How do I query an array in TypeORM


Solution 1

You can use PostgreSQL array functions

let user = await this.userRepository
  .where('user.permissions @> ARRAY[:permissions]', { permissions: UserPermission.SUPERADMIN})

Also, if you need to look for the presence of multiple array elements, you can use a spread operator (notice the ...):

.where('user.permissions @> ARRAY[:...permissions]', { permissions: ['foo', 'bar']})

Solution 2

As Mykhalio mentioned , you can use the PostgreSQL array functions to do the trick.

Adding few more pointers.

  1. If you want to check users with both USER_ADMIN and SUPER_ADMIN permissions.
.where('user.permissions @> :permissions', { permissions:['USER_ADMIN', 'SUPER_ADMIN']})
  1. If you want to check users with either USER_ADMIN or SUPER_ADMIN permissions.
.where('user.permissions && :permissions', { permissions: ['USER_ADMIN', 'SUPER_ADMIN']})

Solution 3

Why not use this approach. Works for me with zero errors.

let roles = ['ADMIN', 'STUDENT', SECRETARY];
   let user = await this.userRepository.createQueryBuilder('user')
         .andWhere('user.roles IN (:...roles)')
        .setParameter('roles', ...roles).count()
Author by


Updated on December 12, 2021


  • Admin
    Admin over 2 years

    I want to create user permissions management. I use TypeORM with PostgreSQL. This is the column definition for the permissions within the user entity:

      type: 'text',
      array: true
    permissions: UserPermission[] = [];

    This is the UserPermission enum:

    export enum UserPermission {
      APP_USER = 'APP_USER',

    I want to find one user who has the 'SUPERADMIN' permission but I cannot find the right spot in the documentation / github issues which explains how to do this. I already spent over an hour on this and I suppose this is a simple task.

    Is there something like "Includes" to check if the permissions array includes a specific element and/or includes multiple elements?

    const user = await this.userRepository.findOne({
      where: {
        permissions: Includes('SUPERADMIN')

    I would be very thankful if someone could point me to the correct documentation page :)


    The following works for me but I think it is not optimal yet:

    permissions: string[];
    let user = await this.userRepository.createQueryBuilder('user')
      .where('user.permissions like :permissions', { permissions: `%"${UserPermission.SUPERADMIN}"%` })