How do I apply WinHTTP proxy settings domain-wide?


I know this is very old, but found this while searching for a solution to this very topic.

The settings are stored in a REG_BINARY in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections in the Entry WinHttpSettings

This can be applied as a group policy object.

Don't yet know how portable (win7 win8 win10) this is though.

Found here (German)


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • halra
    halra over 1 year

    We're already configuring Internet Explorer proxy settings through group policy and it works great. Sadly, I've recently run into multiple issues where those settings are ignored by certain services.

    I realized that these service have one thing in common. They use WinHTTP, which has its own proxy settings. Now I'm asking myself how to apply those across the whole domain.

    I realize that I could create a logon script and simply run netsh winhttp import proxy source=ie, but, from experience I know that these settings require a reboot to take effect. So this wouldn't help me at all in a logon script.

    So, how can I do it?

  • halra
    halra over 11 years
    From what I can tell that would do the equivalent of netsh winhttp import proxy source=ie in Windows Vista. So that doesn't really help me.