How do I remove a MyBook's "WD SmartWare" virtual CD from my desktop?


Solution 1

WD has posted the steps to remove the Smartware and its VCD, Mac or Windows...

STEP 1: Firmware Update: Release 2.003 (3/4/10)

Before running the Virtual CD Manager, you must first update the firmware on your hard drive.

  1. Disconnect all other external drives from the computer except for the My Book or My Passport drive you want to update.

  2. Ensure that the My Book or My Passport drive is connected to a USB port on your computer.

  3. Download the Firmware Updater for Windows.

  4. Unzip the file and double click to open the Firmware Updater.

  5. Click Continue to update the firmware.

  6. Click Accept the End User's License Agreement (EULA). The updater will scan the drive which may take a few minutes.

  7. Verify the attached drive's serial number located on the back of the drive.

  8. Click Update Firmware.

  9. Once the updater is finished, click Exit.

  10. Turn off the drive - For My Passport, disconnect the USB cable. For My Book disconnect both USB and power cables.

  11. Wait 10 seconds. Reconnect the USB/power cables.

STEP 2: Download and run the VCD Manager

  1. Download VCD Manager for Windows.( to your desktop.

  2. Unzip the utility (Extract the file using an extraction utility.)

  3. Double click WDSmartWareVirtualCDManagerforWindows-v1.0.7.4.exe.

  4. Click Continue to disable the VCD.

  5. Once the utility has found your drive, click Configure Drive and then click Exit.

  6. Turn off the drive - For My Passport, disconnect the USB cable. For My Book disconnect both USB and power cables.

  7. Wait 10 seconds. Reconnect the USB/power cables that have been disconnected in the previous step.

  8. Verify that the VCD no longer appears.

Solution 2

On Mac OS X you can unmount the SmartWare partition for good by editing /etc/fstab and adding a line:

UUID=your_smartware_partitions_uuid_here none hfs rw,noauto 0 0

You'll get the UUID by typing diskutil info /Volumes/WD\ SmartWare within

A one liner for this:

sudo sh -c "echo UUID=`diskutil info /Volumes/WD\ SmartWare/ | grep 'UUID' | awk '{print $NF}'` none hfs rw,noauto 0 0 >> /etc/fstab"

Solution 3

The instructions at this link will allow you to disable the VCD firmware:

Solution 4

Gparted is a great utility, but it will not delete the VCD partition. That was the first thing I tried. I had to install their crapware to disable it.

Solution 5

For Mac OS X I followed the instructions already posted above:

but VCD didn't work until I changed the security preferences, which I had to do with the smartware to get rid of the password. Then after VCD worked, the My Book was still read only, so I used the smartware which was still installed to erase everything already on the drive, and then it finally worked like an external hard drive is supposed to and was read and writable (and then I deleted the smartware software I had installed on my computer)

...this hard drive was a pain in the neck


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Justin Love
Author by

Justin Love

Enjoy digging into problems and solving them, usually with softwrae. I help businesses cleanup inefficient processes, automating them where it makes sense. Tinker with fun software, martial arts, and a condo board.

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Justin Love
    Justin Love almost 2 years

    I recently got a Western Digital MyBook external hard drive to enable Time Machine. It has its software installed on a "virtual CD" called "WD SmartWare" which shows up on the desktop any time the drive is plugged in. Since I will use this virtual drive only very rarely, how can I hide it from the desktop, while allowing other CDs to show up?

  • Justin Love
    Justin Love almost 15 years
    Disk Utility only shows one partition. I suppose I could redo it manually to make certain.
  • Chris Johnsen
    Chris Johnsen over 14 years
    Looks like the fix (firmware update plus utility to enable/disable) is Windows only so far.
  • Chris Johnsen
    Chris Johnsen over 14 years
    The Mac version seems to be (now linked from the Windows page, too).
  • Justin Love
    Justin Love over 14 years
    Successfully updated firmware tonight, and everything looks good so far.
  • jnewman
    jnewman over 13 years
    Much better to not have the annoying software launching, but does anyone know of good instructions to eliminate the partition?
  • jnewman
    jnewman over 13 years
    Did this actually remove the hidden partition? (We have ~20 of these at work, came with Dell PCs, so this partition is wasting a good deal of space for us.) :(
  • No name
    No name over 13 years
    Nice! Just tried this and it worked great! Thank you! Note to others who might be thinking about trying this: /etc/fstab did not exist previously on my system; the above one-liner (or whatever other method you choose) creates it, and it is heeded upon next connection of the device.
  • No name
    No name over 13 years
    Hmm, it's perhaps worth noting, too, that removing /etc/fstab doesn't make it come back. Removing the line from /etc/fstab does, however.
  • kinokijuf
    kinokijuf over 12 years
    This doesn't really remove the partition, you know.
  • Rob
    Rob over 12 years
    Couldn't you just remove it with a partition manager like gparted or whatever there is for osx?
  • Mark E. Haase
    Mark E. Haase over 12 years
    Why does this have 32 upvotes? This doesn't answer the question at all.
  • Mark E. Haase
    Mark E. Haase over 12 years
    Neat idea, but you have do do this on each computer you use it on.
  • Mark E. Haase
    Mark E. Haase over 12 years
    Not on all versions, apparently. My mom's drive doesn't have VCD manager on the VCD itself. Even after downloading the VDC manager separately, it still won't work because the drive has a password. I know the password but I can't figure out how to remove it. WD has awful, awful customer service. Last WD drive I ever buy.
  • kinokijuf
    kinokijuf over 12 years
    It is not possible to pll out the HDD in recent versions. The USB controller is integrated on the drive.
  • strongriley
    strongriley almost 12 years
    VCD Manager kept saying the firmware wasn't upgraded :(