How to enable desktop background options


Microsoft has a Support Article on this problem here. There is 4 keys needed in the registry to enable/disable this functionality:

  • NoDispCPL
  • NoDispBackgroundPage
  • NoDispScrSavPage
  • NoDispSettingsPage

There is also two different registry keys that are affected:




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Updated on September 17, 2022


  • hanshenrik
    hanshenrik almost 2 years

    I have a PC where the desktop background options are disabled. I have tried resetting the ActiveDesktop - AllowChangingWallpaper (something like that) to no avail. There is no security enabled on the machine, it is running BitDefender after a recent trojan attack. That is all I know at the moment, but nowhere can I find any way to enable the background options.

    Machine is running XP Home.

  • hanshenrik
    hanshenrik almost 15 years
    gpedit.msc isn't found.
  • hanshenrik
    hanshenrik almost 15 years
    No, the customize button is present, but I'm not trying to customize active desktop. As I said, the options on the same tab as the button, i.e. for choosing a background, are disabled.
  • hanshenrik
    hanshenrik almost 15 years
    That is, when I try run it, I get the 'Isn't a command' error.
  • Snark
    Snark almost 15 years
    Strange, unless the Trojan messed up your Windows XP. gpedit.msc should be in \Windows\System32. From Start-Run, open mmc.exe. Go to File-Open and select gpedit.msc in \Windows\System32.
  • Polsy
    Polsy almost 15 years
    If it's XP Home, it won't have it
  • hanshenrik
    hanshenrik almost 15 years
    Hmm, @Polsy, if it's XP Home, surely there isn't a means of disabling the desktop background options?
  • Snark
    Snark almost 15 years
    So, ProfKaos, do you confirm you have XP Pro?
  • Polsy
    Polsy almost 15 years
    @ProfKaos The registry settings that the Group Policy editor causes to be set might still have the same effect in XP Home, even if you can't set them that way. I'm not sure, I don't have Home here to check.
  • hanshenrik
    hanshenrik almost 15 years
    I see the #128 contains the reg value 'HKCU\....\\ActiveDesktop] "NoChangingWallPaper"=dword:00000000', which I already did, but I'll try the whole package, thanks.
  • hanshenrik
    hanshenrik almost 15 years
    Also NoDispAppearance.