (e.g. gem capistrano-secrets-yml).