How do I search a generic TList<T> collection?


Solution 1

When you create the list you can pass in a comparer. There are some comparer classes in the Generics.Defaults unit where you can pass in some anonymous method to compare two elements. They are used for several methods like IndexOf, Contains or Sort.



  TActivityCategory = class
    FName: string;
    constructor Create(const Name: string);
    property Name: string read FName write FName;

constructor TActivityCategory.Create(const Name: string);
  FName := Name;

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  activities: TList<TActivityCategory>;
  search: TActivityCategory;
  activities := TObjectList<TActivityCategory>.Create(
      function(const Left, Right: TActivityCategory): Integer
        Result := CompareText(Left.Name, Right.Name);

  activities.Add(TActivityCategory.Create('Category B'));
  activities.Add(TActivityCategory.Create('Category C'));
  activities.Add(TActivityCategory.Create('Category A'));

  search := TActivityCategory.Create('Category C');
  if activities.Contains(search) then

  ShowMessageFmt('Index: %d', [activities.IndexOf(search)]);
  ShowMessageFmt('Index: %d', [activities.IndexOf(search)]);

  search.Name := 'Category D';
  if not activities.Contains(search) then
    ShowMessage('not found');


Solution 2

To be perfectly frank, and considering all the boiler plate required for a comparer based approach, it may just be simplest to write your own search routine:

  TActivityCategoryList = class(TList<TActivityCategory>)
    function Find(const Name: string): Integer;

function TActivityCategoryList.Find(const Name: string): Integer;
  for Result := 0 to Count-1 do
    if Self[Result].Name=Name then
  Result := -1;

Solution 3

If you don't have an instance to search for, you have to do your own search. There are three basic ways to do this:

  • Binary search: Implement your own binary search. This will only work if the list is sorted.
  • Linear search: Implement your own linear search. This will always work, but on large lists it's significantly slower than a binary search.
  • Dictionary lookup: Maintain a TDictionary<string, TActivityCategory> alongside the list. No searching required, though you need to write some code to keep the two in sync.
Thomas Jaeger
Author by

Thomas Jaeger

I'm a passionate, almost fanatic, software designer and creator. My expertise lies in understanding users' problems and translating these problems into beautiful solutions that make people happy and at the end, makes their life's a little better. These problems are really opportunities to empower users and eliminate the drudgery. I'm against the status quo. I live against the status quo because, in my opinion, creative and innovative solutions are not created following a linear approach but come, in part, from a broad experience and an innovative mind. Check out my open source project for Visual MASM IDE for Microsoft MASM at

Updated on July 20, 2022


  • Thomas Jaeger
    Thomas Jaeger almost 2 years

    Possible Duplicate:
    How can I search a generic TList for a record with a certain field value?

    I have a collection of


    TActivityCategory has a Name property of type string and I want to search the TList using the Name property.

    I see BinarySearch in the TList<> but that would require an instance of TActivityCategory. I just want to pass the string for a name.

    How would I go about doing this?

  • David Heffernan
    David Heffernan over 12 years
    TList<T> can do this fine with a custom comparer
  • Thomas Jaeger
    Thomas Jaeger over 12 years
    I like the Dictionary lookup idea but it seems that there must be a more elegant solution.
  • Conrad Hildebrand
    Conrad Hildebrand over 12 years
    If you don't have an instance, you can just create one. You only have to set the fields you actually use in your provided comparer.
  • Thomas Jaeger
    Thomas Jaeger over 12 years
    Would you mind showing an example?
  • Sam
    Sam over 12 years
    You can pass in your comparer but IComparer requires that both sides of the comparison must be instances of the specialized type. If I understood it correctly, the OP wants to avoid creating an instance for the purpose of searching; here's my attempt (as an answer to a similar question).
  • Stefan Glienke
    Stefan Glienke over 12 years
    @TOndrej: My answer is considering the comments to Masons answer
  • Stefan Glienke
    Stefan Glienke over 12 years
    Yeah, and when you are done someone thinks it would be a nice idea to have that list sorted by category name... whoops
  • David Heffernan
    David Heffernan over 12 years
    @Stefan I suppose my answer is born of frustration from known what the solution would be in C#. Delphi and its library just aren't composable enough. The fact that the comparer has to be assigned at list creation time is a killer. How do you use that approach to search the same list by name and category? Is there a library function that we have missed?
  • Stefan Glienke
    Stefan Glienke over 12 years
    No and that is why everyone that is seriously working with lists and doing more than storing things in it like searching by different criteria should forget about the built-in generic lists and look at Collections or Spring. They both have things similar to the IEnumerable<T> extension methods in C#.
  • David Heffernan
    David Heffernan over 12 years
    @Stefan Thanks a lot for the tip. I will take a look at those libraries.