How do I inherit subroutines in Perl with 'use base'?


Solution 1

The C++ mechnics aren't much different than the Perl mechanics: To use inheritance, you need two classes: the base class and the inheriting class. But you don't have any descendent class.

You are also lacking a constructor. Unlike C++, Perl will not provide a default constructor for you.

Your base class contains a bad syntax error, so I guess you didn't try the code before posting.

Finally, as tsee already observed, you will have to let Perl know whether you want a function call or a method call.

What you really want would look something like this:

my $foo = TestDescendent->new();

package TestBase;

sub new {
   my $class = shift;
   return bless {}, $class;

sub tbSub
   my ($self, $parm) = @_;
   print "\nTestBase: $parm\n";

package TestDescendent;
use base 'TestBase';

sub main {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->mySub( 1 );
    $self->tbSub( 2 );
    $self->mySub( 3 );

sub mySub
    my $self = shift;
    my $parm = shift;
    print "\nTester: $parm\n";


Solution 2

You should have a look at using Moose which is a postmodern object system for Perl5. You will probably find it a lot easier to grasp than using standard Perl OO semantics... especially when coming from another OO language.

Here's a Moose version of your question....

package TestBase;
use Moose;

sub tbSub {
   my ($self, $parm) = @_;
   print "\nTestBase: $parm\n";

package TestDescendent;
use Moose;
extends 'TestBase';

sub main {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->mySub( 1 );
    $self->tbSub( 2 );
    $self->mySub( 3 );

sub mySub {
    my ($self, $parm) = @_;
    print "\nTester: $parm\n";

package main;
my $foo = TestDescendent->new();

The differences are....

  • Constructor automatically created for you &
  • Inheritance defined by "extends" command instead of "use base".

So this example only covers the tip of the Moose iceberg ;-)

Solution 3

As a sidenote, there is little good reason to use base rather than the newer use parent.

Solution 4

It seems to me, you are mixing up two things here: Object-Oriented and Procedural Perl. Perl OO is kind of "different" (as in not mainstream but workable).

Your module seems to expect to be run as a Perl object (Perl oo-style), but your Perl script wants to access it as "normal" module. Perl doesn't work the way C++ does (as you realised) so you would have to construct your code differently. See Damian Conway's books for explanations (and smarter code than mine below).


#! /usr/bin/perl
#The module to inherit from

package TestBase;
  use strict;
  use warnings;

  use Exporter ();
  our @ISA         = qw (Exporter);
  our @EXPORT      = qw (tbSub);

sub tbSub
    my ($parm) = @_;
    print "\nTestBase: $parm\n";



#! /usr/bin/perl
#The descendent class
use strict;
use warnings;

use TestBase; 
sub main;
sub mySub;

#Entry point...

sub main


sub mySub
    my $parm = shift;
    print "\nTester: $parm\n";

Perl OO

#! /usr/bin/perl
#The base class to inherit from

package TestBase;
  use strict;
  use warnings;

sub new { my $s={ };
    return bless $s;
sub tbSub
    my ($self,$parm) = @_;
    print "\nTestBase: $parm\n";



#! /usr/bin/perl
#The descendent class
use strict;
use warnings;

use TestBase; 
sub main;
sub mySub;

#Entry point...

sub main
    my $tb = TestBase->new();

sub mySub
    my $parm = shift;
    print "\nTester: $parm\n";

Solution 5

Perl's inheritance inherits methods, not functions. That means you will have to call


However, what you really want is to inherit the method into a proper class:

package Derived;
use base "TestBase";

package main;

Calling methods in the current package as functions won't pass in the $self or "this" object nor the class name magically. Internally,


essentially ends up being called as

Class::somemethod("Class", "foo")

internally. Of course, this assumes Class has a subroutine/method named "somemethod". If not, the superclasses of Class will be checked and if those don't have a method "somemethod" either, you'll get a fatal error. (Same logic applies for $obj->method("foo").)

Author by


Updated on June 15, 2022


  • slashmais
    slashmais about 2 years

    How do I apply 'use base' in Perl to inherit subs from some base module?

    I'm used to C++ inheritance mechanics, and all the sites I googled for this caused more confusion then help. I want to do something like the following:

    #! /usr/bin/perl
    #The base class to inherit from
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    package 'TestBase';
    sub tbSub
        my ($self, $parm) = @_;
        print "\nTestBase: $parm\n";


    #! /usr/bin/perl
    #The descendent class
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use base qw(TestBase);
    sub main;
    sub mySub;
    #Entry point...
    sub main
    sub mySub
        my $parm = shift;
        print "\nTester: $parm\n";

    Perl complains/cannot find tbSub.