How can I style every other row of a CSS Grid?


You can't...

CSS Grid rows are not DOM elements and so cannot be selected by CSS.

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Updated on June 12, 2022


  • wiktus239
    wiktus239 about 2 years

    I have an indefinite amount of div elements (pieces of content / grid items). I want them to layout in a defined number of columns of CSS Grid. The CSS Grid lays them out like that easily. But now as the elements are in place I'd like to style the <div>s in every other row of the resultant grid in some way.

    Think of it as styling every other row of table to a darker color.

    This question can be generalised to asking: can you style an arbitrary row/ column of a CSS Grid?

    Proposed situation:

    <div class="content-grid">
        <div class=""content-grid__item></div>
        <div class=""content-grid__item></div>
        <div class=""content-grid__item></div>

    The css for it:

    .content-grid {
        display: grid;
        grid-template-columns: 77px 77px 77px;
    .content-grid__item {
        background-color: red;

    And the preferable solution in of the ideal world:

    // pseudocode
    .content-grid:nth-row(odd) .content-grid__item {
        background-color: darkred;
  • wiktus239
    wiktus239 almost 7 years
    That is true - they are not. But at the same time that doesn't prevent one from "styling every other row of [such] a CSS Grid". I'm asking how
  • Paulie_D
    Paulie_D almost 7 years
    Since the aren't elements they aren't stylable with CSS, It's that simple.
  • wiktus239
    wiktus239 over 6 years
    Just as an inspiration:…
  • James Cat
    James Cat over 3 years
    you can work out using nth item type CSS to style say every cell in an odd numbered row by counting columns but you can't say style a background image that spans a row, which you can with css:display table/table-row/table-cell