How do I require client certificates with a specific username / password in Apache?


The error 500 is due to wrongSSLUserName syntax — it should be written without %{...}:


But actually if you want to require basic auth and certificate name to match, you should remove SSLUserName (so that mod_ssl would not touch REMOTE_USER) and use:


Another option which might work better when used in the config file directly (not in .htaccess):

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^ - [F]

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Andrzej B.
Author by

Andrzej B.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Andrzej B.
    Andrzej B. over 1 year

    I have several clients certificates that my Apache httpd server requires clients to have (made using the instructions at I would like to have an authentication that also authenticates and allows only a client certificate to match a username/password combination.

    For example, if I have two client certificates with CN user1 and user2 and .htpasswd file


    I would like something like

    AuthName "Please enter your username and password"
    AuthType Basic
    AuthUserFile /path/.htpasswd
    require valid-user

    However, trying this results in 500 errors. What can I do?

    • Admin
      Admin about 9 years
      hi @cm007 did you manage to find a solution to this?
  • Andrzej B.
    Andrzej B. over 12 years
    I have <VirtualHost default:443> <Location /> AuthName "Please enter your username and password" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /path/.htpasswd require valid-user SSLRequire %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN} eq %{REMOTE_USER} </Location> </VirtualHost> but this gives a 403 error, and the authentication dialog never appears to the client. If I move the four lines about auth outside of the Location tag, then Apache says AuthName not allowed here.
  • Sergey Vlasov
    Sergey Vlasov over 12 years
    Is SSLVerifyClient require also specified? You may also try a mod_rewrite variant added to the answer.