How do I stop all processes in a chroot?


I don't trust anything but the kernel to keep a sane state here, so I don't (ab)use init to get this job done, nor do I count on myself actually knowing what is or isn't mounted (some packages can mount extra filesystems, like binfmt_misc). So, for process slaughter, I use:


for ROOT in /proc/*/root; do
    LINK=$(readlink $ROOT)
    if [ "x$LINK" != "x" ]; then
        if [ "x${LINK:0:${#PREFIX}}" = "x$PREFIX" ]; then
            # this process is in the chroot...
            PID=$(basename $(dirname "$ROOT"))
            kill -9 "$PID"

if [ "x$FOUND" = "x1" ]; then
    # repeat the above, the script I'm cargo-culting this from just re-execs itself

And for umounting chroots, I use:


while grep -q "$PREFIX" /proc/mounts; do
    if [ $COUNT -ge 20 ]; then
        echo "failed to umount $PREFIX"
        if [ -x /usr/bin/lsof ]; then
            /usr/bin/lsof "$PREFIX"
        exit 1
    grep "$PREFIX" /proc/mounts | \
        cut -d\  -f2 | LANG=C sort -r | xargs -r -n 1 umount || sleep 1

As an addendum, I'd point out that approaching this as an init problem is probably the wrong way to look at it, unless you actually have an init in the chroot and a separate process space (ie: in the case of LXC containers). With a single init (outside the chroot), and a shared process space, this is no longer "init's problem", but rather just up to you to find the processes that happen to have the offending path, hence the above proc walk.

It's not clear from your initial post if these are fully-bootable systems that you're just upgrading externally (which is how I read it), or if they're chroots that you use for things like package builds. If it's the latter, you might also want a policy-rc.d in place (like the one dropped in by mk-sbuild) that just forbids init jobs starting in the first place. Obviously, that's not a sane solution if these are meant to be bootable systems as well.


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Jeremy Kerr
Author by

Jeremy Kerr

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Jeremy Kerr
    Jeremy Kerr almost 2 years

    I have a number of LVM partitions, each containing an Ubuntu installation. Occasionally, I want to do an apt-get dist-upgrade, to update an installation to the most recent packages. I do this with chroot - the process is usually something like:

    $ sudo mount /dev/local/chroot-0 /mnt/chroot-0
    $ sudo chroot /mnt/chroot-0 sh -c 'apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade'
    $ sudo umount /mnt/chroot-0

    [ not shown: I also mount and unmount /mnt/chroot-0/{dev,sys,proc} as bind-mounts to the real /dev, /sys and /proc, as the dist-upgrade seems to expect these to be present ]

    However, after upgrading to precise, this process no longer works - the final umount will fail because there are still open files on the /mnt/chroot-0 filesystem. lsof confirms that there are processes with open files in the chroot. These processes have been started during the dist-upgrade, I'm assuming this is because certain services in the chroot need to be restarted (eg, through service postgresql restart) after the package is upgraded.

    So, I figure I need to tell upstart to stop all the services that are running within this chroot. Is there a way to reliably do this?

    I've tried:

    cat <<EOF | sudo chroot /mnt/chroot-0 /bin/sh
    # stop 'initctl' services 
    initctl list | awk '/start\/running/ {print \$1}' | xargs -n1 -r initctl stop

    Where initctl list seems to do the right thing and only list processes that have been started in this particular root. I've tried adding this too, as suggested by Tuminoid:

    cat <<EOF | sudo chroot /mnt/chroot-0 /bin/sh
    # stop 'service' services
    service --status-all 2>/dev/null |
        awk '/^ \[ \+ \]/ { print \$4}' |
        while read s; do service \$s stop; done

    However, these doesn't seem to catch everything; processes that have daemonised and been reparented to PID 1 don't get stopped. I've also tried:

    sudo chroot /mnt/chroot-0 telinit 0

    But in this case, init doesn't distinguish between the separate roots and shuts down the entire machine.

    So, is there any way to tell init to stop all processes in a particular chroot, so that I can safely unmount the filesystem? Does upstart have any facility to SIGTERM/SIGKILL all child processes (as would be done during regular shutdown) within a chroot?

    • Admin
      Admin almost 12 years
      This isn’t an answer to your actual question, but might be helpful: I recommend looking at the lxc package. lxc provides easy tools to start up and cleanly shut down instances in containers.
  • Jeremy Kerr
    Jeremy Kerr almost 12 years
    Ah, thanks. It's almost better, but that doesn't cover all services either. I've run sudo chroot /mnt/chroot-0 service --list-all and sudo chroot /mnt/chroot-0 initctl list, which both report no services running. However, /usr/bin/epmd (from erlang-base) is still running.
  • Jeremy Kerr
    Jeremy Kerr almost 12 years
    They're bootable systems, but policy-rc.d looks like an interesting approach (I could simply remove it after interacting with the chroot). Does this affect both /etc/rc*.d- and /etc/init/*.conf-style jobs?
  • infinity
    infinity almost 12 years
    Neither upstart nor sysvinit "consult policy-rc.d", it's invoke-rc.d that does so, which all postinst scripts are meant to use to interact with init jobs. In practice, it seems to DTRT, except in the case of broken packages (which should be fixed). Still, the above "purge with fire" scripting does the job, whether the issue is something slipping past policy, no policy being in place, or a long-running process of some other sort being left around (the major use-case for the buildds here are things backgrounded during the build itself or otherwise unparented from sbuild).
  • SpamapS
    SpamapS almost 12 years
    One problem with trying to work around utpstart's chroot support. I'm fairly certain kill -9 will not prevent upstart from respawning the upstart job if it has respawn specified. So you really do still need to interrogate upstart from inside the chroot to find out if things are still running. I think this is pretty unfortunate, and we should have some way from outside chroots to kill off these jobs. That said I do see where the initctl list/awk/grep approach + yours should be complete.
  • Jeremy Kerr
    Jeremy Kerr almost 12 years
    @SpamapS: good point - killing init jobs manually does indeed result in them being restarted. Would be great to be able to tell upstart to perform a chroot-specific shutdown, stopping defined jobs, and then killing any remaining reparented process that have a root directory within the chroot.
  • please delete me
    please delete me almost 10 years
    It might be helpful to explain how using schroot over chroot can help solve the OP's problem.