How do I know if a remote machine is using Windows or Linux?


Solution 1

It isn't definitive but nmap will do this with the command nmap -O -v (see docs for more details) If you're running windows or want a gui, look at zenmap

Solution 2

If you're on an IPv4 network, just use ping. If the response has a TTL of 128, the target is probably running Windows. If the TTL is 64, the target is probably running some variant of Unix.

Solution 3

: Presumes ping service enabled on Windows local and remote hosts
del _IX.txt, Windows.txt
ping -n 1 [computername|ipaddress] | findstr /i /c:"Reply" > ttl.txt
for /f "tokens=1-9* delims=:=< " %%a in (ttl.txt) do (
    if %%i leq 130 (
       if %%i geq 100 (
          echo Windows & rem or echo %%c >> Windows.txt
       ) else (
          if %%i equ 64 (
             echo *IX & rem or echo %%c >> _IX.txt

Solution 4

Package: xprobe 'OR' xprobe2
Description: Remote OS identification Xprobe2 allows you to determine what operating system is running on a remote host. It sends several packets to a host and analyses the returned answers. Xprobe2's functionality is comparable to the OS fingerprinting feature in nmap.

$ sudo apt-get install xprobe
$ sudo xprobe2 -T21-23,80,53,110 ###.###.###.###


Solution 5

One way to go is to use NMap. From the response, it can guess the remote OS.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Diogo
    Diogo over 1 year

    Is there some way to run a command (such as ICMP message or another protocol), get a response from a remote machine (not on my own private local network) and analyze the message to find some evidence that this machine is running a Windows or a Linux operating system?

  • Jeroen Baert
    Jeroen Baert over 11 years
    Mind you - some providers will detect port scanning using nmap as abuse.
  • Dchris
    Dchris over 10 years
    What do you mean by propably?
  • Dchris
    Dchris over 10 years
    What about TTL=255? I think is Unix..
  • Harry Johnston
    Harry Johnston over 10 years
    I don't think I've ever seen a TTL of 255.
  • fixer1234
    fixer1234 almost 9 years
    Can you expand your answer to explain how to accomplish that? Thanks.
  • Johnathon64
    Johnathon64 almost 9 years
    You can download a MIB browser, a good one that I use is here You basically give it the ip address of the device and do a walk operation
  • Eddie Studer
    Eddie Studer about 7 years
    Can this modified to work with a range of IP's? If I wanted to run this to find all of the ttl's for my whole server stack.
  • Jonathan DS
    Jonathan DS about 6 years
    @JeroenBaert namelly AWS sent me a scary email
  • Hervian
    Hervian about 6 years
    What is the explanation for this/Why is this the case.
  • Harry Johnston
    Harry Johnston about 6 years
    @Hervian, if you mean why were those particular TTLs chosen, you'd have to ask the original programmers. If you mean why are most or all UNIX variants all the same and/or why the TTL is the same for every version of Windows, that would just be inertia - in the absence of any particular reason to change something, it tends to stay the same.