How do I rotate the desktop on Windows XP?


Solution 1

This is a function of your video card drivers. Typically, the way to fix this is to go into the video card control center. For AMD (ATI) cards, this is typically the Catalyst Control Center, for NVidia, it's the NVIDIA Control Panel. I don't know what the name is for Intel. In any case, you're looking for an option like "Rotate Desktop" or "Rotate Display". Set it back to 0 degrees or landscape mode, and you should be fine.

Solution 2

Windows Screen Rotation

On rare occasions the Windows screen has accidentally rotated by pressing a certain specific key combination on an attached USB keyboard.

To set the rotation:

  • Hold the Ctrl + Alt buttons
  • Press up, down, left or right arrows
Author by


Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Tree
    Tree almost 2 years

    My angel pressed some thing and after that the Windows screen has rotated. It has become vertical. I have restarted, but it still shows the same.

    How to resolve this issue?

    • Traveling Tech Guy
      Traveling Tech Guy over 13 years
      You own an angel?? :)
    • Tree
      Tree over 13 years
      @Traveling Tech Guy + 1 - Do you have child ?
  • 100rabh
    100rabh over 13 years
    This is specific to those who have Intel IGPs.
  • studiohack
    studiohack over 13 years
    @Sathya is correct, this only works with Intel....
  • Ian McGowan
    Ian McGowan over 6 years
    True that this is specific to a particular graphics card, but it's the thing that always bites me when I sit down at someone else's PC. It's helpful to know that ctrl-alt-arrows can quickly get you back.